Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I can't remember because I left the thread after I read it. Whoever it was needs to reveal themselves:ufdup:

Tariq Nasheed basically said they casted him because he's not handsome and has "c00n features":snoop:


If he looks like Sambo so does Denzel:russ:. How do you look at a another black man and say that?
Tariq be saying suspect shyt about certain black features sometimes and he a strong supporter of the one drop rule.

I remember one time Tariq said aa don't look like no Africans at Africa.:dahell:
Lets just say I have never seen such blatant misrepresentation of something in order to fit an agenda:mjlol:

For your own sake dont go in there:lupe:
Mind you majority have not yet seen or was not gonna see the movie even when they thought he was a Jedi.:pachaha:

Manuel Hot Pepper Lopez

cac this, cac that, c00n this c00n that
Oct 5, 2012
Black and male, yes :dahell:

No one bytched about lupita getting a role, or zoe salanda in GotG. They arent threatened by bw. But they sure did raised hell when Idris played a Norse god. And they were so happy when FINN was reduced to comedy relief and accomplished NOTHING in the first film. Bu bu bu give it time :troll:
Ok Conspiracy Brother.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Y'all still talking about Finn?:martin:
No one's even introducing any new analysis just the same "space janitor" line. I still can't believe someone said Boyega has "Sambo features":mindblown:

Who said that?:wtf:

Lol he was basically friendzoned after the movie. I bet Poe has a better chance of being the love interest then Finn even if they had no interaction and thats the point. There were no redeeming qualities about Boyega's character at all. He was cowardly and got his ass kicked throughout the movie I mean just look at the actor himself. Hes not overtly handsome for a male lead like the Capt Kirt/Spock actor, Thor actor, or all thoze pretty white male characters before him. They delibretly chose a actor with overtly samboish features to further prove their point. And to make him a cowardly eunich gave such relief to the racist fans and bloggers to calm their fears of a black man saving humanity.

Always was big-eyed in the film.

Had a scared look throughout the film, skittish behavior.

Got his ass kicked through out the film

It really showed when Ren was kidnapped and takened by Kylo. His scream: REEEEEEEEENNNNN!!!!!

Bottomline, they did NOT want a black male that would challange a white character in terms of charisma and masculinity. As i said before they knew what they were doing. Yall dont see what they were doing. They were making a mockery of black males in this Finn role. Its not Boyega's fault he looks like that, but the fact that the filmakers make a role to emphacized the scared, wide-eyed negro who was chasing a white chick, told me all that I need to know about Abrams and Disney.


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I'll be honest I thought his best moment in the film was the fight with Kylo ren
Everything else was kinda working up to Finn not running anymore and standing and fighting
He lost that shyt quick though and the biggest WTF to me is that they kept him in a coma as a plot device
They held his character back because by any logical narrative extension he would have followed Rey to meet Luke and the writers obviously wanted Rey to be the only character to have that moment.
Finn won't elevate to the levels I want his character to achieve if they keep holding him back to push Rey over him.
This is a legit concern I can't blame you for.

Rey was to mary sue in the movie, I still don't know they made her so op.

My theory she might turn to the dark side in the next sequel for a big wtf plot twist.


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
Was going to make a thread about this but didn't want to spoil the film with a Title so here it goes:

Whether you appreciated Finn's character or not, let's be honest we all got fooled by the marketing of Force Awakens. Instead of having a bad ass black Jedi we got an "everyman" character, which is still a bait and switch. I've actually defended Finn's importance in the movie many times but that still can't be overlooked.

Now we all know BP is getting a solo movie but I just wonder how he'll be treated by the time Infinity War comes around. While he's actually smarter than Tony and Stronger than Cap, I can't help but think he'll be downplayed.

Am I wrong to be worried or am I just being caught in the moment and reading too many Finn thinkpieces?


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Always was big-eyed in the film.

Had a scared look throughout the film, skittish behavior.

Got his ass kicked through out the film

It really showed when Ren was kidnapped and takened by Kylo. His scream: REEEEEEEEENNNNN!!!!!

Bottomline, they did NOT want a black male that would challange a white character in terms of charisma and masculinity. As i said before they knew what they were doing. Yall dont see what they were doing. They were making a mockery of black males in this Finn role. Its not Boyega's fault he looks like that, but the fact that the filmakers make a role to emphacized the scared, wide-eyed negro who was chasing a white chick, told me all that I need to know about Abrams and Disney.
I'm done brehs:dead:


May 7, 2012
thats what i'd hope for to but how they portrayed him in episode 7, he's away from the FO which is one check on his checklist, the other is Rey. so even though she thankfully is atleast reciprocating the feelings, they are setting him up to be looking for her for the first half hour while they write her character growth via training with the mystical luke skywalker

so again, we'll see but given hollywoods history im not about to just give them the benefit of the doubt

Nothing about Hollywood's history gives me any reason to trust them fam :russ:, so I'm right with ya with no delusion with how it may play out. But all this waiting for ep 8 is bullshyt sentiment by others... well then drop the franchise and move on. :manny:

But the point isn't to look the other way and "just wait". I'm all for the criticizing and the hyper-tokenism dissection rabble... b/c social media is loud, snowball-ish and influential. Just look at how they changed the Avengers team from cacfest to "colorful" at the end of AoU and then expedited Panther's appearance to Civil War.

So i hope it gets loud and unavoidable (and purposeful), and causes Disney to take notice. But we're not going to know until ep 8 and the first leaked review. I dropped the Walking Dead 2 years ago the second i saw they weren't going to treat Tyresse any better than the other black folks; I no longer talk about that franchise now. I'll drop Justice League the second I learn that John Stewart isn't the GL. Ep8, I have to hear that Finn made a big leap or I wouldn't bother paying, and will move on as well.

