Spirituality Thread - OBEs, lucid dreams, meditation, chakras etc

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Hellenistic = gnostic.

No. No no no. Literally nowhere in any educated, legit source are "hellenistic" and "gnostic" described as equivalents by any knowledgeable source. Never.

Give me any academic source. Any philosophy department source. Any accredited school of theology. Anything that claims that Hellenistic = Gnostic, and therefore anything Hellenistic must be Gnostic.

On the contrary:

The Hellenistic Age marks the transformation of Greek society from the localized and introverted city-states to an open, cosmopolitan, and at times exuberant culture that permeated the entire eastern Mediterranean, and Southwest Asia. While the Hellenistic world incorporated a number of different people, Greek thinking, mores, and way of life dominated the public affairs of the time. All aspects of culture took a Greek hue, with the Greek language being established as the official language of the Hellenistic world. The art and literature of the era were transformed accordingly. Instead of the previous preoccupation with the Ideal, Hellenistic art focused on the Real. Depictions of man in both art and literature revolved around exuberant, and often amusing themes that for the most part explored the daily life and the emotional world of humans, gods, and heroes alike.

There is NOTHING gnostic in there.

The Hellenistic Period is a part of the Ancient Period for the European and Near Asian space. The use of this period is justified by the extent of the Hellenic culture in most of these areas, due to the Greek political presence especially in Asia after Alexander's conquests, but also to a new wave of Greek colonization. In consequence, the Hellenistic Period is usually accepted to begin in 323 BC with Alexander's death and ends in 31 BC with the conquest of the last Hellenistic kingdom by Rome, the Lagid kingdom of Egypt. For the Asian part, we could lengthen it to 10 BC, when the last Indo-Greek kingdom was conquered by Indo-Sakas.

Or there.

On the other hand:
Gnosticism (after gnôsis, the Greek word for "knowledge" or "insight") is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished in the first and second centuries CE.

How the heck can "Hellenistic = gnostic" when the Hellenistic period started hundreds of years before gnosticism existed in ANY form whatsoever?

Later in that same article

The ancient Greek explanation of this experience was to call it a primal "awe" or "wonder" felt by the human being as he faces the world that stands so radically apart from him, and to posit this experience as the beginning of philosophy (cf. Aristotle, Metaphysics 982b 10-25 and Plato, Theaetetus 155d). But the Gnostics recognized this "awe" as the product of a radical disruption of the harmony of a realm persisting beyond becomMoing—that is, beyond "becoming" in the sense of pathos, or "that which is undergone."

Gnosticism began with the same basic, pre-philosophical intuition that guided the development of Greek philosophy—that there is a dichotomy between the realm of true, unchanging Being, and ever-changing Becoming. However, unlike the Greeks, who strived to find the connection between and overall unity of these two "realms," the Gnostics amplified the differences, and developed a mytho-logical doctrine of humankind's origin in the realm of Being, and eventual fall into the realm of darkness or matter, that is, Becoming.

Indeed, when the Greeks first looked to the sky and admired the regularity of the rotations of the stars and planets, what they were admiring, according to the Gnostics, was not the image of divinity, but the image or representation of a "divine" stagnancy, a law and order that stifled freedom, which is the root of desire (cf. Jonas, pp. 260-261).

Plotinus, during the height of his teaching career at Rome (ca. 255 CE), composed a treatise "Against Those Who Declare the Creator of This World, and the World Itself, to be Evil," also known, simply, as "Against the Gnostics" (Ennead II.9) in which he argues for the divinity and goodness of the cosmos, and upholds the ancient Greek belief in the divinity of the stars and planets, declaring them to be our "noble brethren," and responsible only for the good things that befall humankind.

Greeks are mentioned four times five times in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy's account of Gnosticism, and in four of those five mentions, it's to explicitly contradict Greek thought with Gnostic thought.

Gnostic thought is related to Hellenistic thought the same way that, say, the Mormon religion is related to American Protestant church. One emerged hundreds of years after the other with influences from the other, along with lots of other influences as well.

But to say, "The Johnannine church was Hellenistic, therefore it was Gnostic" is as ignorant as saying, "Billy Graham is an American Protestant, therefore he is a Mormon."

