Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


Jul 6, 2014
Coward, runner, scared, whatever. The point was that she has no respect for that nikka and ain't about to be no mentor....:lolbron:

And before y'all bring it up...she gives him the saber because she knows it's gonna end up in Rey's hands. PLOT DEVICE.


Yeah I've seen this all over the net.

People keep accusing others of being "militant", but there you have (I'm assuming) mostly white people talking about some of the same issues.
You can't discount it just because it's a plot device. And there's a huge difference between "coward" and "wanting to run" (at that point).


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
Swiggy, what do you think of my assessment? Too harsh?

I'm gonna respond to paragraphs as I read them, and put a number on each response :laugh:

1. Getting thrown into the world is like swinging for the fences... either you swing and miss, or knock it out of the park. This was a deep, towering drive that just hooked foul for me. Fleshing out the world would explain a lot, but not necessary. What wasn't found was the comfortable center of ANH's "hey, here's the world!" approach, or The Phantom Menace's atrocious attempt to try to explain too much, while forgetting what we showed up for. Very true, the stakes were not established, as we have no why there's a senate playing middle fiddle to TFO and the rebellion. I could be missing something that someone could point out, but this had the feel of "Hey, you know what this is, so why waste screen time explaining?", when we don't know what's going on lol. My take that it felt more like the first ep of a TV series, rather than a new movie arc was pretty much how I felt about the pacing. Hopefully, a fully fleshed out sequel can shed light to this, as Batman v Superman is attempting to do with Man of Steel.

2. I think Rey is our first sign of Disney playing a role... she's the unofficial new Disney Princess. It was very fairytale-like how she suddenly was about the force, wielding it with the Jedi mind trick, and the tug of war with Ren for the lightsaber. I can honestly buy her knowing how to wield the saber, as she's no stranger to hand to hand on Jakku. I think we're about to get a lot of worrying less about where their coming from, and more into where they're going. Her pretty much becoming Luke's padawan at the end sums that up.

3. Finn... fukk, breh. It's just so heartbreaking the way he seemed to have been sold to us at first, for him to come off as Cuba Gooding Jr in Pearl Harbor. The technical gripes are so hard for me to zero in on, because of how I felt duped into believing he'd be The One, instead of just another one. Hopefully, the writing of his character can sharpen, because nothing makes much sense to me in regards to him at the moment. Hopefully, my next viewing will help me out with him a bit more.

4. Poe was mad underused, but not as tragically as Phasma. What probably made that excusable in the narrative, is that those two are who they will end up being when this story reaches its end. No conflict in origin, current place, or future. The best resistance pilot and the top trooper in The Order. That's how I take it, anyway...

5. Kylo... I loved. No beef, and he came off so much like Anakin in the prequels, had he been Sith much sooner. His adolescence, and struggle with his lineage make him come off perfectly. Can't wait to see his next stage of evolution.

6. Snoke was just a shadowy figure pulling strings... much like Sidious in Empire Strikes Back. His time will come.

7. Han didn't require any rehashing, and thankfully that didn't happen. Him and Chewy explain themselves, and the only real gripe was the hollow explanation as to why he lost the GOAT ship in all of science fiction.

8. Ford wasn't doing this movie without Han dying, and him being killed by his own son is superbly tragic. Rey gonna have something for Ren's ass, believe you me.

The rest of your take, I sense a frustration in you, much like I did. In responding to your take, I'm willing to go into the next showing with a renewed sense. One key element that it borrows from ANH is the ambiguity amidst the things thrown into our faces. Yes, very much Abrams being his trustrating self, as I'm still waiting on Cloverfield answers from that nikka.

This movie is a set up, of a vast, VAST line up of Star Wars movies on the way. After Rogue One, and the rumored stories to come, this movie could be the Phantom Menace of a new gen of movies coming out. Not that it's as offensive, but there's a chance with all the creative minds that could be pulled in to hopefully Marvel-up the Star Wars universe, superiority is not far off.

I wanted it to be the first Iron Man, kicking off a long journey ahead. Maybe it still can be...


May 25, 2012
The FINN slander is totally unwarranted. I was worried going into this, but after watching the film, FINN was the most fleshed out character in film. He was no jobber. He was 3 dimensional. He went from coward and liar to fukking brave. People focus way too much on Rey, because she is the JEDI. Finn is the new HAN. Finn is going to have his own journey in this world. Which is fukking awesome.

I give the film 7 out of 10. Because it rehashed a lot of the plot points of A NEW HOPE. To be completely honest, they are lucky they nailed the Finn character and got Boyega, because Rey couldn't carry this franchise on her own (at least not yet). She was kind of one note, and was propped up needlessly many times in an over bearing way. It's like they were trying to hit us over the head with the SHE'S A FEMALE and she doesn't need men, and she is a badass by herself. There's nothing wrong with just letting her actions show she is the shyt. Too many times they had to layer in the running joke, WOW she knows how to get shyt done and she's a female.

