- Rey is a skilled pilot in contrast to Finn, who can’t fly at all and needs her to help him get around.
- Finn doesn't know any languages besides English (Aurebesh), which was used to contrast him with Rey, who spoke Wookiee, "BB-8 droid" and whatever language that alien who had captured BB-8 spoke.
- Rey’s mechanical skills are contrasted with Finn’s lack of skills in this area when she requests a tool that he doesn’t know anything about. However, it’s further highlighted how unskilled he is when he can’t even find the VERY OBJECT she’s clearly pointing towards, and then he requires BB-8 to point it out for him.
- Rey’s quality Falcon piloting and mechanical skills (scene w/ Han) are contrasted with Finn’s buffoonery as he struggles to patch up Chewie in the back. (Strange how they reference Chewie choking Lando.) Chewie’s only shot in the arm in order to show off how skilled Rey is to Han.
- Finn was only (or mostly) given a lightsaber in order to hand it to Rey. He’s a lightsaber caddy. The one time he effectively used it was when he snuck up on an enemy. Every time he faced a prepared foe, he eventually got his butt kicked and required saving. This is in direct contrast to Rey, who not only defends herself effectively while fleeing Kylo, she actually bests him and lands a scar on his face.
- Finn’s early attempts to save Rey are thwarted to show how she doesn’t really need his help. The one time he directly saves her from an air strike, he ends up unconscious and looking foolish as he asks her if she’s okay after she wakes him up. The laughter had is at the expense of the character.
- While Rey appreciates Finn coming to rescue her on Starkiller Base, it’s really not necessary. Left to her own devices, she could’ve easily found a ship to pilot her way off the planet. Finn is ultimately there to get his butt handed to him before *BIG REVEAL MOMENT* Rey shows off her newfound skills with the lightsaber. Even the marketing PURPOSELY misdirected audiences with images of how awesome Finn looked with the saber. SMH.
- While Rey deeply cares about Finn, she definitely doesn’t obsess/fanboy over him like he does for her. She’s a strong, independent woman while he’s behaves more like a lost puppy with heart.
- I love Rey, but her skills and independence are heavily contrasted with Finn’s in order to make her look even better. She has or ends up with all sorts of useful skills (pilot, mechanics, awakened Force training, etc.) while he’s mostly just good with a blaster.
- A lot of Finn’s unskilled behavior are played up for laughs, like him being a sanitation worker or having trouble patching up Chewie. How often was Rey made the butt of the joke for laughs?
- The one time Rey made a mistake by releasing the monsters on Han's freighter, she ends up solving the problem herself and even needs to save Finn. Again.
- While Rey gets to begin the next leg of her journey with the Force, Finn is left unconscious with the Resistance. Also, she pretty much embarrasses him by “friend-zoning” him with a kiss on the forehead. I can't blame her though. Finn isn't the kind of guy most women are interested in.
- Rey’s not perfect, and Finn does have his moments, which are necessary for Rey to complete her journey. However, I can’t help but look at this collection of moments to see how Finn was made to look bad in order to highlight Rey’s awesomeness. It's no wonder why they spend so much time together. I just wish it wasn't so one-sided.
So, what do you guys think? While I still love Finn, the more I think about the details of this character in contrast with Rey, the more messed up it seems. Even if you remove the factor of race, it still makes him look mostly like a joke in order to make Rey look better. I don't mind Rey being more skilled than Finn. However, the contrast between the two is way too extreme.