The terms are in no way equivalent. And you will never find a legit source saying that they are.

Seriously, this has been a really useless discussion. It feels like arguing with Donald Trump or Sarah Palin....someone can just make up all their own facts, say that they're true because of the inherent truthiness of their statements, and ignore every fact-check that comes their way. I'm out.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
No. No no no. Literally nowhere in any educated, legit source are "hellenistic" and "gnostic" described as equivalents by any knowledgeable source. Never.

Give me any academic source. Any philosophy department source. Any accredited school of theology. Anything that claims that Hellenistic = Gnostic, and therefore anything Hellenistic must be Gnostic.

On the contrary:

There is NOTHING gnostic in there.

Or there.

On the other hand:

How the heck can "Hellenistic = gnostic" when the Hellenistic period started hundreds of years before gnosticism existed in ANY form whatsoever?

Later in that same article

Greeks are mentioned four times five times in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy's account of Gnosticism, and in four of those five mentions, it's to explicitly contradict Greek thought with Gnostic thought.

Gnostic thought is related to Hellenistic thought the same way that, say, the Mormon religion is related to American Protestant church. One emerged hundreds of years after the other with influences from the other, along with lots of other influences as well.

But to say, "The Johnannine church was Hellenistic, therefore it was Gnostic" is as ignorant as saying, "Billy Graham is an American Protestant, therefore he is a Mormon."

The terms are in no way equivalent. And you will never find a legit source saying that they are.

Seriously, this has been a really useless discussion. It feels like arguing with Donald Trump or Sarah Palin....someone can just make up all their own facts, say that they're true because of the inherent truthiness of their statements, and ignore every fact-check that comes their way. I'm out.
well don be so upset. lol. first what is Gnosticism? its really an anti-materialist religion that emerged from Egypt, way before there was a such thing as Hellenism. and didn plato denounce materiality in his theory of the forms? if u read Justin martyr, even he believed plato plagurized moses. don't get so hung up on rhetoric and classifications that you miss the point. greek thought comes from Egypt of course. systems are re-named, re-catogorized and re-classified as something new, but its still the same mystery Babylon.

Christianity is a sync religion with gnostic elements taking hold immediately after Messiah. gnostic Judaism is very old, its called kabbalah. the umbrella term would be 'mysticism' known by different names in different places, obviously.


Jun 12, 2015
Christianity is a sync religion with gnostic elements taking hold immediately after Messiah. gnostic Judaism is very old, its called kabbalah. the umbrella term would be 'mysticism' known by different names in different places, obviously.

When you think about it, there were no scripture being really written down collectively.

And the books in the Bible where Paul is the author are just letters. Scholars argue certainly there are more letters out there.

I was bothered by the synoptic way the New Testament was written, but Biblical scholars pointed out its great because you get both theology and history. Even in the pseudepgrapha texts of the New Testament, they are of value to learn the theology of the followers of Christ.

I find that the metaphysics of Buddhism and the metaphysics/mysticism of Hinduism leaves you feeling detached from the world. So I find many followers of Buddhist and Hinduism moving towards spirituality as originated from Mesotopmia, Egypt etc...the Hindu belief originated from the Indus Valley it has all the elements of a made up belief system with a whole bunch of metaphysical mumbo jumbo. That free spirit, hippy, New Age stuff is too much sometimes, I have Christians comparing Buddha to Christ. If anyone read the story of the Buddha, it is very troubling.

Greek comes up with Homer, and the Hindus come up with Brahma, and Buddha says God does not exist. ...Judeo-Christians create a belief system which actually feels pure to all the senses, so it does not feel mystical, it feels spiritual. Even stories of neat death experiences confirms any belief system which is spiritual, whether it is Voodoo, Black Magick, or Jewish to be closer to reality than mystical nonsense such as reincarnation.

How do you feel about metaphysics?

yo moms

Mar 19, 2013
what are you supposed to write in a journal/diary?

does anyone wear any pendants/amulets or whatever that has some effects?

