Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Underwhelmed, brehs... mad underwhelmed. That doesn't even have anything to do with the major issue most of us are having, either. That review posted by @Drew Wonder a few posts ago was dead-on accurate.

shyt felt like the first episode of a 10 part HBO series, and not a trilogy of movies to come out once every three years :hmm:

I'm going to take the exact opposite opinion and say it was just right. This is back to what Star Wars is/was. Star Wars is not Independence Day. Its not Revenge of the Sith. Star Wars, IMO is more like Rebels. Smaller skirmishes. Individuals struggling to find themselves getting swept up into an episode of forces bigger than them. Not the epic swath of entire galactic war that the Prequels were trying to tell. Just right. I'm glad I watched them all again this week, because it reminded me of what we knew Star Wars as before 2002. Even TPM(despite Jar Jar) more accurately captured that universe than the rest of the prequels. I think the more sweeping EU and Eps II and III + Clone Wars sort of got us out of what I grew up loving. Ep 7 and Rebels has gotten it back to what Star Wars is.

Also, I know have issues with the board's major issue

While I still agree that there was an agenda with the ad campaign, I can't extend the "jobber" or "comic-relief titles to Finn. I can't label him sidekick. I can't label him as a simp. I guess I will go in chronological order. Finn was actually skilled with a blaster and guns on the Falcon and the TIE fighter. Can't ignore that he shot down the guns and multiple ships despite never taking the guns of either ship. When Finn actually got a blaster, he offed a few stormtroopers. While he was bested by the stormtrooper with the melee stick, he also killed a trooper with the saber. Funny that it wasn't mentioned that Finn, along with both of those gangs were taken by the creature. This was less comical than I was expecting(which was something akin to Will Smith in MIB) Also wasn't mentioned that the entire cast is actually pretty funny. Finn was also far more knowledgeable and provided the Resistance with a plan to take the base. Some made it seem like he was totally incompetent in this situation. No, he provided the plan and how to stop Starkiller base. Rey was made out to be perfect by some. She was good at a lot of things. Reminded me of Anakin. But she also lacked confidence, panicked at times and didn't know much. She and Finn were kind of parallels in most ways. He was more brave despite not having special powers. She was afraid despite having those powers. Maz also didn't call him a coward. She sarcastically said he had the eyes of someone that wanted to run after he told them they needed to run. As for the garbage detail, he mentioned that the Jakku invasion was his first combat, so that wouldn't surprise that he had garbage detail at some point. Maybe I'm just a c00n. But I went in with my sociological eyes, ready to rip this character apart, and found a well acted part. A brave dude. A dude that had skills with a blaster or ship guns. And I will say, I didn't get the impression of friendzone either. Was she supposed to kiss dude on the lips while he was in a coma? My gf, who knew nothing coming in was really convinced that she was falling for dude. So did the chicks in front of us. I will say it was inbetween gratitude towards the only person she's ever felt cared for her and maybe not understanding she was falling for him a little. I'm surprised it worked.

And lastly, the saber fight. Finn put up a fierce fight. Better than Rey, until Kylo starting talking shyt about training her and the force. Again, I was surprised by Boyega's character after all of the concerns. I know some will see it the same way, but I just didn't even when I feel like I was down on the movie going in and looking hard and just waiting to cringe and perhaps even walk out.


Jul 6, 2014
Knowing his age would help... I'm guessing late 20s.
Has to be considering Rey was likely dropped on Jakku after the academy massacre, which must have been maybe 15 years prior to TFA.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Niccaz talking about how much it feels like the OG...that's because most of it is a direct copy of the OG movie.

I swear if George Lucas would've pulled half this stuff with one of the prequels he would've been crucified for it.

And I loved the movie :manny:

But it's not some next level shyt.


Jul 7, 2012
The Finn slander was definitely overblown. The way people talked about him before I saw the film, I thought he was gonna be carrying Rey's bags. lol

Finn was definitely the best character in the film.

The interpretations of Finn's character seem to vary quite a bit from person to person. Some feel he was useless, some think he was the heart, some think he was a more likable Jar Jar .etc.

Da Rhythm Rebel

All Star
May 2, 2012
Strong Island
call me crazy but i'm a convinced that they might be half brother & sister thus making them both Skywalkers. I mean its pretty obvious that Rey is a Skywalker (good pilot, strong in the force, etc.) But I remember reading a few weeks ago, Kathleen Kennedy saying the scariest or creepiest part of the OT was that Luke & Leia kissed each other.

The part where Rey kissed Finn on the forehead may be :mjpls: to some, but that seemed so intentional to have her not kiss Finn on the lips right there so as to not repeat what Leia and Luke kissing from the OT. Plus its interesting to me that both Rey & Finn seem to have a similar story when it comes to their parents...Finn even mentioned being taken away from a family he never knew, and Rey whose parents left her on Jakku. Luke may be their father, but who is their mother(s)? Perhaps as kids Rey & Finn (along with Kylo/Ben) were Luke's apprentices


Sep 7, 2015
I thought it was dope. Yeah some plot points are re-hashed but it felt like a legit Star Wars movie. It actually had heart and characters I gave a shyt about. It leaves a lot of questions that should have people even more pumped for the next movie.