Sorry But After This I Don't Ever Want To Hear About Black Men Being Sellouts Anymore.


She luv it over here like Gold Watch.
Feb 14, 2017

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
son i peep game. that sistahood underneath the umbrella of ingroup bias is brazy. yeah we'll just sit here and pretend that there is an equivalent androcentric version of YouTube swirl superstars Nikki & Jamie with over 2 million black male followers. then when the conversation moves we'll also try to get people on board with the LIE that lipstick alley and the coli are exactly the same when it comes to discussing our respective opposite gender counterparts lmao

but when there's no wiggle room, like no way to deny what's in front of you? :mjpls: absent.... that is until a nikka says he don't like Ari Lennox's nose then all of a sudden the block is flooded. lol. amazing how that works
The sisterhood that migrated from tumblr to twitter are a loud ass bunch.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
It is an achievement to them. It’s like I finally am starting to understand now.

From shyt I read online, black women have always been told they were the least attractive women out of all women.

So for bw, they go from least desired to dating the race with the most resources. In their minds it is an achievement.

So they get with a dude who wouldn’t look twice at them to claim them, then they won in their minds.

They’re like that for latin men too.

But what I have noticed was that you don’t hear white women talk down on their men, you don’t hear latinas talk down on their men, I actually hear latinas big their men up a lot.

These women have pride in their race.

A wench told me before that she wanted a mixed baby to have good hair and not to have her big ass nose. She said she was playing.

Few years later......

she wasn’t playing

Ehhhh @ the bolded...

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
No it would not.

First of all, the that shyt comes off gay as fukk: "look at Zackquaun and Hillary. They're my favorite couple on the show. She believes in #blacklivesmatter and chose him over her Klan parents *heart eyes emoji* #RelationshipGoals"

*Tweet gets half a million likes and tens of thousand retweets*

*nikkas replying in the thread*

"Where do I find one?
"OMG, yall are so beautiful Zackquaun."
"Unconditional love is beautiful."

I bet you the women would be singing a different tune.

We do not go around c00ning for solidarity. nikkas just mind they own damn business. "Sistas" on the other hand...:francis:

Shyt like this (hypocrisy) is OP's entire damn point. Anytime it get's brought up with hard stats attached yall mufukkas get to Juelzing like a mug, in an attempt to shutter our voices at the bullshyt because yall can't bare to see black women criticized for anything. I'm speaking on men and women alike. The only woman I've seen go hard for the bruthas on here calling this weak shyt out is @Nicole0416. That's it. Any other sista might straddle the fence and dip their foot in the water but it usually be bullshyt excuse after excuse, other times it be shaming tactics.

Like another poster said above, the vast majority of yall don't get off code for shyt.

How about this? You can look forward to the day that couple breaks up or her SO makes a racist comment and those women screaming goals and whatever other embarrassingly thirsty comment that was made about that couple, you can laugh at them about it.. I know I will:pachaha:

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
The sisterhood that migrated from tumblr to twitter are a loud ass bunch.

oh word well to be clear ma... the ingroup bias sistahood not only predates tumblr and twitter but the internet's very existence

1978 - black macho and the myth of the superwoman by michele wallace (reprinted in 2015 with a foreword by jamilah lemieux)

1981 - women, race & class by angela davis

in just those two books you can find every single black female/feminist talking point you hear today no cap. i'm talking EVERY SINGLE ONE. from black male leadership being inherently toxic & oppressive towards black women, to cis-het black men being the "white men of the black community." remember that article by the mangina feminist that jemele hill cosigned? yep, angela davis spit that game FIRST lmao. it's astounding to see these concepts espoused by renowned black female academics prior to these purported black female tumblr problematics who i'm told have infected twitter and only are representative of a few. naw, hell naw. it's black female cultural ideology as a WHOLE


Oct 17, 2015
Listen, I can tell you that I have yet to hear a black dude tell me he didn’t like black women because they did them wrong and they want mixed kids with good hair, I have yet to meet one. I have met a good few of these hoes.

Some of them told me this for no reason other to try to make me angry.

Why are bw dating interracial then?

You know what’s funny? How come bw need a reason to date out? Lol why is it always someone’s fault other than their own?

Idgaf if a bytch wants to date out, but I won’t sit and let them try to blame bm for it.

A poster in here posted this breh from twitter showing how he will divorce his wife.

