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damn I need to have sex on a level that I have an OBE
so from what your saying it sound like a 2 for 1 kinda deal since you get the
sexthen sent to another dimension
It got so real one day my moms woke up in the middle of the night and saw a lil native american kid jus standing right by the closet at firstt like she thought she was tripping the kid was jus standin there she tried waking up my father but he wouldnt wake up . She went back to asleep nd just went under the covers lol .I believe it. I use to have very scary dreams of vampires and ghost when I was younger. I would have the same dreams over and over until I figured out how to "kill" whatever what chasing me. I finally kept having this dream where the banshee would kill me every night. The last time it happened I woke up and told the energy to get out of my space and it never came back. I don't have those dreams anymore.
damn breh sorry to hear about what you went through, it sounds like your doing better so stay positive and try to hang around better people. Now to your question I still haven't gotten out of the sleep paralysis vibration stage so I can't really speak with any certainty beyond that. But yea you are supposed to be able to do anything that your mind can think of so it's all on you. Like the homie kingpin was telling me, you wanna make sure your stuff is in order before you start doing this because if your life is hell now your just gonna bring that stuff into that plane. But yea a lot of the posters have posted some videos in the thread that you can check out when you get some free time.
Best believe that stuff is real. That being that you see we call it a Jin, in English I guess it translates as a ghost or genie.yeah heres what you got to do.
you got to lay on your back and you cant move a muscle at all. and just focus on your breathing right so you stay awake. by doing this you trick your body into thinking its asleep. then pretty soon your body starts vibrating and your heart feels like its beating faster. then you hear noises like just random noises around your room but you got your eyes closed right. and if you still going through with it at this point, shyt gets real. you will hear screaming in your ears and it feels like somebody is sitting on your chest. and you cant move your body is stuck. and then you can get visuals. like i saw a demon or ghost open my door and it was in my room. and it all seems real so you freaking out.
but if you just let go and stay still you can start leaving your body and you can go places. but i always get too shook of the sleep paralysis bit.
look it up. anybody can do this. its not hard. whats hard is having the balls to sit through the scary part.
So one time you were completely awake & saw a bytch temporarily turn into a demonI also think natural intuition is like reverse astral projection; like your soul/spirit self/whatever is aware of something that your conscious mind is not. If you take the time and listen to it it will never mislead you. I found someone in an emergency once using natural intuition. I was in a panic driving around and I had absolutely to idea where to find the person but all of a sudden I just knew where to find them. I parked and walked into this building I have never been in and never known that person to be in and sure enough they were in there. It was pretty crazy but your intuition is right 100% of the time.
It got so real one day my moms woke up in the middle of the night and saw a lil native american kid jus standing right by the closet at firstt like she thought she was tripping the kid was jus standin there she tried waking up my father but he wouldnt wake up . She went back to asleep nd just went under the covers lol .
So one time you were completely awake & saw a bytch temporarily turn into a demon
And one time your spidey senses told you to go save someone..