Ok he uses the light saber in the movie so where's the problem ? And it's a trilogy so saying destiny awakens doesn't mean he's the chosen one or that his destiny Is over after one movie same with the OT and prequels . What heat ? There can be more than one cool character in a movie as in the OT ! And they never explicitly said he had the force so stop it . Your acting like There wasn't a black Jedi in the prequels . Some of you guys are acting like you never seen movies before
Character with Blue Lightsaber = Jedi character/main hero to the casuals and you damn well know that

Just like how character with Red Lightsaber = Dark side character/main villain.
It's a black and white colour coded series that's simple enough to be followed by 6 year olds
Prequels are irrelevant when this film is ignoring them and following the originals and what they did by only have two force characters in the movie as opposed to the legions in the prequels. You can see it in the marketing. Finn with Blue lightsaber, Ren with Red lightsaber. A casual or the uninformed then connects the dots. The final trailer had a line with "the force is calling to you" followed by a shot of Finn with the ligthsaber. You need to stop with the disingenuity