I mean, realistically speaking...we'll probably have cam rips pretty soon.Major clips from the movie leaking already![]()
Kylo Ren Vs Rey
Ok he uses the light saber in the movie so where's the problem ? And it's a trilogy so saying destiny awakens doesn't mean he's the chosen one or that his destiny Is over after one movie same with the OT and prequels . What heat ? There can be more than one cool character in a movie as in the OT ! And they never explicitly said he had the force so stop it . Your acting like There wasn't a black Jedi in the prequels . Some of you guys are acting like you never seen movies beforeSome of you really need to stop being disingenuous and obtuse. The problem all the stems from the marketing. Whilst I always knew how it was going to play out due to the woman at the top who's running things, a lot of people didn't and won't.
Are you going to keep pretending stuff like this isn't out there
Now he did look goofy in the first teaser, when he popped up out of nowhere. But it was toned down and shots of him using the lightsaber and hinting at him having the force had to be marketed to take the heat off a certain character and show him as the main action hero/character for males.
Confirmations on Finn :
The sanitation shyt is real. They later make a joke about it when he says something to Phasma about throwing her in the trash.
He's a SIMP. Basically, if there is any romantic chemistry...it's that Finn is showing a ton of interest in Rey throughout the film, while she doesn't really seem interested.
Probably not in a coma, but passed out/critical condition. Basically, Kylo put that nikka to sleep.
Definitely stays in the medical unit, while Rey flies off to face her destiny.
fukking horrible.
Be Enhancement Talent, brehs.
People "defending" this bullshyt aren't getting the point. Matter of fact this whole thing wouldn't even be an issue if the entire marketing of the movie didn't center around Boyega's character being shown as important early on.
Who the fukk shows up as the FIRST face of the FIRST trailer of the film only to be the white woman's bytch?
Who the fukk wields a lightsaber, carries it throughout the film, and uses it in the climatic battle only to be knocked unconscious for the white woman to save him?
Who the fukk is described as an ace storm trooper in training only to turn out to be the BLACK JANITOR
If they were going to make this the standard "White Hero's Journey" with a female twist then they should've marketed it as such. They didn't NEED misdirection for this film to be successful. Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight. These are amongst the highest grossing movie series of the last decade. Critics and Audiences would've ate that shyt up. A WHITE WOMAN leading the charge for Star Wars would've had every Cac blog writer foaming at the mouth to type about "Feminine Empowerment". It was ENTIRELY unnecessary to even have Finn. What's he good for besides serving as a human weapons carrier and perhaps to sweep up the Falcon with his "sanitation skills".
This part im going to say publicly because it deals with The OG trilogy. Posters here are quick to make parralels with Luke saying things like "Luke started off lame." " Luke wasn't a hero/bad ass to begin with"
Luke destroyed the Death Star at the end of ANH, against all odds using the force. Showing right off the bat how special he was. He wasn't rendered unconscious, he didn't stand by while the action happened AROUND him. He was in the thick of it.
Luke trained with Yoda in Empire he heriocally and selflessly went to save his friends in Cloud City. He got his ass kicked, but STILL persevered and held on, with ONE hand until his friends saved him.
Luke saves Han from Jabba, saves Leia from Jabba, defeats Vadar in lightsaber combat, defies the Emperor and convinces his father to come back light (All while being ELECTROCUTED)
At NO point is Luke NOT the embodiment of a hero. At NO point is Luke a coward. At NO point is Luke not necessary to movie.
@23Stapscity @NobodyReally @Darth Humanist and a few others I, to my knowledge haven't called anyone a c00n yet in this thread, and that's mostly out of deference to the legacy of Star Wars and how emotionally connected most fans are to this material for most of us, this was the first Science Fiction Adventure we all saw. The first movie that gave us a sense of wonder and imagination. I remember when I was 6 years old and every Christmas asked my dad if we could watch "The Lightsaber Movie" so I get it.