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
So my thoughts on the movie

Compared to the prequels, the acting was leaps above and just quality throughout. The humor was appropriate and not forced like the prequel movies. Scenes focused on the actors, instead of forcing CGI sets in our faces with a bunch of moving parts to take away from the scene.

The story was a bit lackluster for my liking. It felt like a modernized version of a new hope to the point where I was predicting things before it occurred, just with a new family arc. The droid holding info, the force sensitive loner who finds the droid, even the part where Han dies seemed to pay homage to the part where Luke first met Vader and learned about him being his son. I hopersonally the next movie isn't an episode 5 remake and will use this as a launching pad into a different plot instead of following the original trilogy.

As for the characters, I enjoyed them all except Rey. It's not that her acting was bad, she's just entirely too perfect. She doesn't need help because she can do anything the plot put her against.

-I've been living on Jakku by myself for years with no help for years somehow
-Oh well need a ship to escape, I can go from piloting speeder bikes to the fastest ship in the galaxy (that first falcon sequence was probably my favorite part of the movie btw.)
-I know the intricacies of not only the falcon, but many of the First Order structures because I've scavenged a star destroyer?
-Kylo reminds me I'm force sensative? I become as powerful with the force in the span of the few hours of me walking around the base

And there are probably more things that could be listed. She had a 2 minute "struggle" of accepting who she was, which was her only sign of flaw or weakness. I get it Disney, you want a strong female lead, but that doesn't mean she needs to be free of any character flaws.

Overall, it was a great movie. Again, I hope this is a launching pad rather that a sign of things to come. Also they really need to flesh out Rey's character a bit more, maybe use her desire to find whoever left her on Jakku, as a flaw that creates some sort of internal conflict for Rey.


All Star
Jul 29, 2013
I was hot about the way Finn was done until I realized that if the character was white people would be only focusing on how overpowered Rey is. John Boyega's Finn gave a beating heart to the film and saved it from being just another comic book movie because Rey was made into OP by the feminist head of LFL, KK. Finn was an avatar for the viewer to be able to insert himself in the story. This is Staw Wars, not some bullshyt comic book with paper thin characters that compile Ws and Ls like a mortal kombat session. This isn't the WWE where parts are written to fit the personalities. This isn't scott pilgrim vs the world where exp is accrued and 1ups are stockpiled. This is the Skywalker's story. The misdirection was to protect the truth that Rey is the core of this new Trilogy.

I think there is a legit gripe on the classic JJ Abrams mystery box storytelling and misdirection by Disney and LFL on the ad campaign but beyond that, people are just going to have to accept that Boyega was right for the role which was not written for a Black man and believe that LFL will give him a true hero's journey or keep it moving. This endless crying is pathetic and annoying to those of us who appreciated the character of Finn. It's probably a huge distraction to John who is now getting ready to begin shooting on ep VIII in a week or two. Let a brotha cook.


May 20, 2012
Was going to make a thread about this but didn't want to spoil the film with a Title so here it goes:

Whether you appreciated Finn's character or not, let's be honest we all got fooled by the marketing of Force Awakens. Instead of having a bad ass black Jedi we got an "everyman" character, which is still a bait and switch. I've actually defended Finn's importance in the movie many times but that still can't be overlooked.

Now we all know BP is getting a solo movie but I just wonder how he'll be treated by the time Infinity War comes around. While he's actually smarter than Tony and Stronger than Cap, I can't help but think he'll be downplayed.

Am I wrong to be worried or am I just being caught in the moment and reading too many Finn thinkpieces?

Im glad you brought up black panther. Unless spike lee or someone like that is tapped to direct it you can all but garuntee its gonna be some bullshyt. There is no way they will give a strong black character his own movie without giving him a major flaw. And i garuntee it will be a major flaw..

Just the imagery of an uncompromised intellegent and strong black male character is a direct challenge to white supremacy. I wouldnt be surprised if they make his character a homosexual or something when he is not kickin ass in the suit. This is Disney. They have no interest or history in promoting strong black images.

Manuel Hot Pepper Lopez

cac this, cac that, c00n this c00n that
Oct 5, 2012
I was hot about the way Finn was done until I realized that if the character was white people would be only focusing on how overpowered Rey is. John Boyega's Finn gave a beating heart to the film and saved it from being just another comic book movie because Rey was OP'd by command of KK. Finn was an avatar for the viewer to be able to insert himself in the story. This is Staw Wars, not some bullshyt comic book with paper thin characters that compile Ws and Ls like a mortal kombat session. This isn't the WWE where parts are written to fit the personalities. This isn't scott pilgrim vs the world where exp is accrued and 1ups are stockpiled. This is the Skywalker's story. The misdirection was to protect the truth that Rey is the core of this new Trilogy.

I think there is a legit gripe on the classic JJ Abrams mystery box storytelling and misdirection by Disney and LFL on the ad campaign but beyond that, people are just going to have to accept that Boyega was right for the role which was not written for a Black man and believe that LFL will give him a true hero's journey or keep it moving. This endless crying is pathetic and annoying to those of us who appreciated the character of Finn. It's probably a huge distraction to John who is now getting ready to begin shooting on ep VIII in a week or two. Let a brotha cook.

Yeah man. I don't know if the coli is aware lol, but Scripts for movies are written before actors are even considered for the characters most the time. Unless somebody can prove the character of Finn was written with the sole purpose of degrading a black men, all this talk just makes nikkas look crazy