They've been trying to get the rights back to a lot of characters for years but the only reason they got this opportunity on Spiderman was because Marvel Studios smelled blood in the water at Sony after ASM2. And I'm not so sure about Marvel Studios putting Spidey as the lead after Ironman/Capt. I don't know all the ins and outs of the deal but I don't think Sony wants there main hero to be a lead in some other studios franchise and I also don't think Marvel Studios want's to put all they're eggs into the basket of a character that they only have permission to use. This is why I think they are going to use Spiderman as a supporting character. Who knows there may even be a deal on how much screen time he can even get in an Avengers film. Sony may only want him in for a specific amount of time almost as a tease so people will be more inclined to see that actual Sony funded Spiderman movie. I hope that's not the case but I'm sure these things are discussed in their meetings.
I also don't agree that bringing Spidey is going to make Marvel more money and if it does it will be very very very marginal. I doubt there are many people that were like "I was on the fence about seeing the new Avengers movie but I heard Spiderman was going to be in it so I guess I'll go." People were going to see Avengers/Civil War regardless and the slight few that weren't going to see it aren't going to make a big dent in ticket sales.
I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but its not Peter Parker the brings in the crowds and its not Peter Parker people want fighting along side Iron Man and Capt. They want Spiderman. Its not Peter Parker they put on billboards and movie poster. It's Spiderman. I love Peter Parker but the average movie goer just wants to see "Spiderman" kicking ass with the avengers.
I think they moved the dates around because they wanted to make sure Sony's standalone fit into the timeline of marvels line up.
Well we just agree to disagree then breh because I don't see it the way you do, especially about your last point about the public wanting spider man and not peter parker when the public knows peter parker as spider man. there's a reason when dan slott killed peter it was national news and when he came back it was also national news.
As far as the ins and outs of the deal, sony and marvel will jointly produce and create a new spider man followed by movies. The spider man standalone films can also be filled with characters from the marvel universe and vice versa meaning he can show up in anything and anyone can show up in his movies and it makes sense to do it that way especially if your older characters are going to transition out. So like I said, agree to disagree. If that many people weren't excited about it, it wouldn't be covered in Forbes, Wall St. Journal, CNN, etc. But we'll see what happens breh, you could be right, I just don't see it.
shoot em' bruh
Spider-Man Blue
Death of Gwen Stacy
Kraven's Last Hunt
Gang Wars
Spider-Man: Birth of Venom
The entire Master Planner arc (only a couple issues)
Amazing Spider-Man 50 (spider-man no more)
And the relaunch title Amazing 36 which is the 9/11 tribute issue