Sorry But After This I Don't Ever Want To Hear About Black Men Being Sellouts Anymore.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Glad you’re seeing my side.

All these nikkas and women be hating when I spit it, but when I get angry and talk about this, it isn’t about who bw are messing with, it’s that they feel the need to tell bm that they are leaving them to mess with them.

My anger is even greater because I have seen it in real life; bw have told me multiple times that they were done with bm and wanted to date out, without me asking them anything, they just fukkin come up to me and say it to me to try to get me angry.

And this is way before this online shyt.

I feel like now it’s worse compared to with bw calling bw gold diggers and hoodrats because bm still showed love back then, when most videos had nothing but beautiful bw.

Y’all was still getting love and still are today:

But bw now, I have seen so many commercials of interracial relationships with only bw.

There was a burger king one.
a clothing one.
a traveling one.
and a family commercial.

all interracial with bw.

come to think of it, literally yesterday I was shopping and it showed a grandma and her daughter or granddaughter and she was light skin, I always saw this pic, but little did I know there was a separate part that I thought had nothing to do with the original pic, the pic was a wm with a mixed child.

That’s wtf I’m talking about!!

We are supposed to be down for each other and bw are falling right into this shyt and promoting it.

You have posters with it.
Talk shows with it.
Movies with it.
Commercials with it.
Social media with it.
Even real life with it.

This one wench I fukked, majority of her family are dating wm, no fukkin joke.

We get mad because we’re supposed to be together, we’re literally all we have left.

yeah the bolded are the vengeful ones.

Honestly based on your posts and everyone else’s in here and the plethora of these threads lately, i can tell y’all are angry about a lot of things pertaining to this topic. I genuinely don’t know what to say. Seems like online both groups have had it up to here with each other. All I can tell you is to focus on whatever and whoever makes you happy.


All Star
Nov 5, 2017
this bytch is reaching with that low traffic dead ass website look at the date between threads mad and post per thread topic lipstick ally has that site dame near beat with just Michael Fassbender Appreciation threads alone
In defense of LSA, not all of the posters are Black women. Like after Chris Cornell died, there was a massive influx of his fans because of the conspiracy theories around his death. They have the largest thread on the site but they don’t post anywhere else. LSA started out a gossip forum and still attracts stans of all races. I think a lot of the appreciation threads are just obsessed Stans.
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All Star
Nov 5, 2017
oh ok so it's not specifically male dominated forums like you said initially in post #275. it's actually an internet issue period
I said it made me realize more men hate women than I previously believed. I didn’t say it was women weren’t also capable of feeling a similar way.

I do think the distrust, anger, and resentment feels more intense on male dominant sites. GMB, HOH, incels, etc. is next level. The coli is far from the worst of it. You can’t name one female dominate site that is nearly as pathological as r/incels or *****.

I guess women are able to openly vent about their frustrations more so they don’t feel the need to do it on message boards?


Feb 16, 2017
Something on FB just reminded me of this thread

so im in this FB group full of black men and women... usually it be some dumb, stereotypical shyt but sometimes there’s a good post or something funny posted in it worth commenting...

So this cute black chick makes a post telling all the black men to post their pics and the females to use their pickup lines to holla...

(This group is usually only talking about relationships or sex... nothing really productive at all. I was invited into it by my homie and I barely comment and didn’t comment here either. I’m in other groups with bm/bw but it’s usually not about relationships... sometimes).

There must’ve been like 20 dudes posting pics, a few on some thirsty/simp shyt... But most were just average black dudes posting average pics.

I found it hilarious that only one dude received any love/comments and it was the only dude that looked liked the stereotype the coli be trolling about where he was 6ft, 6-pac, 6 cert coli nikka...

He was the only one to get pick up line comments.

And half the chicks commenting were overweight or regular af :mjlol:

Point is, there are some decent, regular black men literally looking for attention from bw.. but will largely be ignored (even by women that actually belong in their looks/weight/financial class) unless they are the 1% of nikka that is 6ft plus with a 6pac, etc....

Think they deserve the top percentage of black men but don’t look like the top percentage of black women.... don’t even try to.

and its not the same vice versa because half these dudes thirsty af and will holla at anything... I’ve seen it.

