Sorry But After This I Don't Ever Want To Hear About Black Men Being Sellouts Anymore.


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
And when a black male chooses a caucasian?
Years of indoctrination that white beauty is better than all others. That narrative has slightly shifted where now the more “exotic” look is desired and white men are getting tired of white women (to be fair most people are) and are now dating Asians.

We’ve got to really look at history and remember white supremacy at its core was about ‘protecting’ white women from black men. If a brother got lynched it was 99.999% likely because of a white woman. Their image and virtue has been carefully contrived by white men for centuries, making them seem like the forbidden fruit and ultimate prize.

Why do you think CACs get mad when they see commercials of black men and white women but never white men and any other race? To them a white woman is tainted once she even dates a brother. They can’t lynch us openly anymore but that deep seething hatred never left. White men have no problem with dating interracially, they have a problem with white women dating black men because that’s seen as the ultimate betrayal of white supremacy.

Sadly, a lot of brothers/ethnic minorities aspire to be like white men and think that’s the pinnacle of success. I only aspire to have the wealth of whites/jews but not to be like them AT ALL/. White women are no prizes.. even white men are starting to see it. But sadly, many brothers still believe that having a white woman will compensate for their lack of self esteem and/or accomplishments.

In short, white supremacy has done a number on everyone non-white.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
:heh: @Rell84shots @number21 @Benjamin Sisko @ThrobbingHood @Hennessypapi @ThaEruditious @ItsTimJackson

i'm fascinated by gynocentric cognitive dissonance in all its irrational glory. look how they'll deflect by either saying "don't be hurt that black women are dating out" OR "if i ain't fukking the bytch why should i care?" ayo fellas what the fukk are they talking about?

do we even know the name of this bytch on that reality show? do we even CARE? of course not you gynocentric morons, it ain't about that bytch. it's about BLACK FEMALE CIVILIANS REACTION to the pairing. the pom pom waving and the wearing of foam number one fingers that stands in stark contrast to what we do. nikkas are not high fiving each other over pictures of Saquon Barkley and Anna Congdon, hell nah. we judge the bytch, say whether or not we'd fukk, and move the fukk on without saying "we stan for Saquon and Anna!" lmao wtf type of nonsense is this. we're not buoyed by black men finding love with white bytches like yall are with sistas and white men. facts

lipstick alley has an entire forum dedicated to discussing black women dating non-black men, where is the coli equivalent? exactly it don't exist. that is what rational unafraid of some damn sistahood black men are pointing out. no one is actually begrudging this beautiful black female reality star, the white male who is paired with her on screen, or the black female white male dynamic in general. we're pointing the finger directly at the majority of black women who get this.... are most likely not dating and have never dated a white man. nothing but black men all their lives yet still find nutrition in the narrative. why? lol we know why stop playing dumb it's disgusting b


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
@old boy thats why I take all these posters at face value. There are some cool female posters on here but they stay on code when their fellow sisters are praising swirling. I’ve seen it many many times. At least I and others are consistent when it comes to calling out both bed bucking and wenching.


She luv it over here like Gold Watch.
Feb 14, 2017
@old boy thats why I take all these posters at face value. There are some cool female posters on here but they stay on code when their fellow sisters are praising swirling. I’ve seen it many many times. At least I and others are consistent when it comes to calling out both bed bucking and wenching.

I'm cool with a few of em on here, but only one goes hard and against this shyt on here. Yall know who it is. The others tend to downplay, completely ignore things like this or turn to some sort of shaming tactic as has been going in this thread. :wow:

Also @old boy great post, breh


May 3, 2012
Black men gotta realize that we owe nothing to black women and have no obligation to them

Stop letting hoe babble get y'all upset :yeshrug:

Most of these Twitter,coli and etc hoes mentally ill anyway will never get the men they desire :russ:
you tripping on that, we owe another a lot


Feb 12, 2015

@Booksnrain I'd love to see your input about this, since you're a fair and balanced woman :mjpls: ?
@CarmelBarbie too.