Loop Ba$eCrawler

All Star
Aug 6, 2015
Had one real noticeable OBE where I took a nap on the couch. Woke up to sleep paralysis which I've had my entire life...Stayed calm and relaxed to where I thought I beat it and woke up without any fear or anxiety...Got up to go get something to eat and looked in the fridge but everything was different. I realized I was still dreaming and zapped right back to myself sleep and another sleep paralysis episode...This time I woke up successfully and went to the kitchen across from my living room to splash water on my face and wake up. I do that and think "Can't really feel this water?"...Then I stand up and look across the counter to see myself still sleeping on the couch. As soon as I saw that I knew I got out of my body and said to myself "I'm gonna go fly through some shyt right NOW"...I ran to the door and hesitated at first, then just ran through it. Then I ran like Sonic the hedgehog through my whole neighborhood and started jumping up and over taller and taller buildings until I got to one jump where I was like "This shyt is gonna be insane"...Then I just woke up for real.

Your body is just a shell for your actual being inside of it. We're all temporary visitors until we get things right on this plane and then we can move on to what's next for us.


May 6, 2012
what are you supposed to write in a journal/diary?

You write whatever you feel like writing. You can write an idea, an inspirational quote, a reflection on the days events, plans for the future, etc. You can even draw pictures.

If you are a heavy dreamer a dream journal is good. You write down/record your dreams and your feelings and over time it provides a glimpse into the habits of your subconscious. And altering the habits of your subconscious has profound effects on your everyday life.

does anyone wear any pendants/amulets or whatever that has some effects?

Find a natural material that feels good to you (wood, gemstone, crystal--not plastic or glass) and put it on a necklace, that could be your amulet.

Also remember all the power we get from amulets and such, ultimately comes from within. The amulet can help by holding the desired frequency but we ultimately have to do the work.

yo moms

Mar 19, 2013
You write whatever you feel like writing. You can write an idea, an inspirational quote, a reflection on the days events, plans for the future, etc. You can even draw pictures.

If you are a heavy dreamer a dream journal is good. You write down/record your dreams and your feelings and over time it provides a glimpse into the habits of your subconscious. And altering the habits of your subconscious has profound effects on your everyday life.

Find a natural material that feels good to you (wood, gemstone, crystal--not plastic or glass) and put it on a necklace, that could be your amulet.

Also remember all the power we get from amulets and such, ultimately comes from within. The amulet can help by holding the desired frequency but we ultimately have to do the work.

i have a lot of dreams. sometimes ill have short lucid dreams by accident too. but im trying to get them more often now so im doing my reality checks throughout the day. my normal dreams are pretty fukked up tho :patrice:

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
When you think about it, there were no scripture being really written down collectively.

And the books in the Bible where Paul is the author are just letters. Scholars argue certainly there are more letters out there.

I was bothered by the synoptic way the New Testament was written, but Biblical scholars pointed out its great because you get both theology and history. Even in the pseudepgrapha texts of the New Testament, they are of value to learn the theology of the followers of Christ.

I find that the metaphysics of Buddhism and the metaphysics/mysticism of Hinduism leaves you feeling detached from the world. So I find many followers of Buddhist and Hinduism moving towards spirituality as originated from Mesotopmia, Egypt etc...the Hindu belief originated from the Indus Valley it has all the elements of a made up belief system with a whole bunch of metaphysical mumbo jumbo. That free spirit, hippy, New Age stuff is too much sometimes, I have Christians comparing Buddha to Christ. If anyone read the story of the Buddha, it is very troubling.

Greek comes up with Homer, and the Hindus come up with Brahma, and Buddha says God does not exist. ...Judeo-Christians create a belief system which actually feels pure to all the senses, so it does not feel mystical, it feels spiritual. Even stories of neat death experiences confirms any belief system which is spiritual, whether it is Voodoo, Black Magick, or Jewish to be closer to reality than mystical nonsense such as reincarnation.

How do you feel about metaphysics?
what do u mean by metaphysics? its such a broad term. I trust what scripture says about the make up of the body and the universe. life is vapor, a blade of grass, fleeting. the soul is everlasting. the way to achieve that everlasting is through the Word of Thurah, including trust in Yahusha Ha Mashiach, which is the living Thurah. I live by the first, the only black culture, which is the Hebrew way of old.

Yiramyahu (Jeremiah) 6:16 Thus saith Yahuah, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls...