Sports Analyst, Emmanuel Acho, says being non-FBA means he doesn't have "generational trauma" and he can speak with no "sting" to white people.


Mar 11, 2022
Can’t speak for Acho but as an African, Zimbabwean in particular, this isn’t true for me. Whites raped southern Africa through colonialism. They stole land, destroyed monuments, desecrated spaces of worship and lynched people. I feel the sting everyday and my family back home feels the trauma everyday. Even the people born after 1980 (Zim independence) like myself, feel the sting indirectly in various ways. I’m almost 25 in America and I want to live Africa but currently don’t because Zim is a failed state. Yes Mugabe and ZANU PF are partially responsible but so are Western sanctions and exploitation.

Contrary to what Acho says many Africans hate the West and want them to stop meddling in our affairs. Big ol’ Sambo needs to stop speaking for AAs and Africans, please
Exactly. I think a lot of Black folks across the globe recognize what happened to us and who did it.
We have to remember that sometimes, regardless of ethnicity, some people who attain a certain level of success feel the need to express views like this to separate themselves from the rest of us. If you are African American, Caribbean, Afro-Latino, or African, you, your people, and your land have been affected by racism, colonialism, etc.
You were stripped from your land, or the European carved up your land and your bloodline survived. To not acknowledge that is quite disingenuous or extremely ignorant.

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
He was speaking for himself alone. He litterally prefaces it by saying it's "his method" for talking about these topics. There is more than 1 way to skin a cat. He never said his way is the only way or better. You dont have to provide a safe space for anyone just like you dont have to have a conversation at all with any cac. But in america you WILL have to live, work and interact with cacs everyday. And yall aint tryin to go to war though so you will have to deal with cacs on a diplomatic level which is providing them a safe space. Yall aint militant with your cac bosses or at work. Lets stop the cap.

You will need white folks support for reparations unless you plan on taking it by force.I
That's because the self haters in the ADOS community have access to pawgs
they can bypass skin bleaching and produce them little light skin babies
:russ: This nikka here.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Can’t speak for Acho but as an African, Zimbabwean in particular, this isn’t true for me. Whites raped southern Africa through colonialism. They stole land, destroyed monuments, desecrated spaces of worship and lynched people. I feel the sting everyday and my family back home feels the trauma everyday. Even the people born after 1980 (Zim independence) like myself, feel the sting indirectly in various ways. I’m almost 25 in America and I want to live Africa but currently don’t because Zim is a failed state. Yes Mugabe and ZANU PF are partially responsible but so are Western sanctions and exploitation.

Contrary to what Acho says many Africans hate the West and want them to stop meddling in our affairs. Big ol’ Sambo needs to stop speaking for AAs and Africans, please
I saw Mugabe in the early 2000’s when he was invited to speak at a church in Harlem from Vernon Maddux.
Can’t speak for Acho but as an African, Zimbabwean in particular, this isn’t true for me. Whites raped southern Africa through colonialism. They stole land, destroyed monuments, desecrated spaces of worship and lynched people. I feel the sting everyday and my family back home feels the trauma everyday. Even the people born after 1980 (Zim independence) like myself, feel the sting indirectly in various ways. I’m almost 25 in America and I want to live Africa but currently don’t because Zim is a failed state. Yes Mugabe and ZANU PF are partially responsible but so are Western sanctions and exploitation.

Contrary to what Acho says many Africans hate the West and want them to stop meddling in our affairs. Big ol’ Sambo needs to stop speaking for AAs and Africans, please
I saw a roberu speak at a harlem church over 20 years ago on the invite of some well known African-American civil rights attorneys. Spoke at length and said,
that black people in this country relate to him in the struggle.

When Nelson Mandela got out of prison, first visited United States, his first stop was into my neighborhood and talk at my high school over 10,000 of us showed up. South African & Zimbabwe folk always work great in the African-Americans.

Other parts of Africa are not like that
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Apr 30, 2012
Can’t speak for Acho but as an African, Zimbabwean in particular, this isn’t true for me. Whites raped southern Africa through colonialism. They stole land, destroyed monuments, desecrated spaces of worship and lynched people. I feel the sting everyday and my family back home feels the trauma everyday. Even the people born after 1980 (Zim independence) like myself, feel the sting indirectly in various ways. I’m almost 25 in America and I want to live Africa but currently don’t because Zim is a failed state. Yes Mugabe and ZANU PF are partially responsible but so are Western sanctions and exploitation.

Contrary to what Acho says many Africans hate the West and want them to stop meddling in our affairs. Big ol’ Sambo needs to stop speaking for AAs and Africans, please
It ain’t just many either, it’s mostly. It’s a love-hate thing of grudging respect for opportunities they have in the West while knowing most white people don’t rock with us. The ones who don’t get it, we’re likely not woke in their own homelands.
Dec 19, 2017
I think what Acho is trying to convey is that because of his Nigerian linage, he didn’t experience the recent “trauma” with white people. Such as Jim Crow laws etc. So it’s easy for him to communicate with white people because he doesn’t have an emotional connection to Black struggles.

