Mike Otherz
All Star
No he's right . In Star Wars black isn't a thing
it is a black thing once its released into the real world though breh. nikkaz acting like this film is being made in a vacuum of color blind racial equality. there is a reason racists were calling john boyega a ****** when they found out he was playing a lead character, and were calling him a ****** on twitter after the film was released. that is the world it is being released into. so this color blind star wars universe that george lucas and jj abrams created in outer space is some naive wish fulfilment. people watching force awakens are gonna take its ideas and apply it in the real world. why was it so important for rey to be a badass if it wasnt meant to have real world consequences for white girls ... kathleen kennedy said that with her own mouth at one of those geek/nerd conventions to hype the film.