But females are quick to say there aren’t no good bm, they must be gay, they’re sellouts if in IR relationships and happy (even if no bw was checking for them), etc.

but let them see a regular bw with an ordinary white dude with a beard and it’s highly possible the majority response will be “yaaassssss sis...”

Just an observation

That's all western women, actually the cheat code is to date outside your race where you might be seen as "exotic".

There's white incels with whole theories on how and why this happens. There's is or was a dating game show called Take me out or something like that where girls evaluate men.... Let's just say most men don't make the cut.

If I wanted to be "messy" I could post the South African version where African women go ga-ga over white dudes and their barely 20 years out of Apartied.

That said there's no doubt about it Black women's standards based on a first look are crazy. Now where the incels are wrong is you can easily play past a chick's natural instinct to shut you down.


Feb 16, 2017
I said it made me realize more men hate women than I previously believed. I didn’t say it was women weren’t also capable of feeling a similar way.

I do think the distrust, anger, and resentment feels more intense on male dominant sites. GMB, HOH, incels, etc. is next level. The coli is far from the worst of it. You can’t name one female dominate site that is nearly as pathological as r/incels or *****.

I guess women are able to openly vent about their frustrations more so they don’t feel the need to do it on message boards?

Yes you can, that being said women need men so they don't get as much traction as male "hate" sites.

Men can't be super simps and hate women at the same times.

What men are mad about is women gaslight men they don't tell them that women are way way more looks focused than men are. The main reason Black men are mad is because Black men (especially before the internet) were told that Black women are unattracted to non Black men and they don't understand why Black men are so "colorist" and pro IR. Now we know that Black women find white dudes attractive and have that "exotical" bug that they claim that Black men only have. They also lie about how loyal women are, They simply can't be for evolutionary reasons.

The real thing is women are exactly like men they like very attractive people, they will cheat on their man. The only real difference is that women can bribe their p*ssy and most men can't. Although men (like women) can find almost anyone attractive a man wouldn't be attracted to a woman simply because he has resources women can. That's literally the only difference.


All Star
Nov 5, 2017
:stopitslime: Bullshyt. I've peeped that website for years :dame: and all the black man haters have positive reps. shyt, last I saw, most of the appreciation threads were for cacs and bi-racials :mjpls:
Not all of the posters are Black and the people in the appreciation threads don’t post anywhere else on the site. They’re twitter stanbases that latched on to LSA. Chris Cornell has the biggest thread on LSA. Do you know any Black woman that gives a shyt about Chris Cornell?
These are the posters in the White male appreciation threads. They’re white stans that post about their whereabouts and career. They aren’t in there gushing about them or imagining them with Black women. Is that what the coli actually thinks is going on?


:snoop:What we have here is a failure (or outright refusal?) to be objective.
The extent to which anti bm vitriol permeates that site is not comparable to thecoli. Any objective person would realize this after a cursory comparison.
LSA is just like the coli. On the coli, someone will post a thread about a Black woman doing something offensive and then a wave of posters will use it to vent about Black women with a slew of daps. Then a second wave comes along saying “not all Black women”. It’s the same thing with Black men on LSA If you really have looked on the site past the thread titles, you would know that not every poster hates Black men and dreams of marrying a White man.

Stereotypes of Black men and women get spewed on both sites so I fail to see the difference. Look at this thread about Gayle King and tell me that all of the posters hate Black men? They called Gayle out on her bullshyt and the hypocrisy Gayle and Oprah show towards Black men.
UPDATE - Gayle King Defends Herself Against Kobe Bryant/Lisa Leslie Interview
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All Star
Nov 5, 2017
Yes you can, that being said women need men so they don't get as much traction as male "hate" sites
I disagree with most of what you said but this it the biggest point. The most bitter female hate site doesn’t breed mass shooters angry at the world because they can’t get the guy they want. The coli isn’t a that level but female hate sites meet pathological extremes.


All Star
Nov 5, 2017
Shut up. Why are you here then? :mjtf:
You’re not helping by generalizing the men either
It’s a free country and I like the discussions that aren’t focused on “bed wenching” or anything else complaining about Black women.
In the same vain, I don’t look around for places to vent about Black men. It’s unhealthy.

Are you implying the coli is only for bytching about Black women?


Feb 16, 2017
yeah the bolded are the vengeful ones.

Honestly based on your posts and everyone else’s in here and the plethora of these threads lately, i can tell y’all are angry about a lot of things pertaining to this topic. I genuinely don’t know what to say. Seems like online both groups have had it up to here with each other. All I can tell you is to focus on whatever and whoever makes you happy.

The problem is Black men have to assume that a Black woman would date IR if the right oppertunity came along. Just like they would the problem is the gaslighting.

nikkas need to be redpilled as a kid like women are. You have to do everything in your power to look the best that you can, The only thing that men have is a cheat code where a short nikka can stand on his wallet. But the idea that a nikka will get a "good woman" simply by being a "good man" despite his assistant manager job at WackArnold's is dead.

I don't think it's up anymore but this dude who lives in the DR made an excellent video about the average dude managing a cricket store not even being able to holla at the chick with 3 kids that works part time in the same store; That bytch has standards. nikkas need to accept that the majority of dudes simply aren't good enough for a marriage to a average Black woman. Most nikkas have to self improve heavily or accept that they have to trick off.


Feb 16, 2017
I disagree with most of what you said but this it the biggest point. The most bitter female hate site doesn’t breed mass shooters angry at the world because they can’t get the guy they want. The coli isn’t a that level but female hate sites meet pathological extremes.

That's because a woman can't make a man do anything, take away the cops and women are fukked. (don't take this the wrong way) I was looking at Hercules on Netflix and some King announced that his daughter was to be married to some dude in 3 days. That was news to the daughter.

That's how it was back in the day you father just assigned you to a dude what you wanted didn't matter. At end of the day it makes sense because if a man can't get hard there can't be sex, It literally has a mind of it's own. Meanwhile a woman can lie back and think of England.

If you're gonna have female choice then if you look like Harvey Weinstein you're gonna have to accept that you're not gonna get any buns not even from a chick that looks like Harvey either. The only thing was until recently you could be a Hollywood Producer now that door is even closed.

These are not my thoughts but that's the mindset that these dry dikk nikkas have. Women are socialized to not be overly thirsty Men need to be socialized in the same way. Dudes with genetic deformities aren't crying on the internet or shooting up schools, dudes who are broke and sub 5's in looks need to have the same stoicism.


Jul 7, 2012
saw a girl post about her white boyfriend buying her some Jordans and booking a vacation and the entire thread is filled with countless replies of black women openly begging and praying for a white man. because of a pair of J’s

My thing is, I don’t really care about what these bird brains do in their romantic lives.

shyt is just weird to me how c00ning on social media is the cool thing to do now.

I see black women referring to black men as hard er’s all the time on twitter, and shyt like “bullet bag”, it’s all crazy to me but they all find it funny. Every message regarding black empowerment gets ridiculed and given the “kufi” meme treatment.

It’s such a bizarre timeline for me.


A lot of people here were kiki-ing and laughing at the Kufi meme, but I was like eventually self haters and non-Blacks will use that to shut down any discussion of Black empowerment and knowledge and sure enough...:francis:

It was cool to be pro-black and conscious a couple of years ago (shoutout to Black Panther), but now I think society has overdosed on "wokeness" and "outrage" and now people are regressing back to being c00ns again because they are "tiredt"

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
A lot of black men hate on social media

Why you following someone named welfare monkey?

You say Black men are hated then use an example of a twitter account that has an obvious agenda ...might not even be a Black person behind it.

I'm not going to be triggered by some anonymous troll. Stop migrating that fukk shyt here.

Counter Racist Male

Retired poster and occasional lurker
Sep 14, 2019
I said it made me realize more men hate women than I previously believed. I didn’t say it was women weren’t also capable of feeling a similar way.

I do think the distrust, anger, and resentment feels more intense on male dominant sites. GMB, HOH, incels, etc. is next level. The coli is far from the worst of it. You can’t name one female dominate site that is nearly as pathological as r/incels or *****.

I guess women are able to openly vent about their frustrations more so they don’t feel the need to do it on message boards?

A lot of women hate men too. All these problems come from a culture of people trying to use one another instead of trying to work together. Lot of young women are out encouraged to view for only what they can provide for them materially or socially or sexually and a lot of young men are subconsciously train to like a woman's face or body but not actually like her or see her as a person. It goes both ways.
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