Guess what? Bw was callin that dude all types of broke n shyt, not knowing he had a tech degree.

Why is it assumed he’s broke? Do you ever hear bw call other race of men broke, in fact even say anything negative about them?

I haven’t heard anything negative about any other race of men in person by any women. Only negative things about bm.

You go on apps and only see bw talking about they want mixed, white, or hispanic. You don’t see any white, hispanic women saying this those.

They aren’t even writing no bm in their bios like bw are.

Anyway, I’m done with my rant.

Why do you think bw date out?

For me as a man, I just wanna fukk pretty bytches, don’t care what color they are.

Now what are bw’s reasons?
WTH are you rambling on about? your taking this somewhere that is not really relevent to what I said:snoop:

you post like this is a blogsite of yours:dead:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
No it would not.

First of all, the that shyt comes off gay as fukk: "look at Zackquaun and Hillary. They're my favorite couple on the show. She believes in #blacklivesmatter and chose him over her Klan parents *heart eyes emoji* #RelationshipGoals"

*Tweet gets half a million likes and tens of thousand retweets*

*nikkas replying in the thread*

"Where do I find one?
"OMG, yall are so beautiful Zackquaun."
"Unconditional love is beautiful."

I bet you the women would be singing a different tune.

We do not go around c00ning for solidarity. nikkas just mind they own damn business. "Sistas" on the other hand...:francis:

Shyt like this (hypocrisy) is OP's entire damn point. Anytime it get's brought up with hard stats attached yall mufukkas get to Juelzing like a mug, in an attempt to shutter our voices at the bullshyt because yall can't bare to see black women criticized for anything. I'm speaking on men and women alike. The only woman I've seen go hard for the bruthas on here calling this weak shyt out is @Nicole0416. That's it. Any other sista might straddle the fence and dip their foot in the water but it usually be bullshyt excuse after excuse, other times it be shaming tactics.

Like another poster said above, the vast majority of yall don't get off code for shyt.
There's a reason that I'm not in this thread - Nothing but a string of low value comments that amount to nothing more than black woman white worship and "sister'" sell out shyt. Nothing but mindless manipulation with their responses "well, black menz like pawgingz so we can like our zadddieess.. hayyyyyyy... " yada. Dumb gender divisive shyt. I refuse to even go there bc I don't sit around thinking about white boys or excuses for dating them, never have..never will. I don't cater to their demographic. It makes me fukkin mad as fuk, because the more I say, as black women, stop the swirling support - that we need to be unified, stop paying attention to the cac crossovers; they roll in here deep with the false equivalencies and trying to justify what's not right, this made for tv bullshyt. What the fuk kind of logic is that- to date outside your race bc a few black men who date out, who are not representative. The black men that I encounter don't even think or associate with any white people like that outside of their respective jobs or business situations. What comes to mind is a few insecure, low worth, low self-esteem whitewashed black women who think it's acceptable to justify their existence off white validation and feedback. That one chick @Maurice Monroe talking about "exxoticals" , responses sound stupid af, out the gate. Never seen her comment before- from 2012? That's the SSBWMarti who changed her username? White men do not give not one single shyt about black women, bc at the end of the day, their allegience is to their own. Brainwashed broads keep feeding into the gender narrative that negates the constructive relationships between black men and women. Idc what they think, I'll call it all out - any black female or black male who feels that it's acceptable to promote or support relationships with white or nonblack people need to be outcasts of black society, not the norm. The answers and responses in here are pathetic - nothing but a competition for white acceptance. I've got a lot of work to due today actually reviewing 60 pages of data on a spreadsheet, and I have a headache but don't mistake my silence on this topic as passive or support- I'm not letting these twitterists, blamemanists, blavity blabberists, with their psycho-illogical retorts think they can promote white men because of a few black men who didn't fuk with them, while failing to address their own accountability. The primary responsibility that we all have is to our own blackness- I can stand these twitter and social media mavens who think #whiteboymagic is #squadgoals. If they knew, how vocally stupid they looked and sounded - they would shut the fuk up about it. Nothing but another method of oppression and they're too caught up to realize it.

