Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
i gotta ask again.... for the n*ggaz that liked this movie... you have no beef with it essentially being the EXACT SAME STORYLINE as a new hope?

literally the same f*cking story with a little nostalgia (luke, han, lea) sprinkled in

this is ok to you?
yes....the only gripe I had you already posted

Rey being able to fend off Kylo...thought that was stupid as fukk...but her being able to use the force is not far fetched, as Luke did with very little training in Empire

I enjoyed it, what can I was pretty much what I expected, and the movie was made for the fans. It is what it is :manny:

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
yes....the only gripe I had you already posted

Rey being able to fend off Kylo...thought that was stupid as fukk...but her being able to use the force is not far fetched, as Luke did with very little training in Empire

I enjoyed it, what can I was pretty much what I expected, and the movie was made for the fans. It is what it is :manny:
it was lazy as fukk to me


May 11, 2012
Watched it tonight and I enjoyed it a lot. Very entertaining film overall.

Snoke though looked :scustHHH:

That's really my main gripe with the film tbh :manny:

The new characters were all great on screen.

I was :krs: when I saw the nikkas from The Raid in the film. :wow:
Yea snoke looked awful idk what they were thinking.

I found the score severely underwhelming too. Williams must be getting old because nothing was memorable.

And i do agree at times it looked like a TV set. Like @TheGodling said. Well mainly the opening scene. Other than that i still enjoyed it. Excited for Rian Johnsons take. I think he will bring much more flair.

I need a remote control BB8 now

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Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
snoke reminded me of


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Yea snoke looked awful idk what they were thinking.

And i do agree at times it looked like a TV set. Like @TheGodling said. Well mainly the opening scene. Other than that i still enjoyed it. Excited for Rian Johnsons take. I think he will bring much more flair.

I need a remote control BB8 now

I dont really know much about this dude, other than he did Looper (which I didnt care for) and possibly the best episode of BB, which could be one of the best tv episodes in history. Looking forward to it...this movie they kinda played it safe, but they got off on the right foot with it. Its star wars for a new generation, sucks we gotta wait like 18 months....wish it was december with A Star Wars story dropping in May 2017 instead.


Jun 26, 2012
i gotta ask again.... for the n*ggaz that liked this movie... you have no beef with it essentially being the EXACT SAME STORYLINE as a new hope?

literally the same f*cking story with a little nostalgia (luke, han, lea) sprinkled in

this is ok to you?

Actually, it's the exact same story as SEARCH FOR SPOCK. But hey.... if you complain about it being a re-up of the original, you must of bytched about CREED which was the same as the 1st ROCKY too.

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
Left the movie thinking it was good not great. Now the more I think about it, I'm starting to think it was average

@Roman Brady @Box Cutta @Ziggiy

They followed the template of a New Hope where they threw us into a conflict that had already begun without really explaining things. Difference between this and A New Hope was that ANH was so good at world-building that we had a better understanding of everything. It gave us just enough information for us to understand who everyone was and what the stakes were and the pacing was perfect. Force Awakens was lazy in that regard imo and the pacing was off, just seemed rushed. Should've had more scenes where we saw the inner workings of the First Order as well as the Republic. Just seemed like a lot of scenes were cut and I feel like it would've been stronger if the movie was longer.

JJ Abrams was too JJ Abramsy with the vague references and no explanations.

Rey was a confusing character. I understand they wanna add mystery regarding her origins but they're so caught up in doing this that it weakens her character and it makes it hard for the audience to relate to her struggle and motivations because we have no idea where they're coming from. We're not emotionally invested in her fear of leaving Jakku because the film never bothers to explain how she got there and what connection she has to it. It's obvious that she's extremely capable at just about everything (being a pilot, being a Jedi, etc) which makes her fear and reluctance all the more confusing

Finn's character was a mess, just kept changing his persona and motivations. First he's a coward, then he's a hero, then he's a coward again. First he's capable of holding his own then he's a damsel in distress. I actually agree with Roman Brady, Box Cutta and Ziggly now, too much of Finn's character reminded me of a bumbling, sidekick comic relief archetype. I cringed when he told Han he was a garbage man. Seems like Abrams couldn't decide to make him a capable hero or a Jar Jar Binks sidekick in constant need of saving. If you're gonna make him a weakling then don't have him go toe to toe with a dude who was trained by Luke. If you're gonna make him a badass then don't have him lose a fight to a damn stormtrooper or act shocked whenever he happens to shoot down a tie fighter.