Whoa there hot stuff! How you calling attendance over some trivial shyt like this, but i NEVER see you in REAL threads about racist shyt if ur precious PAWGS are implicated?
Where were u when this went down?

As for this thread, who are these people? I don’t care about them. But after years of blk men popping trash money shyt at blk women JUST like blk women did to blk men, I don’t ever wanna hear the word bedwench again either.

This entire site is rife with PAWG/PAAG worship but wanna clutch pearls if a blk chick even thinks a non-blk dude is cute.:mjlol:

I’ve literally been saying the same shyt since I joined this site in 2015. Date who you want but if u gotta call the people in ur own race bulldogs, or insult them, u lame.:yeshrug:

Making a big deal over blk chicks happy about this shyt is trivial as fukk when Tariq and Tommy Sotomayor had entire followings of blk men co-signing some of the most racist shyt about blk women I’ve ever heard. Saying shyt like white women are the most oppressed.

Some blk dudes got a short memory when it comes to this internet shyt. Many are JUST as hypocritical as these EVIL BLK WIMMINZ they wanna paint a narrative of. Hell there are some dudes who will BLATANTLY state that they cool with blk men dating out but blk women shouldn’t:mjlol: U goofy for this mess.

Meanwhile nikkas throwin rice to Jeezy and his PAAG and celebrating random blk dudes dancing with white chicks on the beach—but hitting the :damn:when they see couples like the OP.

:laff::laff::laff:Nobody in our race has room to talk about hypocrisy. LEAST of all a nikka that literally came in a thread about white women literally with tunnel vision to pop shyt at blk women when they weren’t even the topic of discussion.

:laff::laff::laff:I can’t make this shyt up! Never change Coli!
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Oct 17, 2015
The funny thing is this though, I’m sure that it isn’t the black men saying that about black women; it’s the fukkIN OTHER RACES of men that say this!!!!!!
Other race men are saying that bw are least attractive!!
It’s that funny?!
So instead of be wanting bm more, they want the race that doesn’t want them compared to other races of women.
I know for a fact that it’s not bm deeming bw the most unattractive, it’s the men that want other race women, who bw now want to date for acceptance.
lol this is dishonest , no there are some Black men(albeit its more of a online nikka thing rather then real life) who do, do this.
there are entire bm centered groups(black manosphere, SYSBYM) that have members that like to talk their shyt and say this about Black women
as well as other type of goofy nikkas, mind you im no BW panderer or male feminist. far from it. But lets not bullshyt and be dishonest here and lets call a spade a spade

hell we just had @Falcozer in his asian thread try to get sneaky equating BW to Asian/asian incels. Which aligns with that "no one likes BW" shyt

and BW are not interracial dating because of what you propose. Maybe for a few. But those types are not the ones writing desperation articles and stuff. They are instead alot of times the ones not with a nonblack men(at best all they are is a sex toy to them)


Oct 17, 2015
Bc women esp American women as a whole are selfish (well all humans are, but women take the cake), narcissistic, solipsistic, and entitled (Lizzos feel entitled to Idrid Elba).

With all this being said black women are no exception.

The small group of women in question feel its their RIGHT to explore options while their PROPERTY (black men) aren’t allowed to. Have ur cake and eat it too. Not to mention a lot of the black men they didnt even want, end up with non black women and they still dont like it. Why? They feel entitled to the attention of men they dont even want and the attention of they men they do want....their property.
At the end of the day, I dont take any woman black white or otherwise seriously once they bring up this hypocrisy or any dating standard for that matter.

Just stack ur bread, expand ur options and get ur shyt together and find a woman that serves you regardless of race. Stop worrying about what Mentally ill twitter thots have to say if they arent paying ur bills. A grown man can’t be shamed.
true shyt, I peeped this for a while with these women.
women feel entitled to the men that are their property(in their race) because they can use them as a safety net after their "ventures"(lack of a better words) is over. and what I mean by that is stuff like
the popular urban myth stories of the slutty white bytch who messes with black men, and then grows up and marries the white simp. Thats what I am talking about

lots of women want it like this^^^. And in this case thats how some BW are. They want to go about chasing this and that. Meanwhile they keep a group of men on the side as either backup,fallback etc.

it all just comes down to having as many options as they can for whatever happens. And once the men they want either are tired with them and it doesnt work out. They can fall back on the nikkas they kept to the side/standby.

