What types of shyt have you seen/done when you astral project? Was it some looking down at your body type shyt? Or flying?
The best experience was when I completely left my body. It was orgasm induced. I was "gone" for quite a bit of time. I wasn't really sure how long. But I was floating through space. I saw stars and planets. I looked just like the Hubble telescope pictures or the Thor biforst.

The second time was the first time I took LSD. I was tripping and I thought "How did I get there?" All of sudden I was floating above my city and it was almost like a map route where I could see the routes I had taken that day. I'm not really sure how I meant the question but my subconscious took it quite literally. It came with a very comforting feelings like "everything thing happens for a reason." It was very nice.
The rest of the times were LSD induced but I was just minor like floating just above my body. It feels very nice but I'm not too crazy about that feeling b/c it happens slowly and your natural reaction is to "hold on" and not let yourself go. Also on LSD I've had visions of things on an "atomic or energy level." I'm not sure if that makes sense. It's some peace, love, stoner shyt.