Dr. Narcisse
No offense but screw your hopes. This happens soooo many times in manga series I read where the fanbase will create their own narrative of what something is/should be and build up absurd expectations, so that when the actual thing comes they'll be dissapointed and take it out on the character or say the mangaka is trying to shyt on said characters when really you just built this up to disappoint yourself.
What do you mean by "not as heroic as we were lead to believe", I'm legitimately confused. Like what do you actually believe, other than the Jedi thing, that the trailers were leading you to believe about Finn's character that the movie pulled the rug out from under you on, and did you think or want them to give you a full picture of the character?
I admit that I'm biased in this, because despite being black, growing up I never felt any way about racial representation in the media (though I have argued with people that race and gender based representation is very important for children and know that it's proven in academia) and still don't so I have that disconnect that may lead to me being wrongly dismissive.
In fact I just had a discussion over this the other day in relation to an absurd amount of Harry Potter fans, black and white, arguing that book Hermione is a black girl or changing the way they always imagined her to a black girl, and I tried to be understanding but I don't get why people feel so strongly about it, well I get it, but it doesn't resonate with me.
(I support increasing racial diversity in new films like in this star wars, comic adaptations, and other thing's)
So when I see Finn I don't have this added massive weight where he has this expectation to live up to as a black man, but everything about him is just great in my mind no matter how hard I try to scrutinize him.
He's exactly the type of character Ive fallen in love with in my favorite series in archetype, and if I was a kid watching this movie he'd be my favorite just like he is now, and I don't see why black kids wouldn't admire him.
All this racial imagery that people are finding isn't racial imagery imo, I think people like Tariq are being hypersensitive about the movie and want to find aspects of Finn and Finn and Rey's relationship they can complain about.
The only thing I can buy, though it's not really in film imagery, is white female representation being made into a priority over black male representation.
I guess Finn should have just been Denzel-lite.
No offense, but screw your thoughts about my or others hopes

We agree to disagree

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