Spirituality Thread - OBEs, lucid dreams, meditation, chakras etc

Jan 7, 2018
It is.

Of course your whole body is always involved but when it comes TK like phenomenon, sensations from the brow to the back of head, the center of the palms and the heart area can be particularly strong.

Most of the power to actually move or feel something from a distance comes from the heart field, your third eye is is what can help you focus it.

Wow, interesting. Do you know where I can read up more on this or any videos to watch breh?

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
My First time I had an OBE I got half way out of my body, but got stuck like something was trying to suck me back in nh. I was literally half way out using my arms trying my hardest to get out. Like this gif but my arms was in the air

I was like :dahell: this shyt hard as hell

Then like a week later I got out. Every night I would get up around 4-5am and go pee and when I laid back down I was in that hypnogagic state where your mind is awake but your body is sleep and that shyt would start happening. I would just have to lift out my body if I wanted to. Then after a while, I guess it became subconscious cause sometimes I would just be out of my body and I’d be like wtf:lupe: I didn’t even try to. Then one time I had dream that I was sleep and had an out of body experience:wtf: But when I woke up, I immediately knew it was a dream. The real out of body experience feels totally different. It feels “realer than reality” It doesn’t feel like a dream experience at all and feels real.

Although one time, when I had one and I saw this chick making macaroni in the kitchen. I immediately came back to my body so I could tell them and confirm if it was true. But it was like 6:00am They was sleep:mjlol: But nikka that shyt was real. So I can’t explain that. And I always used to put a random card on top of my fridge so I could turn it over during an out of body experience and see if it was the same card when I woke up. But I could never remember to do it when I was out of my body. I would pop back in my shyt every time and be like fukk, I didn’t turn that card over :beli: