The "Sanitation" line stemmed from this?
Did JJ reference good friend Kevin Smith's movie Clerks?
That's a rumor. Kevin said someone mentioned it to him but he doubts it's true but of course he would cause he's a sometimes humble dude.
The "Sanitation" line stemmed from this?
Did JJ reference good friend Kevin Smith's movie Clerks?
How is a character who was originally written to die at the beginning of this film the "new Han"? Their personalities aren't alike at all can we stop these shytty comparisonsPoe is most definitely the new Han. He's the ace, confident, charismatic super pilot who's role will be larger in the next one
Why did it have to be Finn's first battle?, why couldn't he have been an experienced, competent and Elite Stormtrooper? similar to how Poe was an experienced, competent and elite resistance fighter who could fly X-Wings and destroy bases. Come on son you can't be this dense :WHAT!:
a decent quality cam is out now if you look on torrent sites, so if you're interested... it's out there.
i'm about to get lifted and watch this shyt again. now that the hype (and the fear that it might suck) has worn off... i'll probably be able to enjoy the movie more.
hoping i can come to terms with the story.
I'm stillthat was my only problem with him brehhe went from gully beating on himself like a G to catching an L from scavenger scum
that moment for me will be like bane going out like a punk in TDKR for many others
How is a character who was originally written to die at the beginning of this film the "new Han"? Their personalities aren't alike at all can we stop these shytty comparisons
I just watched it, it's a damn good copy.
Because then Finn would have been a murderer of dozens, hundreds. That's the only alternative. Him being elite throughout training but having no combat experience is the ideal option.I've already told you how he is, it's in the post you quoted, read-up. Was he killed off? nope, so all that coulda, woulda, shoulda business is irrelevant. He wasn't. Is he confirmed for the sequel? yep, will have a bigger role? of course he will.
Why wouldn't their be comparisons when the movie was nothing but a soft reboot of A New Hope with new faces and slight alterations
I guess BB8 shouldn't be compared to R2D2
Seeing how you didn't answer my question regarding Finn, I'm gonna re-up it and ask it again
Why did it have to be Finn's first battle?, why couldn't he have been an experienced, competent and Elite Stormtrooper? similar to how Poe was an experienced, competent and elite resistance fighter who could fly X-Wings and destroy bases?
Some of you have no problem with Rey being Mary Sue, going as far to call her "great new character" but some of us suggesting that Finn should have been a boss or simply competent, it's suddenlyand becomes about "development" and "future movies"
At least 130 pages of this has been dedicated to this BS complaining about Finn, instead of an actual discussion of the plot of the movie and where it will go from hereThread ruined![]()
Because I said so. fukk Star Wars loreWhy would Finn know how to fly anything when he's wearing white. Pilots wear black:
He's not a mechanic
Black representation matters...and they fukkED UP here.At least 130 pages of this has been dedicated to this BS complaining about Finn, instead of an actual discussion of the plot of the movie and where it will go from here![]()
Of course. I just thought after 100 pages we could have agreed to disagree on FinnBlack representation matters...and they fukkED UP here.
Of course TheColi is gonna talk about it.
None of these white, geek-centric outlets seem to care, so excuse us for wanting to discuss it a bit.