anyway, it's gonna make some folks pissy to hear it....
but taking away the fact that these were the first heavy media pushed cartoons of a certain generation and/or they hold a nostalgia value to a lot of folks....
both those cartoons were pretty shiity (Spiderman/Xmen).
Watch someone cringe in a mental corner when you try to force them to tell you why they like it past the generic "The animation was good (cause it wasn't) or "It had my favorite characters on it so it was the greatest".
These two shows pale in comparison to
The Timm-Verse (Batman: TAS/JL/JLU/Young Justice)
Disney in their prime (Gargoyles/DuckTales/Rescue Rangers/TaleSpin/DarkWing Duck)
Or Avatar.
Hell, Mighty Max and Mutant League were better than those Marvel shows quality and story wise.
Spiderman and his Amazing Friends is better than those two shows.
"But but Wolverine and Apocalips and Sabertooth and Venom!


who gives a shyt.