The marketing surrounding THIS movie is what I have a major problem with, and it's something I can't sweep under the rug with nastalgia. Cacs have been saving the world, the Galaxy, and all of existence since forever. A new Star Wars SEQUEL is a license to print money. The White Woman as hero trope is the most valuable commodity in Hollywood right now. They had ALL of the ingredients at their disposal to make the biggest Star Wars movie to date. There was absolutely NO NEED WHATSOEVER to "throw in" a black character and mis-market him as the new lead of the trilogy.
"Let's give the ****** a Lightsaber. Bu bu BUT... He'll be the FIRST human character to use it onscreen but NOT have the force. He's carrying it for our REAL hero"
"Let's make The ****** cowardly at first... Even though NO HERO of these movies has started off as a coward (Luke, Anikan, Obi-Wan, Padme, Han, all white, all had inner courage from the beginning) because it'll juxtapose nicely with Rey's "fierceness" and "independence"
"Let's make SUREThe ****** gets his ass beat in the climatic battle. Making it all the more dramatic when Rey, our REAL HERO, uses the Force and courageously takes on Kylo, whose supposedly been training with the force and lightsaber for YEARS. Yea that'll be exciting!"
So what the marketing, the trailers, the teasers all gave CLEAR hints to Finn being an actual HEROIC character in the vein of Stars Wars protagonist of the past, what we actually got was more akin to how black characters have been portrayed previously, as Cowards who suffer a crisis of conscience (Lando) or good guys who get their asses beat and defeated by the villain (Mace Windu).
fukk that. It's not something I'm willing to overlook THIS time. It's 2015, the time for token sidekick step n fetch black characters who are ONLY their to serve as the contrary to the heroic Cacs are over for me. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I've had my fill. I boycotted Marvel movies for the same thing when they green-lit the D-List Guardians Of The Galaxy movie while kept making (terrible) excuses for why they couldn't do Black Panther. I came back aboard the Train when they announced phase 3 WOULD have BP and that he was premiering in Civil War.
Same thing for Star Wars, except this is an even more insulting offense. They LITERALLY put in a black character, made pains to prop him up, only for him to be man-servant FNN-2187.
I'm not going to attack anyone who wants to go support the movie, have fun. Many people have waited their entire lives for this story to unfold. But for me, fukk Star Wars
I think with where Finn starts it would be silly for him to not be a reluctant heroLuke was a whiny reluctant bytch in A New Hope for pretty much the whole movie until he met Leia then he became an occasionally brave Whiny reluctant bytch because he was on some 'gettin dat princess booty' time then. Anakin was super whiny although never a coward, racing pods at age 10 and so forth... He did hide his marriage from fear of getting busted for violating Jedi code and he was scared as hell about losing his wife. He would also have tantrums on the regular. I can't read all this into the Finn role. JJ is a cool cat so I doubt he is on that bullshyt so if there is some dom/slave subtext going on it probably came from KK and Disney's side of it. I prefer a multifaceted black character and not a pure archetype. I think most of Finn's criticisms so far could be chalked up to how anyone would act if just thrown into the galactic civil war. We will see but the tickets are already paid for and I have heard nothing but good things outside of the dens where young disaffected white guys hang out online.
Lowkey, I'mma be looking hard at my peoples after this movie drops, and see who don't catch on to these issues that's been discussed. If anything, past the Star Warsian piff that will make for great visuals, this Finna () be a good social experiment.
Box, Ziggy, over the years I've come to trust yalls opinions more than any other posters when it comes to black excellence (or the lack there of) in media representation. Mainly because I share very similar views and have been very outspoken about them my own damn self.
So this is very disappointing.
Only reason I even checked this thread just now was cuz of that China vs Finn thread in which @Roman Brady and @Master Teacher said some shyt in the last page that had me go "waitwtf are they insinuating?"
Now i understand.
I never vocalized it but for months now I thought @Roman Brady was just trollin with the extreme pessimism but turns out he was right all along. So my bad breh. I hope ya spider-sense doesn't activate the closer we get to Black Panther's release. I actually have emotional investment in that one.
She looks like she is getting worked. Old school ESB style Lightsaber battle.