@Chelsea Bridge Don't you date a black man that you met here?? How are you on a white- interracial thread, with the defenses but your boyfriend is a black coli member? He knows that you are on here caping for this cac 'affection' like this?? There is no way that I would be cool with a man that I was dating pulling up on an internet site to see him in IR dating situations, talking about his support for white women. But Like every time one of these threads comes up, you're right in here deep with your replies and your man is ok with that? Like what?
Last edited:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
There's a reason that I'm not in this thread - Nothing but a string of low value comments that amount to nothing more than black woman white worship and "sister'" sell out shyt. Nothing but mindless manipulation with their responses "well, black menz like pawgingz so we can like our zadddieess.. hayyyyyyy... " yada. Dumb gender divisive shyt. I refuse to even go there bc I don't sit around thinking about white boys or excuses for dating them, never have..never will. I don't cater to their demographic. It makes me fukkin mad as fuk, because the more I say, as black women, stop the swirling support - that we need to be unified, stop paying attention to the cac crossovers; they roll in here deep with the false equivalencies and trying to justify what's not right, this made for tv bullshyt. What the fuk kind of logic is that- to date outside your race bc a few black men who date out, who are not representative. The black men that I encounter don't even think or associate with any white people like that outside of their respective jobs or business situations. What comes to mind is a few insecure, low worth, low self-esteem whitewashed black women who think it's acceptable to justify their existence off white validation and feedback. That one chick @Maurice Monroe talking about "exxoticals" , responses sound stupid af, out the gate. Never seen her comment before- from 2012? That's the SSBWMarti who changed her username? White men do not give not one single shyt about black women, bc at the end of the day, their allegience is to their own. Brainwashed broads keep feeding into the gender narrative that negates the constructive relationships between black men and women. Idc what they think, I'll call it all out - any black female or black male who feels that it's acceptable to promote or support relationships with white or nonblack people need to be outcasts of black society, not the norm. The answers and responses in here are pathetic - nothing but a competition for white acceptance. I've got a lot of work to due today actually reviewing 60 pages of data on a spreadsheet, and I have a headache but don't mistake my silence on this topic as passive or support- I'm not letting these twitterists, blamemanists, blavity blabberists, with their psycho-illogical retorts think they can promote white men because of a few black men who didn't fuk with them, while failing to address their own accountability. The primary responsibility that we all have is to our own blackness- I can stand these twitter and social media mavens who think #whiteboymagic is #squadgoals. If they knew, how vocally stupid they looked and sounded - they would shut the fuk up about it. Nothing but another method of oppression and they're too caught up to realize it.

@Chelsea Bridge Don't you date a black man that you met here?? How are you on a white- interracial thread, with the defenses but your boyfriend is a black coli member? He knows that you are on here caping for this cac 'affection' like this?? There is no way that I would be cool with a man that I was dating pulling up on an internet site to see him in IR dating situations, talking about his support for white women. But Like every time one of these threads comes up, you're right in here deep with your replies and your man is ok with that? Like what?

I made 3 replies in this thread and yes my man is well aware of why I say what I say. He don’t care, lol.

Just like he doesn’t care when I go hard at the thirst for non-black men on LSA. I go harder at them then I do on here and there’s a reason for that.

My first reply in this thread was saying he’s not even cute with a beard, lol. My first reply in that other white man/black woman thread was that people who thirst after white people always end up with egg on their face.

What more do y’all want from me??? :pachaha:


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Because they don’t think black men are humans. We don’t matter. The moment men realize this it will make their life better. Deal with the very small group that does love them.
Literally every black woman in my life thinks this way of thinking is embarrassing. My grandparents made sure to teach all their kids about black pride, and always told them how evil cacs could be. We do have a couple of c00ns in my family, but I don't associate with them at all.
No, we don't all find this fuk shyt as "cute". It's pathetic just like there are those of us who call it for what it is-

Sadly she'll be attacked by the oreo clique for not bowing down at the alter of whiteness.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
No it would not.

First of all, the that shyt comes off gay as fukk: "look at Zackquaun and Hillary. They're my favorite couple on the show. She believes in #blacklivesmatter and chose him over her Klan parents *heart eyes emoji* #RelationshipGoals"

*Tweet gets half a million likes and tens of thousand retweets*

*nikkas replying in the thread*

"Where do I find one?
"OMG, yall are so beautiful Zackquaun."
"Unconditional love is beautiful."

I bet you the women would be singing a different tune.

