SPIN: Any N1gga who'd fight for the US is a C00N.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I wont fight for this country, I would fight for my family and friends. shyt pop off them Russians Koreans Chinese or who the fukk ever we pissed up ain't gonna be worried about who is who, we all gonna be :dead:

Yea well sorry to break it to you, but any shyt pops off with the russians or chinese you wont be picking up guns. that will instantly escalate to nuclear warfare which involves button pushing. Last time we got close to that was in the 60s during the cuban missile crisis. and there wasn't shyt you could do to protect your family except build a bomb shelter. This aint WWII. like Einstein said from here on out, WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones. Think about that for a second.

I was the one that brought up it was kinda c00nish to be all patriotic hating some koreans, calling racial slurs, not even doing enough research to realize that our govt are putting OUR people on the line for OTHER KOREANS. :snoop:

How you gonna be calling N.Koreans gooks, when we're literally using our resources and man power to protect other "gooks". Who in turn don't even help the U.S military (I think they contributed 300 engineers during Iraq and that was about it)

All this money going to the rich folks agenda while children in your own hoods are starving. Those same men are quick to send those factories that gave blue collar men houses and food to the CHINESE. The very people you THINK are your enemy. It's crazy reading people fall for the propaganda. you probably think Iranians and Venezuelans are your enemy too. Chavez used to give out free gas to low income projects after the petroleum subsidize bill experienced. Iran has highlighted many inhumane human rights issues (cops killing civilians, or tasing pregnant women) which directly effect our poor to the UN.

Im not saying fight for their cause either but just re-evaluate why you hate another country. As Ali said, "aint no vietcong ever called me a nikka" Them North Koreans aren't my enemy. Whatever beef they got with America, stems from the Korean war, which was an internal conflict we decided to get involve in for our own personal ideology. Of course they're not too happy about that. Either way who the fukk is afraid of them anyway? as if they are stupid enough to launch an attack on the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons. :heh: that whole ra ra thread was hilarious. nikkas was really chest thumping, like NK was 1940s Japan. haha
May 1, 2012
I wont fight for this country, I would fight for my family and friends. shyt pop off them Russians Koreans Chinese or who the fukk ever we pissed up ain't gonna be worried about who is who, we all gonna be :dead:

nikka on some red dawn shyt.

May 1, 2012
:what: Uh, you worship Obama and are always talking about how black people need to shut up and just support him no matter what.

So any black man who joins the military is a lame c00n sellout, but the black Commander-in-chief who ultimately sends them into war is above reproach?

Perhaps you should rethink your stance because it's insanely contradictory.

i don't think there's a contradiction. he's the commander in chief, yes, and that's a position that no black has held since this nation's inception. that he sends men to die for our national security is one of his office's function. i don't respect black men that join the armed forces, but i understand that obama has to exercise that power in times of "war."


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
As much as I hate this.... I'm going to agree and side with the OP on this one, but he went too far on the "I'd rather be selling drugs" tip. What he should have said was.... I'd rather see black men and women building here than helping to build other countries, especially ungrateful muthaf**kas.

I understand why black folks enlist into the armed forces. Folks got mouths to feed and babies to take care, but ask yourself this..... Knowing your history in this country, is it worth serving? It sounds radical, but how else are we gonna get what was suppose to be given to us at Reconstruction. Black folks in America can put to bed the fact that the US Government will NEVER pay reparations, so why should we serve their interest? The Obama led US Government continues to f**k over slave descendants to this day. Want an example..... You can write off the restitution for the remaining survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Black Wall Street riots because not only are those survivors dying, but everyone involved in the case is dying as well and the only person that has the power to do something(Obama)won't, not because of the statue of limitation excuse that US Gov/State of Oklahoma uses, but Obama has probably had a threat on his life, so if he intervenes, he's a dead man. Affirmative action is/was used as a deception tactic so black people would shut up about institutional racism and reparations but now we(black men)don't even benefit anymore. Ok, so a few corporations allow a few token blacks(women)and everything is alright..... BS

I support a boycott of the armed forces, but only if everybody is on the "building black America" initiative so we can stop dying for an imperialistic, racist institution that has indirectly and directly s**tted on us since our arrival. As Riley would say "Pay what you owe."

