so why is Marvel trashing DC now a days

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I never understood the reason cartoon network would fukk over DC properties when they themselves are owned by time warner completely anyways knowing full and well how corporate synergy works. It just makes no sense. You have no lineup go to the in house comic guys to create award winning popular cartoons to make a dedicated programs that plays on your cable channel. but cancel them if they cannot sell toys to kids because you get a kickback from the toy sales cuts? in this day and age who buys toys? DC should have had their own adult swim block. Imagine seeing mature rated DC animated movies and shows that are not for kids? It would work...
I read an article on some entertainment site a few years ago that said WB is made up of little fiefdoms where the top guy of one property doesn't like to work with the other properties. So you would have the Cartoon Network guy not wanting to work with the DC guy who didn't want to work with the TV guy etc., and so nothing would be accomplished until the higher ups stepped in and forced stuff.
Supposedly that has all changed now that kevin Tsujihira is in charge of WB but I'll believe it when I see more proof of it.


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
I read an article on some entertainment site a few years ago that said WB is made up of little fiefdoms where the top guy of one property doesn't like to work with the other properties. So you would have the Cartoon Network guy not wanting to work with the DC guy who didn't want to work with the TV guy etc., and so nothing would be accomplished until the higher ups stepped in and forced stuff.
Supposedly that has all changed now that kevin Tsujihira is in charge of WB but I'll believe it when I see more proof of it.


We're gonna see.....
Sep 12, 2013
how in the fukk are captain America and superman anyway comparable past being superheros.
only similarity of cap and supes is.
they were created in an era none of us grew up in.
superman is the hardest superhero to write for after his creation in this Gen, ever.

Art Barr


Stop it.

Supes and Cap were always very comparable.

- Both of them are "big blue boyscouts"
- Both fight in the name of truth, justice and the "american way".
- Both are incorruptible.
- Both are "super men" in their respective continuities.
- Both were depicted in the comics fighting the enemy (whether it was nazis or whomever the US was beefin with at the time)
- Both are the leaders of their respective super teams.

In fact if there's one Marvel character that owes his genetic makeup to Supes the most it's Cap.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
btw, your analysis of Man of Steel, specifically the fact that the made lois lane NOT a dumb damsell in distress was on point. Her 1930s esque idiocy was insulting at this point, considering she's a pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter...the film should've gotten MORE credit for that well as, as you put it, writing in and OUT the phantom zone which is quite antiquated at this point.

MOS is a great flick

back to this reply; Superman IS hard to write for..even in FINAL CRISIS they had superman in another dimension fighting ANTI MONITORS because his power is so OP the idea that he wouldn't defeat darkseid is also absurd...he's like a giant walking plot hole that doesn't get a 'batman' pass by fans.

preciate it, handshake!!

when it comes to superman.
the character is superman, and I know from just basic gateway familiarity of superman.
he is superman, in mind, body, power and soul.
it is downplayed but he is actually just as brilliant intelligence wise as well.
so, writing a character, that is impervious.
as well, as hyper-intelligent.
that is a complete chore for a writer, or even a writing staff.
plus, superman is like close to a century old.
where he has a numbe of stories.
yet, those stories for this public.
may not be able to be written to satiate an audience.
plus, this audience does not suspend belief that well.
especially, after the 1990's.
so, for this staff to re-write te second movie.
into a better experience that took into account all these variables.
was an astounding effort, on their part.
to the point, all time this movie should have a high ranking all time in the superhero movie genre.
I just don't get the criticism of this movie at all.
it completely rewrites and excells.
where anyone could have failed making this movie.
plus, you got to see super fights, that meet the naysayers criticism.
on top of imo, the best origin retelling of why superman was here and what happened to krypton.
which was so excellently done, and re-establishes.
the two most threatening superman II cinema villains in this movie in zod and his female cohort.
to the point, she was arguably the greatest female cohort of all time in a superhero movie.
plus, zod was so excellently cast and physically a gritty reboot to original superman II zod.
I know people complain.
yet, this movie created a film that you could have no real complaint.
if you really ever saw anything related to superman on film, or in any medium.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
DC is a bit more fight based I would say and Marvel is more story based, although both do fighting and story pretty well

I've always leaned more towards Marvel, as they just have a better cast of characters but Batman prolly ties with Pete for my favorite character

actually in general dc is more story based.
while marvel is more violent based.
it is just marvel to counteract being so one-sided.
started to employ dc's writers from the virtigo lines and other story based runs of hof lore.
while, opposite that dc started to hire marvel's hof pencilers and pick up what they lacked from marvel.
so, it has evened out.
yet, and still dc is always thought of as the more cerebral property.
as originally, dc was the only property absorbed by a larger conglomerate in WB.
now, that marvel has been absorbed by Disney.
marvel has taken a bit more listen to mother's group approach.
especially in film franchises, and with sony having licensing.
it appears marvel has taken to stories more.
especially, if we count iron man III and wolverine.
as, those past movies, we saw every excuse in the world for both Logan and Tony.
to not use their superpowers till the very end.
when, people watch both characters to see ironman and wolverine be violent.
in a perfect world, like the eighties were as far as great violence in cinema.
where, as a kid.
you had to beg to see Conan, or the lone ranger.
which were rated R.
let alone terminator, which I had to wait till VHS to see.
years much later after it came out.
pg-13, and pg movies are kind a yin and yang for superhero movies.
to the point, I understand why movies like lone ranger were R, back in the day.
as it still plays out as a good rewatch decades later on the big screen.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Stop it.

Supes and Cap were always very comparable.

- Both of them are "big blue boyscouts"
- Both fight in the name of truth, justice and the "american way".
- Both are incorruptible.
- Both are "super men" in their respective continuities.
- Both were depicted in the comics fighting the enemy (whether it was nazis or whomever the US was beefin with at the time)
- Both are the leaders of their respective super teams.

In fact if there's one Marvel character that owes his genetic makeup to Supes the most it's Cap.

the only similarities of cap and superman are they were heroes from a war riddled era.
superman is, metropolis, super powers, Lois lane, flying, and jimmy Olson, kryptonite
captain America is a guy with an American motif costume, and a shield.
maybe you have bought into the recent movies to much.
yet, on the general surface as a gateway.
superman and cap have nuffin in common except for war, morality, and a blue costume.

Art Barr