Dan Slott has corrected a lot of that though although they still won't let him grow up and be married because it "ages" the character which is utter bs to me. And I don't think he should be a full time avenger for real
Spiderman was as good as it ever was a read.
when Peter was grown and solid with mj.
when they started having mj in peril because of Caesar.
when spidey should have beat his ass, period.
plus, having Petey lose the come up with mj.
ofsetting the natural course of the character from hardknocks to finally grinding to make it.
spidey and mj should be avengers with a kid who lives at the mansion by now.
happily ever after working in avengers lab with pym, Starks, and t'challa.
with reed dropping by and sue and mj going shopping and shyt.
with Franklin and powerpack grown the fukk up.
kids should be reading about the older guard.
then, fascinated by their mutant offspring in a new mita Ts reboot or some shyt to having their own solo books.
instead we get the wackest guys alive in Quesada[who ruined batman], and huffest of all time jaep Loeb at the helm of creative shyt they should be nowhere near at marvel.
those two clown don't know shyt about marvel comics.
damn, I wish jim shooter was alive.
none of this garbage would be allowed like this.
Art Barr