so why is Marvel trashing DC now a days

Sep 12, 2013
This criticism kills me...WB is rushing Superman/Batman but the fukking movie doesn't come out till 2016. How exactly is that rushing to catch up? If the desperation was that bad then WB would have stuck to releasing Superman/batman in 2015.

No I don't mean catching up in a release sense, I mean in a storywise sense. Marvel already had their universe going strong with all types of heroes and so rather than wait years and years developing individual superheroes and their worlds over time they instead went straight to the teamup movie right out the gate.

Snyder even said as much before the release of MOS that he wanted to do a stand alone sequel before teaming him up with any other superheroes. I'm sure the team up movie was on the back of everyone's mind and they all knew it was gonna happen but I don't think any of them ever intended for it to be the immediate follow up to MOS. For whatever reason you wanna try and come up with... whether it was in response to MOS's gross, or whether they just wanted to get it on that Avengers money... the point is the general feel here is that the teammup movie got pushed UP.

And aside from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor we don't know of any other stuff being thrown together in this movie. Sure there have been a shytload of rumors but 95% of those rumors have ended up being bullshyt otherwise Walter White would be Luthor and some emo douchebag from Girls would be Nightwing.
It's like people online are insanely determined to shyt on this movie just because without even attempting to give it a chance.

You're not getting me man. The point I'm making is that the foundation for this movie hasn't been properly laid yet, so that means they film is gonna have shoddy construction. This film not only has to continue the story told in MOS and help round out Superman's character arc, but it will also have the job of introducing and developing Batman... and don't expect him to play like a Falcon sidekick role either... this is BATMAN... you can assure he's gonna have a major role. You ALSO have the job of introducing Wonder Woman and HER origin. The story now has to work AROUND these things and make it all into one cohesive movie. I'm sorry man but it sounds like a CLUSTERfukk.

And what about Lois? Doesn't she HAVE to play some type of vital role in ANY Superman story? And don't forget Superman gotta get p*ssy in this movie AND Batman gotta get p*ssy. So that's TWO romances goin on. Is there gonna be love triangle with Lois or is Batman gonna try and stick it to Wonder Woman?

See what I'm saying?

This movie is gonna have A LOT of baggage getting in the way of the story.

I want it to be good like everyone else, trust me. But based on that and also the fact that Snyder is still directing is enough for me to set my expectations very low for now. Which is a shame.

Clark Wayne

Jul 22, 2013
The problem isn't DC, it's Warner Bros. Since Green Lantern flopped, they've become cautious with their hero properties. Also, while Man of Steel made a lot of money WB wanted it to make more and it didn't do too well with critics either.

That's why instead of a straight sequel we are now getting Batman and Wonder Woman in the next film. The edge Marvel has over DC is that Marvel has it's own studio. The Batman vs Superman film will need to make all the money it can get, so it will definitely move from opening against Cap 3. Marvel can afford to take a loss, DC can't.

Clark Wayne

Jul 22, 2013
Another edge Marvel has movie wise is that besides a couple films, all of their movies have been directed by different people. This gives all of their movies a different feel and tone and shows they are not afraid to take a chance on a director who may seem out of place. Joss Whedon had only directed one film before Avengers and now it's the 3rd highest grossing film of all time. The Russo brothers are mostly comedy directors known for directing a lot of episodes of community, then they came and crush the buildings with Cap 2.

Then they got James Gunn for Guardians and Edgar Wright for Ant-Man. If WB really want a successful DC universe, they can't rely on Zack Snyder forever. WB really needs someone like Kevin Feige to oversee their DC properties.

This is why Marvel is able to release at least two films a year. Man of Steel dropped in summer of 2013. By the time Batman vs Superman is released, Marvel will have released 5 films: Thor 2, Cap 2, Guardians, Avengers 2, and Ant-Man.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
It sucks because man of steel was everything i actually wanted in a superman movie.
no love stories
supes actually beats people up for once
special effect finally do justice to the action
and it played more on the alien aspect of his character rather than treating him like captain america which never made any sense to me

but all these haters wanted this to be like superman returns part 2 and now the studio is probably gonna cave and give them what they want.
so the next movie will essentially be spider-man 3 starring superman

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
No I don't mean catching up in a release sense, I mean in a storywise sense. Marvel already had their universe going strong with all types of heroes and so rather than wait years and years developing individual superheroes and their worlds over time they instead went straight to the teamup movie right out the gate.

Snyder even said as much before the release of MOS that he wanted to do a stand alone sequel before teaming him up with any other superheroes. I'm sure the team up movie was on the back of everyone's mind and they all knew it was gonna happen but I don't think any of them ever intended for it to be the immediate follow up to MOS. For whatever reason you wanna try and come up with... whether it was in response to MOS's gross, or whether they just wanted to get it on that Avengers money... the point is the general feel here is that the teammup movie got pushed UP.

You're not getting me man. The point I'm making is that the foundation for this movie hasn't been properly laid yet, so that means they film is gonna have shoddy construction. This film not only has to continue the story told in MOS and help round out Superman's character arc, but it will also have the job of introducing and developing Batman... and don't expect him to play like a Falcon sidekick role either... this is BATMAN... you can assure he's gonna have a major role. You ALSO have the job of introducing Wonder Woman and HER origin. The story now has to work AROUND these things and make it all into one cohesive movie. I'm sorry man but it sounds like a CLUSTERfukk.