This is only a dream though....


All Star
May 6, 2012
In the Clouds
i don't think there's a contradiction. he's the commander in chief, yes, and that's a position that no black has held since this nation's inception. that he sends men to die for our national security is one of his office's function. i don't respect black men that join the armed forces, but i understand that obama has to exercise that power in times of "war."

How is it not a contradiction when he's giving orders that protect and serve the nations interest?


Jun 4, 2012
id just seen that thread for that nikka stealth bomber any nikka getting involved in that shyt with a north korea is a c00n. nikkas running talking about 'us' and 'we' nikka sit ur eager ass down and read about the 3/5 compromise.:aicmon:
@observe @kermit da hustla @TrillSwag @Broke Wave

First off... you can't just arbitrarily throw the word c00n around when it's unnecessary - it takes away the impact of the word.

I would say someone like Ward Connerlly is a c00n.... Not some n1gga from the hood who more than likely joined to get his college paid for. A 17 year usually isn't thinking about global affairs when he's trying to plan out his life.

Plus, some of the most revolutionary and/or helpful to our black communities have been formal military members.

Basically, get the fck outta here w this punk ass bullshyt fakkit; because trying to divide up your community and call random young n1ggas from your community c00ns, is a c00nish act in itself.

There's some c00n n1ggas in the military, but most c00ns are civilians who never served.

This sh1t coming from a hip hop site that hates black women, smh.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
i don't think there's a contradiction. he's the commander in chief, yes, and that's a position that no black has held since this nation's inception. that he sends men to die for our national security is one of his office's function. i don't respect black men that join the armed forces, but i understand that obama has to exercise that power in times of "war."

:mindblown: WHAT???

You don't respect black men who join the armed forces to kill, but you deify the black man who sends them to war? And what do you mean "in times of war"? Obama chose to ramp up the war in Afghanistan. He could've pulled troops out in his 1st term if he wanted to.

If Colin Powell got elected President based upon his credentials of working his way up through the military to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and then Secretary of State, does he then cease to be a c00n and automatically become a hero?

Black man going to war as a soldier=c00nery. Black man ordering thousands of black men into war=greatness? I'm sorry, but you're contradicting yourself horribly.
May 1, 2012
:mindblown: WHAT???

You don't respect black men who join the armed forces to kill, but you deify the black man who sends them to war? And what do you mean "in times of war"? Obama chose to ramp up the war in Afghanistan. He could've pulled troops out in his 1st term if he wanted to.

If Colin Powell got elected President based upon his credentials of working his way up through the military to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and then Secretary of State, does he then cease to be a c00n and automatically become a hero?

Black man going to war as a soldier=c00nery. Black man ordering thousands of black men into war=greatness? I'm sorry, but you're contradicting yourself horribly.

it's an unfortunate function of his office. he gets a pass, imo, because there's nothing he can do short of committing treason to stop military action. it's different than a man willingly joining an institution that exists for the sole purpose of killing on behalf of our imperialist designs.

i think obama is just one part of an overall plan to remake our nation into a more secular and egalitarian state. he has to work within the system, and that's why i excuse his acceleration of war in afghanistan.