Notice with the HUNGER GAMES, they don't have to hit us over the head that KATNISS is a badass and female. Katniss is one of the greatest female roles for an action heroine. Her actions and choices speak volumes. You believe that men view her as equal, without some underlying commentary. I wish they would've took a page out of Hunger Games when approaching Rey's character. Rey did badass stuff in the movie, we didn't need the constant quips or odd looks every 5 seconds she did something cool from male characters because she is a female.

There was too much humor for my liking in this film. But Finn and Han's chemistry was fukking great. I now see why they chose Rian Johnson for the 2nd movie. He is a much darker director and storyteller. They are setting up the second movie to be Johnson's EMPIRE STRIKES back. That's the movie I'm really excited about.

This was a great way to reboot the franchise. And much better than the prequels.
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The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
I don't think Rey is at the point where she can be as powerful as she was at the end. I think that was due to special circumstances. And Kylo was already clearly injured at that point.So considering he apparently is still being trained, he can still become Luke/Pre Vader Anakin level (as can Rey).

See, there I go forgetting he got wounded rather significantly, on some Maximus vs Commodous shyt :francis:

Maybe the biggest problem is not getting it all at once, which rectifies itself with the multiple screenings people plan on doing anyway :heh:


Jun 26, 2012
The FINN slander is totally unwarranted. I was worried going into this, but after watching the film, FINN was the most fleshed out character in film. He was no jobber. He was 3 dimensional. He went from coward and liar to fukking brave. People focus way too much on Rey, because she is the JEDI. Finn is the new HAN. Finn is going to have his own journey in this world. Which is fukking awesome.

I give the film 7 out of 10. Because it rehashed a lot of the plot points of A NEW HOPE. To be completely honest, they are lucky they nailed the Finn character and got Boyega, because Rey couldn't carry this franchise on her own (at least not yet). She was kind of one note, and was propped up needlessly many times in an over bearing way. It's like they were trying to hit us over the head with the SHE'S A FEMALE and she doesn't need men, and she is a badass by herself. There's nothing wrong with just letting her actions show she is the shyt. Too many times they had to layer in the running joke, WOW she knows how to get shyt done and she's a female.

Notice with the HUNGER GAMES, they don't have to hit us over the head that KATNISS is a badass and female. Katniss is one of the greatest female roles for an action heroine. Her actions and choices speak volume.s You believe that men view her as equal, without some underlying commentary. I wish they would've took a page out of Hunger Games when approaching Rey's character. Rey did badass stuff in the movie, we didn't need the constant quips or odd looks every 5 seconds she did something cool from male characters because she is a female.

There was too much humor for my liking in this film. But Finn and Han's chemistry was fukking great. I now see why they chose Rian Johnson for the 2nd movie. He is a much darker director and storyteller. They are setting up the second movie to be Johnson's EMPIRE STRIKES back. That's the movie I'm really excited about.

This was a great way to reboot the franchise. And much better than the sequels.

THANK YOU... FINN is the most complete character out of all of the new characters. You knew his origin, which in turn you inadvertently learn how one BECOMES a Stormtrooper. You knew his purpose and his re-purpose. And you knew his strengths and weakness. He was essentially the HEART of the film.


May 25, 2012
Also, I'm conflicted about Kylo Ren's character. He came off a little too emo. I understand he's conflicted etc, but some of his actions seemed to childlike. I hope he evolves more in future movies.

Poe was fukking dope, but he didn't have too much screen time. I'm sure they'll improve that in the next movie. It'll be interesting to see where they take Poe. I hope the lightsaber battles are stronger in future movies.


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
THANK YOU... FINN is the most complete character out of all of the new characters. You knew his origin, which in turn you inadvertently learn how one BECOMES a Stormtrooper. You knew his purpose and his re-purpose. And you knew his strengths and weakness. He was essentially the HEART of the film.
So sad and true :laugh: I'm hurt at the misdirection from him having the saber in all the promo material, getting me to think that #BlackExcellence was about to save the day.

I don't even care to explore what makes him work. I'm mad :dead:


May 25, 2012
THANK YOU... FINN is the most complete character out of all of the new characters. You knew his origin, which in turn you inadvertently learn how one BECOMES a Stormtrooper. You knew his purpose and his re-purpose. And you knew his strengths and weakness. He was essentially the HEART of the film.

Absolutely! FINN was the heart the movie. Without Finn this movie doesn't work. I'm excited to see Finn's future in the franchise. Boyega definitely showed he is a star! I'm proud of that brotha.