And what about Lois? Doesn't she HAVE to play some type of vital role in ANY Superman story? And don't forget Superman gotta get p*ssy in this movie AND Batman gotta get p*ssy. So that's TWO romances goin on. Is there gonna be love triangle with Lois or is Batman gonna try and stick it to Wonder Woman?

See what I'm saying?

This movie is gonna have A LOT of baggage getting in the way of the story.

I want it to be good like everyone else, trust me. But based on that and also the fact that Snyder is still directing is enough for me to set my expectations very low for now. Which is a shame.
See I don't think it would take more than a few throwaway lines about the vigilante in Gotham to have Batman's existence explained without going into a detailed retelling of his origin and everyone involved has said Wonder Woman's role is a supporting one so the amount of time spent on her back story will likely be negligible. The one advantage that DC/WB has on Marvel is that their characters are more well known so no one needs too much explanation as to who Batman and Wonder Woman are because they are pop cultural icons already! The baggage you think would need to be in this movie is not necessary as far as I am concerned. And Lois will probably be in this movie as much as any supporting player would be.

And I don't get the Snyder hate, dude has made some pretty cool movies that I have enjoyed immensely. The only one of his flicks I didn't like was Sucker Punch and that was more for the script an the directing.


May 1, 2012
Dark knight trilogy is better than anything marvel has put out

1st one was good, 2nd one was great, 3rd one was fuuuuuuuuuucking traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash!

The early spiderman from 2001 probably is the closest competition

Goddamn that movie was awful too. :mindblown:

Superman 1 and 2 with Christopher reeves is classic

Now we're talkin :myman:.

And the last xmen was good but none near the quality of the dark Knight

:ehh: I'd say they're close, with Dark Knight edging out First Class slightly. I expect this next xmen movie to be much better than TDKR tho.


No more snow
May 1, 2012
just overall, in comics quality, and movies..

the only edge DC has is animation...everything else Marvel is king
I'm not a DC fan, but they have Batman, though a repeat of a Nolan caliber trilogy is unlikely (and imo, the third movie was shyt)

DC does have Arrow.... Which is the best comic book show to ever grace TV

But yeah, movie wise, Marvel is unstoppable
Sep 12, 2013
The one advantage that DC/WB has on Marvel is that their characters are more well known so no one needs too much explanation as to who Batman and Wonder Woman are because they are pop cultural icons already! The baggage you think would need to be in this movie is not necessary as far as I am concerned.

It doesn't matter if you know who they are already, you still need to develop them as characters. And the only way to develop them as characters is to spend time with them. The more time you spend with them the more you learn about them and the more you learn about them the more familiar you become with them. Everyone might know who Superman is but you can't tell me MOS really did a good job of developing the character because after more than 2 hours we still barely know who Clark is. All we know is that he's kind and well natured. Outside of that... bupkis. Meanwhile you know EVERYTHING there is to know about Tony Stark because his movie actually gave a damn about exploring who he was as a character.

So you have to wonder just how much TIME can they dedicate to all of these characters and furthermore how is it going to help better serve the STORY?

Avengers only had 3 jobs when it came to the story.

- Establish the threat
- Bring the avengers together
- Climactic action finale

And the reason this is so is because they didn't have to worry about introducing or developing any of their main characters because they were already developed over the course of various solo films. All they had to do was bring them together and tell the best possible story they could. Meanwhile the MOS sequel has to:

- Establish Superman (because all the last movie did was INTRODUCE Superman)
- Introduce and establish Lex Luthor.
- Introduce and establish Batman.
- Introduce Wonder Woman.
- Superman's romantic subplot with Lois.
- Batman's romantic subplot with god knows who. (maybe a love triangle with Lois)
- Climatic action finale

I'm just saying that's A LOT to handle for a movie like this and quite frankly based on MOS I just don't have faith in Snyder's ability to pull it off. Then again I did really enjoy Watchmen which he also directed but that story was practically lifted straight from the book. The MOS sequel is going to be an original story which they have to come up with themselves and it also has to work around all of these obstacles in a way that actually makes SENSE and doesn't just feel like a clusterfukk.

It's gonna be real hard to make this a cohesive movie.


All Star
May 19, 2012
The problem isn't DC, it's Warner Bros. Since Green Lantern flopped, they've become cautious with their hero properties. Also, while Man of Steel made a lot of money WB wanted it to make more and it didn't do too well with critics either.

That's why instead of a straight sequel we are now getting Batman and Wonder Woman in the next film. The edge Marvel has over DC is that Marvel has it's own studio. The Batman vs Superman film will need to make all the money it can get, so it will definitely move from opening against Cap 3. Marvel can afford to take a loss, DC can't.

Where did WB say that? Are you just assuming or do you have an article stating that?


May 2, 2012
Another edge Marvel has movie wise is that besides a couple films, all of their movies have been directed by different people. This gives all of their movies a different feel and tone and shows they are not afraid to take a chance on a director who may seem out of place. Joss Whedon had only directed one film before Avengers and now it's the 3rd highest grossing film of all time. The Russo brothers are mostly comedy directors known for directing a lot of episodes of community, then they came and crush the buildings with Cap 2.

Then they got James Gunn for Guardians and Edgar Wright for Ant-Man. If WB really want a successful DC universe, they can't rely on Zack Snyder forever. WB really needs someone like Kevin Feige to oversee their DC properties.

This is why Marvel is able to release at least two films a year. Man of Steel dropped in summer of 2013. By the time Batman vs Superman is released, Marvel will have released 5 films: Thor 2, Cap 2, Guardians, Avengers 2, and Ant-Man.
good point, never thought of it this way.