Et in Arcadia ego...
Jun 16, 2012
The "BUCKEYE" Nation
I'd like to know how many of these super black militants family members, or antecedents served in the military :leostare: What a lot of these idiots don't know, is that our forefathers who served in the military during the Civil War, and conflicts after, helped change whites attitudes towards us, and pushed us closer to attainging our civil rights. A lot of the white commanders, generals, Grant, and Lincoln included were ambivalent about our mental capabilites and functions during the Civil War, and didn't think we would be apt to serve in the military. When the North did allow us to serve, we showed that we could fight admirably, and it helped change how we were perceived. As a matter of fact, the military was desegrated by Truman, who served in WWI. Eisenhower during WWII, allowed black soldiers to fight with him, even though the Army was segerated. Its not hard to surmise that Truman, and Eisenhower's experiences in the military lead them to think more progrisevely about our capabilites when they were president, which lead them to engage in the sphere of civil rights. If our forefathers hadn't served in conflicts such as the Civil War, WWI, and WWII, if the military wasn't desegreated in 1947, how do you idiots think the course of the civil rights movement would've turned :mjpls:? Its easy to sit behind a computer, be a keyboard sniper, and pop off, but the fact is that we enjoy a standard of living far above that of most countries. People complain about the price of gas, but we actually pay quite less than other countries, which is partly due to our military. I f black people are c00ns for joining the military because our ancestors were enslaved here, then what does that make you for still living here, and enjoying all of the comforts that the military provides for you? Why not just move back to Africa where you can be free :blessed:?
May 1, 2012
I'd like to know how many of these super black militants family members, or antecedents served in the military :leostare: What a lot of these idiots don't know, is that our forefathers who served in the military during the Civil War, and conflicts after, helped change whites attitudes towards us, and pushed us closer to attainging our civil rights. A lot of the white commanders, generals, Grant, and Lincoln included were ambivalent about our mental capabilites and functions during the Civil War, and didn't think we would be apt to serve in the military. When the North did allow us to serve, we showed that we could fight admirably, and it helped change how we were perceived. As a matter of fact, the military was desegrated by Truman, who served in WWI. Eisenhower during WWII, allowed black soldiers to fight with him, even though the Army was segerated. Its not hard to surmise that Truman, and Eisenhower's experiences in the military lead them to think more progrisevely about our capabilites when they were president, which lead them to engage in the sphere of civil rights. If our forefathers hadn't served in conflicts such as the Civil War, WWI, and WWII, if the military wasn't desegreated in 1947, how do you idiots think the course of the civil rights movement would've turned :mjpls:? Its easy to sit behind a computer, be a keyboard sniper, and pop off, but the fact is that we enjoy a standard of living far above that of most countries. People complain about the price of gas, but we actually pay quite less than other countries, which is partly due to our military. I f black people are c00ns for joining the military because our ancestors were enslaved here, then what does that make you for still living here, and enjoying all of the comforts that the military provides for you? Why not just move back to Africa where you can be free :blessed:?


my bro is a marine. i think i speak with some bit of authority on the matter. i call him a c00n to his face. look at the record of american history. our military is used to squash resistance from those that reject our view of "democracy." i don't respect that. i don't care if the price of gas is lower than the global average. i care about humanity.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
it's an unfortunate function of his office. he gets a pass, imo, because there's nothing he can do short of committing treason to stop military action. it's different than a man willingly joining an institution that exists for the sole purpose of killing on behalf of our imperialist designs.

i think obama is just one part of an overall plan to remake our nation into a more secular and egalitarian state. he has to work within the system, and that's why i excuse his acceleration of war in afghanistan.

That's pure bullshyt. It's within his authority as Commander-in-chief to end the Afghanistan War today if he wanted to. And he chose to triple the size of the ground forces there and expand the war effort. That is not working within the system or being forced to do anything, that's chosen executive action. And he ran on it before he was President.

You :ufdup: because you are trapped between your sense of militancy and your worship of Obama and it caused you contradict yourself horribly.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
This thread is retarded. Do yall realize how many black men fought for the right to fight in the armed forces (see movie Glory) Nyggaz need to get rid of that slave mentality :mindblown:

They were probably just desperate for work and had no choice


All Star
May 6, 2012
In the Clouds
I f black people are c00ns for joining the military because our ancestors were enslaved here, then what does that make you for still living here, and enjoying all of the comforts that the military provides for you? Why not just move back to Africa where you can be free :blessed:?

:mjpls: When keeping it militant goes wrong.

These dudes are still pay taxes, you think these nikkas really tryna be huddled up in 100 + degree weather talking shyt about America. Good luck with that wifi connection

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
lets keep it real here, many people serve for personal reasons rather than patriotic reasons like education, money, etc. I wouldnt call them c00ns, they're just doing what they got to do.

its the blind patriotic CIVILIAN, that makes me cringe.