Drew Wonder
The reason why they're retreading and playing it safe is because of the reception to the prequels. Which departed away from the original trilogy. The prequels are primarily criticised because they're not close enough to the first three and as a result "didn't feel like Star Wars". There's zero reason for a Star Wars movie set 30 years later to still be dealing with Death Stars, Storm Troopers, Tie-Fighters, another Empire, rebels, the same planets (Ice, Desert etc) just with different names etc. It could have easily been fresh and new story with a clean slate that wasn't still being held back by the originals. However if they didn't it would have been the reception to the prequels all over again.
actually the prequels are primarily criticized because they're terrible fukking movies. has nothing to do with being too different from the original trilogy, the prequels are just bad movies with terrible pacing, terrible dialogue, terrible acting, wooden characters and cartoonish CGI. even if the original trilogy never existed the prequels would still be bad on their own. actually you could make the argument that they'd be even worse, since the best moments of the prequels are the scenes that foreshadow to the originals anyway