Look everyone entitled to feel what they want about Finn. Me personally I still stand by my statement that Finn is the most fleshed out character and had the best arc. The man started out basically a low level solider to fighting the Boss of the First Order. Finn being in a coma is basically playing off Han being in Carbonite (Basically a coma) in "Empire", I also see shades of Neo in "Matrix Reloaed". Meaning basically the Force will probably wake him up. Just because Finn didn't move anything with his mind doesn't mean he didn't have the Force. They didn't fill in all the blanks for all the characters purposefully because this is a Trilogy not one movie. Also if you notice throughout the film Finn is wearing "Black" which plays off the fact he was darkside. By the last scene he is in full white on the table which I believe symbolises him accepting the lightside of the force. I find it funny people are acting like "Why wasn't he a Jedi"?.
Luke was not a Jedi "Hope" or "Empire" It wasn't until "Return of the Jedi", the 3rd film in the franchise. Anakin was not a Jedi in "Episode I" until 10 years later in "Episode II" and even then he was still clearly trainning. Even in this film, Rey is nowhere NEAR a Jedi. This isn't the prequels where there are 1,000's of Jedi and a Jedi Temple to train people. There is litterally 1 Jedi in the damn galaxy and most of his students turned evil including his nephew before we even know who Rey and Finn are. Nobody gets to be a Jedi off the bat, it's always been a process that takes tranning. How is Rey or Finn suppose to be "Jedi" in this movie when Luke doesn't show up until the last scene? Luke is the last Jedi. He trainned Kylo before Snoke got to him. Who teaches them to understand their force abilities? This movie was about Rey and Finn awakening to the Force. It was about their potential and raw talent. They obviously will have to be trainned in the next films. In the Prequels it was the Jedi in their prime so that's not even a comparison.
They set up Finn's arc well for 8 and 9. Also why are people saying, "Why is he sweating". He was on a desert planet with 3 Suns wearing all black and stormtrooper gear after just surviving a damn plane crash. So he was suppose to come out that looking fresh like he got out the shower, lol. The bottom line is this, When it came down to it, Finn the "Stormtrooper" with Anakin Saber took on Anakin's Grandson while trying to protect Anakin's Granddaughter. The force was definitely with him. This is about the Skywalker Grandchildern. It seems people want this to not be a Skywalker story. If you think someone without Skywalker Blood would be the focal point than you didn't watch 1-6. Even then Finn character is flehsed out far more than Poe and even Rey. All the new characters have questions with their backgrounds, obviously to be answered in the sequels. It is and will always be about the Skywalkers period when we are dealing with the "Episodes" of the Saga. Finn was basically welcomed into the Skywalker family in this Episode.