Poe was good, but underused. With how badly they fukked up the character of Finn I'd honestly rather Poe have taken up his screentime. They both pretty much fulfilled the same purpose when it came to how they served the plot and story

Kylo was the best new character, I like how they made him angry and emotional as oppose to the emotionally detached Darth Vader(something different, finally) I didn't mind him not being as powerful as other Sith in the other films considering the fact that he was basically starting a new order of Jedi and had way less experience

Snoke was a waste to me. Have no clue who he is and he wasn't compelling enough for me to care.

Han was great, but everything great about him aside from Ford's performance was because of our prior knowledge of him. Again, lazy filmmaking by Abrams

Had mixed feelings about Kylo killing Han. Ballsy move but since I knew next to nothing about how their relationship was or why Ren turned it didn't really have the emotional impact that it could have

Honestly, this movie felt like the 2nd movie in a trilogy, rather than the first. Just so much backstory that wasn't fully explained and a lot of telling rather than showing(the whole scene with Leia talking about Kylo to Han was bad, lazy writing) I feel like showing Kylo Ren's turn to the dark side and his conflict with Luke would've made for a much more compelling movie than this

Movie relied too much on nostalgia and wasn't confident enough in its own story and characters to give us anything innovative. Yeah, the prequels sucked but at least Lucas was actually trying something different with the tone and overall feel. This was pretty much a carbon copy of A New Hope.

The things that were good were the things that I expected to be good, the dialogue, acting and the action. That was a given. The characters actually sounded like real people unlike the prequels and the humor, for the most part, wasn't too corny or forced. I just wish there was a better story to go along with it.

People are really excited right now to see a new Star Wars movie that plays on their nostalgia. But once that settles down I think you'll start to see more and more people who didn't really like this movie and the backlash, while not as intense as the Phantom Menace, will still be prominent. Right now I'd rate this a B-. Could go up or down depending on how well it holds up on repeated viewings. To be fair, I was initially underwhelmed by Creed but liked it a lot more after seeing it again, so maybe that will be the same case here. But as of now I'm pretty disappointed
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Guarding the Galaxy
Aug 31, 2015
Planet X
Left the movie thinking it was good not great. Now the more I think about it, I'm starting to think it was average

They followed the template of a New Hope where they threw us into a conflict that had already begun without really explaining things. Difference between this and A New Hope was that ANH was so good at world-building that we had a better understanding of everything. It gave us just enough information for us to understand who everyone was and what the stakes were and the pacing was perfect. Force Awakens was lazy in that regard imo and the pacing was off, just seemed rushed. Should've had more scenes where we saw the inner workings of the First Order as well as the Republic. Just seemed like a lot of scenes were cut and I feel like it would've been stronger if the movie was longer.

JJ Abrams was too JJ Abramsy with the vague references and no explanations.

Rey was a confusing character. I understand they wanna add mystery regarding her origins but they're so caught up in doing this that it weakens her character and it makes it hard for the audience to relate to her struggle and motivations because we have no idea where they're coming from. We're not emotionally invested in her fear of leaving Jakku because the film never bothers to explain how she got there and what connection she has to it. It's obvious that she's extremely capable at just about everything (being a pilot, being a Jedi, etc) which makes her fear and reluctance all the more confusing

Finn's character was a mess, just kept changing his persona and motivations. First he's a coward, then he's a hero, then he's a coward again. First he's capable of holding his own then he's a damsel in distress. I actually agree with Roman Brady, Box Cutta and Ziggly now, too much of Finn's character reminded me of a bumbling, sidekick comic relief archetype. I cringed when he told Han he was a garbage man. Seems like Abrams couldn't decide to make him a capable hero or a Jar Jar Binks sidekick in constant need of saving. If you're gonna make him a weakling then don't have him go toe to toe with a dude who was trained by Luke. If you're gonna make him a badass then don't have him lose a fight to a damn stormtrooper or act shocked whenever he happens to shoot down a tie fighter.

Poe was good, but underused. With how badly they fukked up the character of Finn I'd honestly rather Poe have taken up his screentime. They both pretty much fulfilled the same purpose when it came to how they served the plot and story

Kylo was the best new character, I like how they made him angry and emotional as oppose to the emotionally detached Darth Vader(something different, finally) I didn't mind him not being as powerful as other Sith in the other films considering the fact that he was basically starting a new order of Jedi and had way less experience

Snoke was a waste to me. Have no clue who he is and he wasn't compelling enough for me to care.