I think Van is right to call Acho out, because Acho acts like a representative of Black People, but he isn’t emotionally connected to Black people so he’s approach to white people is not a true representation of black people
I sort of understand what Acho is saying.........but he's acting like the British didn't colonize his country and later install puppets (usually Hausa and I know Acho isn't Hausa) before Nigeria won its independence.

Sometimes diaspora Negroes will think they relate to whites better because they forget that white misconduct is part of the reason they're in America. Just because Cletus from Alabama didn't try to lynch your great grandaddy doesn't mean that George from Liverpool wasn't all up in your great grandaddy's business in Delta State.

Has he ever taken white people to task for anything? Like Shannon Sharpe will half step SOMETIMES but he will bring the heat more often than not.

My other thought is that I'm pretty sure him AND his brother went to school in Dallas (private school) and probably come from a very Christian family. Those types tend to try and pretend racism isn't a thing unless something very obvious happens to them personally....kinda like how white people don't take stuff seriously until it's personal (Racism doesn't exist and then Becky gets pregnant by a respectful breh and now they don't want their mixed granddaughter Aliyah getting discriminated against).

Guaranteed most of their friends outside of football were white kids and other children of immigrants. They see the world like a mish mash of immigrants and white people which means anything pro-Black makes them uncomfortable. Pro Nigerian is OK but pro-Black is not.


Jan 31, 2014
Respect to the handful of African brothers in this thread calling out Acho's BS. We know who you are & know you ride with AA's.Acho's been moving like a c00n for a long time & I'm glad he's been taken to task for it. On the same token, some of you not calling this BS for what it is is some goofy shyt & it's disappointing reading it

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
He was speaking for himself alone. He litterally prefaces it by saying it's "his method" for talking about these topics. There is more than 1 way to skin a cat. He never said his way is the only way or better. You dont have to provide a safe space for anyone just like you dont have to have a conversation at all with any cac. But in america you WILL have to live, work and interact with cacs everyday. And yall aint tryin to go to war though so you will have to deal with cacs on a diplomatic level which is providing them a safe space. Yall aint militant with your cac bosses or at work. Lets stop the cap.

You will need white folks support for reparations unless you plan on taking it by force.
Would you be ok with African Americans sitting around spouting shyt to White media about the Igbo and Yoruba experiences in Nigeria? Would you take kindly to us giving opinions on the trauma the people suffered in the Biafran war, which is clearly shyt that most of us know nothing about?

That is the problem that African Americans have with Black immigrants speaking on historical shyt in the USA that they know nothing about. Recent Black immigrants and their children have only known good times in America. They have only known schools and jobs. They don't know anything about the struggle that African Americans endured to get the right to attend those schools and get those jobs that they and Black immigrants are now benefitting from. Immigrants don't know shyt about no shyt about lynchings, civil rights marches, government oppression, lawsuits, slavery, Jim Crow and all that other terrible shyt that happened before their parents immigrated here. A lot of Black immigrants get their information about African Americans and American history from White people, which is dumbest shyt of all time. In the White people narrative of events everybody is a savage except them, and they discovered America even though there were people already here. The end.

Well a lot more shyt happened in between that Black immigrants and their children are clearly unaware of and they are foolish to think that they have the capacity to speak on.

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
No disrespect to my Nigerians on here and I know it’s alot that are the complete opposite of what I’m about to say. But no doubt Nigerians got more heat for AA than any other African group. Mf be real disrespectful yet they leave they “great” country for the one we built. fukk him.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
No disrespect to my Nigerians on here and I know it’s alot that are the complete opposite of what I’m about to say. But no doubt Nigerians got more heat for AA than any other African group. Mf be real disrespectful yet they leave they “great” country for the one we built. fukk him.
I’m in the process of writing an article for the premier times out here. Let me tell you what’s up. Nigerian culture to say you don’t know something is viewed as a weakness. I repeat, to say you don’t know Something is viewed as a weakness. So often times, many Nigerians, who know zero about black American history, or even the intricacies of their own, won’t admit to saying “I don’t know “because that’s viewed as a weakness in the culture. So people would rather lie, than admit to not knowing things and take in a learning opportunity.

It’s a cultural dysfunction and many Nigerians back home are open to the blog I wrote about it to the point that a newspaper picking it up.

I just landed in Nigeria two hours ago. I hope it gets published before I leave.

From back in Fela’s time till now, Nigerians are the LEAST pan-Africanist people Ive ever met.
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