Spider-Man Coming Home to Marvel Cinematic Universe

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Don't think Sony cares but if I'm Garfield I'm never working with Sony on a project again.

He's the only one I feel somewhat bad for. Could've been the perfect Peter Parker/Spidey but got fukkED by the studio interference for ASM2...

Still mad that BP is getting the shaft. I was rereading the initial Civil War announcement and they were hyping BP SERIOUS. Bringing Chadwicke onstage and having Downey and Evans introduce him was making him an OFFICIAL and important member of the MCU. They had the concept art of the suit on display. Saying he was going to play a rather substantial part in Civil War. Now it looks to be going down the drain for ANOTHER goddamn Spidey reboot...

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Breh it's a partnership lol its two teams with Feigie and Pascal making decisions. I get @Prodigal Syndicate and his apprehension but I don't get yours on this one. If the guy everyone worships, Kevin Feige, is a partner and has creative say and input and is steering the ship along with a woman who has tried to do right by the guy for a long time and has acknowledged when something is off are steering the ship I don't see what the issue is. Of course none of that matters without a good director and a good script
Understood. Let's see where this goes.


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
He's the only one I feel somewhat bad for. Could've been the perfect Peter Parker/Spidey but got fukkED by the studio interference for ASM2...

Still mad that BP is getting the shaft. I was rereading the initial Civil War announcement and they were hyping BP SERIOUS. Bringing Chadwicke onstage and having Downey and Evans introduce him was making him an OFFICIAL and important member of the MCU. They had the concept art of the suit on display. Saying he was going to play a rather substantial part in Civil War. Now it looks to be going down the drain for ANOTHER goddamn Spidey reboot...

He's not:russ: they shifted every project down a slot to integrate spiderman into the infinity war arc. Everything else is speculation...


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
@Ed MOTHEREFFING G scrambling with box office numbers like they don't tell a very clear story that Spider-Man was regressing in worldwide box office (while the movies got more and more expensive) while every Marvel series sees huge increases for all of its movies. And that's a big deal because Spider-Man is one of the most popular comic book characters of all time while Marvel Studios was out here making a Guardians Of The Galaxy movie.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
In a previous interview with Indiewire, Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, who have been behind the Spider-Man film franchise since its inception at Sony, were both adamant Miles Morales would never be a part of future Spider-Man movies.

“The one thing you cannot do, when you have a phenomena that has stood the test of time, you have to be true to the real character inside – who is Peter Parker? What are the biggest effects on his life? Then you can draw in time, and you can consider today's world in many ways. But to have multiple ones… I don't know if you remember, but Marvel tried it. And it was almost the end of Spider-Man," said Arad.

However, fans shouldn't be too concerned. THR reports both Arad and Tolmach will have "no real say in the creative direction" of any new Spidey films.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fans...k-hispanic-miles-morales-2015-2#ixzz3RPuqzXUm

Still hoping for Miles even though I'm doubtful it'll happen.
The conversation that was dropped in here earlier reportedly came from two guys who have been downgraded in role and have no real say in casting whatsoever.

Amazing producers Matt Tolmach and Avi Arad have been downgraded to executive producers, with no real say in the creative direction of the franchise.


Erik Killmonger

Apr 29, 2014
Spider-Man: How Sony, Marvel Will Benefit from Unique Deal (EXCLUSIVE)

Marvel has long wanted to put Spider-Man in its movies, but since Sony Pictures controlled the rights to the character since 1999, the web-slinger has been off limits. Making a crossover could have been costly, since Disney would have been expected to shell out millions. But the actual deal turns out to much cheaper — more like free.

Marvel Studios won’t pay Sony Pictures for the rights to put Spider-Man in “Captain America: Civil War,” the “Avengers” franchise or its other superhero films, as part of its new partnership with the studio, according to sources with knowledge of the deal. At the same time, Marvel won’t receive a cut of the box office for any of Sony’s films that feature Spider-Man. Sony won’t receive a percentage of the revenue Disney makes from Marvel’s films that have Spider-Man, either.

SEE MORE:Spider-Man Returns to Marvel; New Movie Coming in 2017

There may be some opportunities for Marvel to benefit financially from the Sony films, with payments tied to certain box office milestones. The financial relationship is likened by sources to the kind of compensation structure a producer would receive.

Marvel had originally wanted to buy back Spider-Man from Sony. But its resulting partnership, which was in the works since October, is just that — an arrangement that enables both Sony and Marvel to mutually benefit at the box office by having Spider-Man appear in their movies.

The deal actually benefits both sides significantly.

Sony needed to breathe life into its “Spider-Man” franchise; by lending its character to Marvel, it has a way to generate more exposure for its bigscreen hero. Doing so also creates some serious goodwill among Spider-Man fans, who have wanted to see the character become part of the Avengers.

Marvel now gets access to one of the comicbook company’s most popular characters — it already controlled the rights for TV, merchandise and other platforms, but the holy grail for Disney has lately been film, where it has been able to launch franchises that impact the bottom line of all of its various divisions.

Character crossovers across studio films are virtually unheard of and have been considered too cost prohibitive in the past. They’re so rare that Marvel and Fox cast different actors to play Quicksilver in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “X-Men: Days of Future Past.”

But with Sony looking for a creative way to put a spotlight on its franchise, and Marvel so eager to get its hands on Spidey, Hollywood actually figured out a way to work together for once.

The next step for Sony, of course, is to recast Spider-Man. The studio is looking to go back to Spidey’s roots and put the character back in high school, which would require it to cast a younger actor, Variety has learned. Andrew Garfield is no longer playing the character.

The studio is still moving forward with the Spider-Man villain-centric “Sinister Six,” and “Venom” spinoff, as well as a film that features female characters in the “Spider-Man” universe. “The Amazing Spider-Man 3″ has been cancelled. While Marvel’s Kevin Feige is involved with Sony’s new “Spider-Man” films, he is currently not expected to be creatively involved with the spinoffs, sources say.