Han was great, but everything great about him aside from Ford's performance was because of our prior knowledge of him. Again, lazy filmmaking by Abrams

Had mixed feelings about Kylo killing Han. Ballsy move but since I knew next to nothing about how their relationship was or why Ren turned it didn't really have the emotional impact that it could have

Honestly, this movie felt like the 2nd movie in a trilogy, rather than the first. Just so much backstory that wasn't fully explained and a lot of telling rather than showing(the whole scene with Leia talking about Kylo to Han was bad, lazy writing) I feel like showing Kylo Ren's turn to the dark side and his conflict with Luke would've made for a much more compelling movie than this

Movie relied too much on nostalgia and wasn't confident enough in its own story and characters to give us anything innovative. Yeah, the prequels sucked but at least Lucas was actually trying something different with the tone and overall feel. This was pretty much a carbon copy of A New Hope.

The things that were good were the things that I expected to be good, the dialogue, acting and the action. That was a given. The characters actually sounded like real people unlike the prequels and the humor, for the most part, wasn't too corny or forced. I just wish there was a better story to go along with it.

People are really excited right now to see a new Star Wars movie that plays on their nostalgia. But once that settles down I think you'll start to see more and more people who didn't really like this movie and the backlash, while not as intense as the Phantom Menace, will still be prominent. Right now I'd rate this a B-. Could go up or down depending on how well it holds up on repeated viewings. To be fair, I was initially underwhelmed by Creed but liked it a lot more after seeing it again, so maybe that will be the same case here. But as of now I'm pretty disappointed


We are Groot...


Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
This review echoes my thoughts exactly

The original STAR WARS films – and yes, I’m including the Prequels – were self-sustaining. At the end of them, something felt changed, the pieces had properly shifted on the board, and although we can complain about George Lucas’s “faster, more intense” mode of directing, at least he established clear lines of plot movement. We knew exactly what the stakes were at the end of each film. Even THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, which ended on one of the most memorable cliffhangers of all time, felt like a complete movie. THE FORCE AWAKENS does not. There is so much mentioned of events that happened between RETURN OF THE JEDI and THE FORCE AWAKENS, important pieces of plot and character, that THE FORCE AWAKENS has a distinct feeling of in medias res. And while even the original STAR WARS threw us headfirst into the pool of its universe, it never felt like we were lost in the story. THE FORCE AWAKENS has no such grace. It uses familiar plot tropes to clumsily move the story forward, and THE FORCE AWAKENS is so indebted to the first STAR WARS film in plot structure that it feels like a cover song. There’s even a new Death Star-like superweapon, but bigger and more formidable.

I’m deliberately being vague about the story – mostly, because the plot is so similar to A NEW HOPE that the few surprises there are in THE FORCE AWAKENS should be experienced by the audience for the first time. But the galactic dynamics are so elusive and difficult to follow that I still have no idea of the significance of the Resistance and the First Order. The First Order’s Supreme Leader, Snoke (Andy Serkis) is obviously knowledgeable in the Dark Side, but THE FORCE AWAKENS never reveals how he knows the Force or where he comes from. Ordinarily I would have no issue with this – the original trilogy only truly acknowledges the Emperor in RETURN OF THE JEDI – but because the film is so unwilling to answer so many questions, it becomes one more aspect of the plot to become frustrated about. What does it mean when the Force awakens? How does Finn overcome his training and programming as a stormtrooper for the First Order? Why was Rey abandoned on Jakku? How does Kylo Ren become consumed by the Dark Side of the Force? That question, in particular, forms much of the emotion and backstory of THE FORCE AWAKENS, and Adam Driver is very effective as the enigmatic dark enforcer of the First Order. But it’s also something I really wanted to see explored more than the movie was willing to go. The original films, while holding certain key plot points close, never teased the way THE FORCE AWAKENS does. Each new piece of information expanded the STAR WARS world; THE FORCE AWAKENS seems to make this universe that much smaller, especially considering the coincidences that plague the movie (granted, the original films had similar wild coincidences).

I lay this squarely at the feet of J.J. Abrams, who with his Mystery Box mode of storytelling, forgets that you actually have to have a story inside the box when you open it, and not another rehash of story tropes we’ve seen in previous films. Abrams is also missing that sense of spectacle – not only is the cinematography bland in comparison with the films we’ve seen before, but we move from action sequence to action sequence with little sense of wonder, only the need to fill a scene with motion when the plot ceases to be compelling. Again, and I hate to keep harping back to this, the original films were slower, deliberately paced, more contemplative by comparison. There were character moments that were allowed to build. We get those to a lesser extent in THE FORCE AWAKENS, and Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren, and Poe are compelling new additions to the STAR WARS Universe, but I would have liked to have spent more time with them instead of being rushed from setpiece to setpiece. These performances deserve more than just filling in an empty slot or character template.

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Actually, it's the exact same story as SEARCH FOR SPOCK. But hey.... if you complain about it being a re-up of the original, you must of bytched about CREED which was the same as the 1st ROCKY too.
i did... i thought southpaw was a better movie

how lazy are you people gonna let hollywood get?