And nothing irritates them more than the fact those standby nikkas, move on and find someone else who will want to be with them. Espescially someone outside the group hence the hate on unwanted Black men x Nonblack women couples
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Oct 17, 2015
Because they’re the ones at the top economically and socially. It’s in a woman’s nature to want the man with the resources. That’s just how the game is right now. That’s why I don’t fall for people who project this “black solidarity” mantra. They’re the main ones overcompensating because deep down they want to or are swirling.

We can’t be mad at women wanting to be with the group who is economically at the top but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held to task for their hypocrisy either.
lol its not this deep actually, it simply comes down to this

Asians - Hardly any Bw are in the proximity of asians outside of nail and wig shops.

Hispanic - a number of BW are actually with them, its just not a big of a deal IR as it is with a White men.

Plus the racial dynamics call for IR, always having a focus in regards to Black being with white. So a Black x Asian/Hispanic isnt gonna be seen as big of a deal as Black x white. And the most obvious being, that they are the majority so their pretty much everywhere and easy to run into compared to the other two:yeshrug:


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
All in the replies women are laughing

"Shoulda treated us better"
"Nba players wife white girls"

They're like this and do all of this celebration just to spite black men

News @12 most black women have extremely low self esteem. It can be hidden but it can't be suppressed. Even the ones that don't have a personal desire to swirl, still view attention from non black men as the ultimate validation.

You have black men on this forum trying to downplay it by calling people incel :no:. That's just a coping mechanism imo and it's understandable. Certain things are so embarrassing all you can do is ignore or downplay it.
Super facts


Oct 17, 2015
Majority of Black women are wenches at heart. We need to keep it a stack. If the Brad's they were secretly fukking would actually see them as wife material asian bytches wouldn't be leading the league in interracial marriage with cacs. :manny:
you nikkas are letting this stupid shyt, lead you to say some super stupid shyt yaselves:mjlol:

Black women being seen as wife material has nothing to do with Asian women and their relations with white men
Asian women and their relations, history and dynamic to Whites and in this country are totally different from Black women and their relations with white men

I hate pulling the *you aint black cause you said this* card, but how can you possibly be black saying shyt like this:russ:

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
@old boy thats why I take all these posters at face value. There are some cool female posters on here but they stay on code when their fellow sisters are praising swirling. I’ve seen it many many times. At least I and others are consistent when it comes to calling out both bed bucking and wenching.

son i peep game. that sistahood underneath the umbrella of ingroup bias is brazy. yeah we'll just sit here and pretend that there is an equivalent androcentric version of YouTube swirl superstars Nikki & Jamie with over 2 million black male followers. then when the conversation moves we'll also try to get people on board with the LIE that lipstick alley and the coli are exactly the same when it comes to discussing our respective opposite gender counterparts lmao

but when there's no wiggle room, like no way to deny what's in front of you? :mjpls: absent.... that is until a nikka says he don't like Ari Lennox's nose then all of a sudden the block is flooded. lol. amazing how that works
Feb 5, 2016
lol its not this deep actually, it simply comes down to this

Asians - Hardly any Bw are in the proximity of asians outside of nail and wig shops.

Hispanic - a number of BW are actually with them, its just not a big of a deal IR as it is with a White men.

Plus the racial dynamics call for IR, always having a focus in regards to Black being with white. So a Black x Asian/Hispanic isnt gonna be seen as big of a deal as Black x white. And the most obvious being, that they are the majority so their pretty much everywhere and easy to run into compared to the other two:yeshrug:

Yea i seen alot of bw with hispanic dudes mexican rican and dr

But its not considered the same as dating a cac for obvious reasons.