We do not go around c00ning for solidarity. nikkas just mind they own damn business. "Sistas" on the other hand...:francis:

Shyt like this (hypocrisy) is OP's entire damn point. Anytime it get's brought up with hard stats attached yall mufukkas get to Juelzing like a mug, in an attempt to shutter our voices at the bullshyt because yall can't bare to see black women criticized for anything. I'm speaking on men and women alike. The only woman I've seen go hard for the bruthas on here calling this weak shyt out is @Nicole0416. That's it. Any other sista might straddle the fence and dip their foot in the water but it usually be bullshyt excuse after excuse, other times it be shaming tactics.

Like another poster said above, the vast majority of yall don't get off code for shyt.
Notice and take notes - the ones caping for white boy validation this summed up:


old boy

Oct 25, 2017
:mjlol: @Benjamin Sisko @Falcozer @old boy @number21 @ThaEruditious Look at this nikka!! Usually in any thread about pawgs/non-black females/BM in IRRs, this nikka will he shytting on BM using anti-black misandrist/white supremacist talking points. Now it's the other way around & he's telling to get off social media and ignore this shyt.

oh shyt good looks on the tag son, i peeped game hard. i never chopped it up with @THE HEAVEST like that but pattern recognition shows me that he's a brother who's very much in tune with discussing black male dysfunction especially as it pertains to colorism in dating. but more importantly for him is black male interracial coupling and why by and large it can be extremely problematic. which i would suppose is a valid criticism of our minority we pawgin' identified brothers on the coli or the even more pervasive "fukk these black bytches a pawg will at least submit" type nikkas we've run across on the web since the early millenium. which i do not have a problem with whatsoever. it's a viable discussion and i don't feel offended personally or the need to cape for my nikkas. let's chop up that good game because it's real and it exists among us as black men

but when the conversation switches to obvious black female dysfunction and your response is to just stay off social media and let it live? :dead: aight duke :mjgrin:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
oh word well to be clear ma... the ingroup bias sistahood not only predates tumblr and twitter but the internet's very existence

1978 - black macho and the myth of the superwoman by michele wallace (reprinted in 2015 with a foreword by jamilah lemieux)

1981 - women, race & class by angela davis

in just those two books you can find every single black female/feminist talking point you hear today no cap. i'm talking EVERY SINGLE ONE. from black male leadership being inherently toxic & oppressive towards black women, to cis-het black men being the "white men of the black community." remember that article by the mangina feminist that jemele hill cosigned? yep, angela davis spit that game FIRST lmao. it's astounding to see these concepts espoused by renowned black female academics prior to these purported black female tumblr problematics who i'm told have infected twitter and only are representative of a few. naw, hell naw. it's black female cultural ideology as a WHOLE
I was talking social media. I’m well aware of the fact that SM predates it. Look at bell hooks and Alice Walker.


May 1, 2012

Can anyone please show me any tweet where a black man is with a white woman and it gets this many likes/responses? I still love black women, but we need to keep it real about the hypocrisy when it comes to IR relationships. Black Men are quick to check c00ns who pull this, but we still get dogged out and told we ain't shyt. Black boys are being raised to uplift black women, while black girls are being raised to believe that love is found outside the black race.

A lot of broads on social media perpetuating this bullshyt are clowns and are not a representation of the real world

Counter Racist Male

Retired poster and occasional lurker
Sep 14, 2019
oh shyt good looks on the tag son, i peeped game hard. i never chopped it up with @THE HEAVEST like that but pattern recognition shows me that he's a brother who's very much in tune with discussing black male dysfunction especially as it pertains to colorism in dating. but more importantly for him is black male interracial coupling and why by and large it can be extremely problematic. which i would suppose is a valid criticism of our minority we pawgin' identified brothers on the coli or the even more pervasive "fukk these black bytches a pawg will at least submit" type nikkas we've run across on the web since the early millenium. which i do not have a problem with whatsoever. it's a viable discussion and i don't feel offended personally or the need to cape for my nikkas. let's chop up that good game because it's real and it exists among us as black men

but when the conversation switches to obvious black female dysfunction and your response is to just stay off social media and let it live? :dead: aight duke :mjgrin:

I guess some people are upset that I haven't "went in" on the young women in this situation. I guess it somehow makes me a hypocrite. The thing is I don't have Twitter I don't have Facebook or any other social media. So I only talk this subject from things I've experienced in my 40 plus years on this planet and things that I've see daily. So I guess my view is more panoramic. I really don't know much about what people talk about on Twitter other than what I see here on the coli.