Someone want to explain how Mexicans came here broke af now got cribs, jobs and hella cars

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Yall are missing out on the biggest part.... Their ability to be fukked over

Most of these Mexican workers are illegal. So a company can pay them 3-4-6 dollars an hour, pay no insurance on them, pay no taxes on them, pay them no overtime and no benefits cause they are working off the books

It's hard to pull that off with an American citizen. Not only does the wage go up automatically, so do the requirements. Hiring an American employee over an illegal can cost you thousands a WEEK and that's just 1 worker

I used to think the same way till someone told me... "Don't look up to people who are happy to take less than what they deserve. They'll always get less and be seen as less, until they stand up for equal treatment"

They are basically the slaves of this new generation. Getting paid pennies to do shyt jobs, and if something happens, fukk them, throw them off to the side of the road and get another

Check the high school and college graduation for Latino males and compare it to blacks. They have the mentality that my generation will wear workboots so they next will wear a suit. Its not how much you make, but how you spend and what you do with it. Someone making 25k a year, pooling resources with another and keeping it in house is better off than someone making 2x as much whose money is funneled elsewhere, especially when you are generations behind. For some reason we are myopic and can only think for today, maybe towards retirement but not 3 generations forward which should be the minimum. Also, black men dont network when together. Just bullshyt or talk about women in barbershops. No think tanks like how the Chinese do with their kids or how the Arabs have weekly meetings at a leader's home and all the young boys will sit and listen to elder men discuss the affairs of the day and how to consultative planning instead of being reactionaries.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Check the high school and college graduation for Latino males and compare it to blacks. They have the mentality that my generation will wear workboots so they next will wear a suit. Its not how much you make, but how you spend and what you do with it. Someone making 25k a year, pooling resources with another and keeping it in house is better off than someone making 2x as much whose money is funneled elsewhere, especially when you are generations behind. For some reason we are myopic and can only think for today, maybe towards retirement but not 3 generations forward which should be the minimum. Also, black men dont network when together. Just bullshyt or talk about women in barbershops. No think tanks like how the Chinese do with their kids or how the Arabs have weekly meetings at a leader's home and all the young boys will sit and listen to elder men discuss the affairs of the day and how to consultative planning instead of being reactionaries.
I agree with some of that. That their kids and natural born citizens will do better.

But this is comparing us to them NOW. Like damn they are better cause they work harder and do shyt jobs.

It's not like blacks wouldn't do the jobs. Or teenagers. It's that you're not gonna win that dishwasher job over hector, cause hector will do it for shyt money and no healthcare and no 401k

You might struggle on bills. But your son has a yard and a room and good food. Jesus has to share with 10 cousins and 5 uncles and eat rice and beans

Now in 5 years maybe Jesus is doing a lot better. Maybe he's not. There's no data on it yet cause it hasn't happened. We don't know if white people are ever going to give them GREAT jobs. Or treat them better than us at these great jobs.

Right now they got the low wage jobs on lock. And most funnel that home to family in their country

The real test would be Mexicans vs Africans. You can't compare the silver spoon life of being born in America to what ANY immigrant will endure. Because whatever low wage we have here. Whether lifestyle or job. Is NOTHING compared to what they had at home

America is a level 1 on the scale of toughness. So these 80 hour weeks for 5 dollars is an hour is a cakewalk to them