yeah heres what you got to do.
you got to lay on your back and you cant move a muscle at all. and just focus on your breathing right so you stay awake. by doing this you trick your body into thinking its asleep. then pretty soon your body starts vibrating and your heart feels like its beating faster. then you hear noises like just random noises around your room but you got your eyes closed right. and if you still going through with it at this point, shyt gets real. you will hear screaming in your ears and it feels like somebody is sitting on your chest. and you cant move your body is stuck. and then you can get visuals. like i saw a demon or ghost open my door and it was in my room. and it all seems real so you freaking out.
but if you just let go and stay still you can start leaving your body and you can go places. but i always get too shook of the sleep paralysis bit.
look it up. anybody can do this. its not hard. whats hard is having the balls to sit through the scary part.
i tried this twice last night, i just fell asleep

brehs in this thread whove done it tell me your strategies.