It doesn't matter if you know who they are already, you still need to develop them as characters. And the only way to develop them as characters is to spend time with them. The more time you spend with them the more you learn about them and the more you learn about them the more familiar you become with them. Everyone might know who Superman is but you can't tell me MOS really did a good job of developing the character because after more than 2 hours we still barely know who Clark is. All we know is that he's kind and well natured. Outside of that... bupkis. Meanwhile you know EVERYTHING there is to know about Tony Stark because his movie actually gave a damn about exploring who he was as a character.
So you have to wonder just how much TIME can they dedicate to all of these characters and furthermore how is it going to help better serve the STORY?
Avengers only had 3 jobs when it came to the story.
- Establish the threat
- Bring the avengers together
- Climactic action finale
And the reason this is so is because they didn't have to worry about introducing or developing any of their main characters because they were already developed over the course of various solo films. All they had to do was bring them together and tell the best possible story they could. Meanwhile the MOS sequel has to:
- Establish Superman (because all the last movie did was INTRODUCE Superman)
- Introduce and establish Lex Luthor.
- Introduce and establish Batman.
- Introduce Wonder Woman.
- Superman's romantic subplot with Lois.
- Batman's romantic subplot with god knows who. (maybe a love triangle with Lois)
- Climatic action finale
I'm just saying that's A LOT to handle for a movie like this and quite frankly based on MOS I just don't have faith in Snyder's ability to pull it off. Then again I did really enjoy Watchmen which he also directed but that story was practically lifted straight from the book. The MOS sequel is going to be an original story which they have to come up with themselves and it also has to work around all of these obstacles in a way that actually makes SENSE and doesn't just feel like a clusterfukk.
It's gonna be real hard to make this a cohesive movie.

And the next Superman movie is going to focus on 3 main plots: