Kenny West
Batman > Marvel > DC
Batman > Marvel > DC
black panther>batman>marvel>dcBatman > Marvel > DC
Of course not, DC animated movies are better than the Marvel live action movies it's not up to debate.
Live-Action Movies: Marvel
TV Shows: DC
Animated Movies: DC
Animated TV: They both lost since Avengers: Earth's MIghtiest Heroes and Young Justice got cancelled
Comics: It's a toss up...both companies have good books and bad books
This criticism kills me...WB is rushing Superman/Batman but the fukking movie doesn't come out till 2016. How exactly is that rushing to catch up? If the desperation was that bad then WB would have stuck to releasing Superman/batman in 2015.Marvel movies are being made by Marvel people and DC movies are being made by Warner people.
What Marvel has done with their movie universe is fukkin insane. No one could ever imagined anything like this back in the day. Sure not all of the movies are great but don't lie you still look forward to every one.
Unfortunately in a last ditch effort to catch up in the race DC is just throwing everything together in the S/B/WW movie which I think most rational minded people believe will blow all kinda of dikk.
I like Batman but he is way overrated due to fanboy inspired plot armor. If he were in the Marvel universe he'd probably be on the same level as Hawkeye and Punisher.