nikkas are shytting on X-Men for some Disney cartoons 

What part of many voice actors were doing BOTH shows don't you get?
Mark Hamill
Ed Asner
Richard Moll
Efrim Zimbalist
were doing voices for Batman the Animated series AND Spider-Man.
Even beyond those who worked on both shows just look at the list of talent that worked on that Spider-Man show, it's a lot of accomplished well respected voice actors who worked on that show.
The quality of the voice acting had nothing to do with budget. It was just a shytty voice director.
Thank you! Mofos totally overlook that the voice direction for X-Men was terrible.
Gargoyles had people getting bodied on the first episode. The "City of Stone" series had a higher body count of the flashbacks and the humans that Demona killed that most movies.That is what set it apart from most 90s series, cause it took a path that was never explored. Over time, many of the antagonists eventually become allies, or even friends.
Demona has one of the most tragic tales ever, and her and Macbeth's history damn near made me want to cry as a young bul. They have an eternal blood feud over a simple misunderstanding..well and paranoia. Demona is a top female villain.
Very first ep, Goliath caught a sword in his hand and started bleeding. Xanatos said "pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot through hell." Disney pulled out all of the stops with that. And the acting....Keith David, Salli Richardson, Jonathan Frakes, Ed Asner, Marina Sirtis (and 1/2 of the Star Trek cast), Bill Faggerbakke, Jeff Bennett.
Demona's Rap Sheet - YouTube
Just found this - Demona's Rap Sheet lol
Batman was still a great cartoon, but I think Gargoyles seas1-2 has some things that would take it over Batman.
Demona's Rap Sheet - YouTube
Just found this - Demona's Rap Sheet lol
Batman was still a great cartoon, but I think Gargoyles seas1-2 has some things that would take it over Batman.