So whats the downside of living life on easy mode? (No kids/ no small kids)

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
but its the first thing people say when this subject comes up...
"...but but what about when you get old!?"

that tells me most people have kids to fill some void.

no parent should put that burden on their kids.

childfree life is nice.
a lot less stress.
way more money.

its pretty easy to maintain relationships with younger people.
either via family, women you date or giving back in general.

I find that kids gravitate to me because my life seems to be a little more together than their parents...
...I also have more hobbies/interest than their parents.

more than one way to go about life.
The childless people in my experience still do that themselves. they just do it with their neices and nephews when they get old.
My father, myself and my brother were basically my elderly aunts caretaker towards the end of her life.
at least with parents they can say they did the same for you at some point in your life.


May 17, 2012
the internet
The childless people in my experience still do that themselves. they just do it with their neices and nephews when they get old.
My father, myself and my brother were basically my elderly aunts caretaker towards the end of her life.
at least with parents they can say they did the same for you at some point in your life.
they didnt prepare.

I had a pair of aunts as well that didnt have kids.
they worked regular jobs...
...when they died they owned an apartment building and had a nice chunk of change stashed away.

needed nobody to take care of them.
My father would stop by and check on them from time to time but they were good regardless.

The reality is a lot of the arguments parents use is straight cope because of how hard that shyt is.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
If you need personality you could chat with other elderly people your age which would be even easier in the future as technology, science, and healthcare advance. Could be face-to-face or online. Like how we're interacting now nig. There's a solution for every problem ya'll nikkas try to cook up for childfree people.

I'm of the mindset people should only have kids if they can care and love them unconditionally rather than raising them just to be their caretakers because they have a subconscious fear of death and old age. And feel like having a child they can force/guilt them into taking care of them in old age.

Most elderly people who have kids and grand kids are going to pick talking to them over you. Just saying, you gonna be low on the totem pole for online chats. lol


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
The bold is so true. Parents really be talking about how they kids filled a hole inside of them. Then assume all of us have that same hole. Like naw nig I feel complete, you're the one walking around feeling hallow. I don't feel a need to pass down my views or opinions on a younger human being and call that a legacy.
but its the first thing people say when this subject comes up...
"...but but what about when you get old!?"

that tells me most people have kids to fill some void.

no parent should put that burden on their kids.

childfree life is nice.
a lot less stress.
way more money.

its pretty easy to maintain relationships with younger people.
either via family, women you date or giving back in general.

I find that kids gravitate to me because my life seems to be a little more together than their parents...
...I also have more hobbies/interest than their parents.

more than one way to go about life.

they didnt prepare.

I had a pair of aunts as well that didnt have kids.
they worked regular jobs...
...when they died they owned an apartment building and had a nice chunk of change stashed away.

needed nobody to take care of them.
My father would stop by and check on them from time to time but they were good regardless.

The reality is a lot of the arguments parents use is straight cope because of how hard that shyt is.
That's amazing and you know this whole old age and care giver argument is based on the premise everyone is going to grow old in the first place.

Some may kick the bucket well before old age even get to them. Also it's based on the premise that elderly people's only or atleast the go to option for care taking is their children. Not a health care professional but their own kids as the goto option.
Most elderly people who have kids and grand kids are going to pick talking to them over you. Just saying, you gonna be low on the totem pole for online chats. lol
I've been to nursing homes most people ain't going to see their elderly family members. Especially not on a daily bases. And even if you were right about being low on the totem pole that would still establish my point of there being the option to talk to other elderly people. Whether your high or low doesn't matter. And if you want to get even more specfic just like the woman in the video you could talk to and find other childfree seniors to talk to nig.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
The bold is so true. Parents really be talking about how they kids filled a hole inside of them. Then assume all of us have that same hole. Like naw nig I feel complete, you're the one walking around feeling hallow. I don't feel a need to pass down my views or opinions on a younger human being and call that a legacy.

That's amazing and you know this whole old age and care giver argument is based on the premise everyone is going to grow old in the first place.

Some make kick the bucket well before old age even get to them. Also it's based on the premise that elderly people's only or atleast the go to option for care taking is their children. Not a health care professional but their own kids as the goto option.

I've been to nursing homes most people ain't going to see their elderly family members. Especially not on a daily bases. And even if you were right about being low on the totem pole that would still establish my point of their being the option to talk to other elderly people. Whether your high or low doesn't matter.
If you are fine with receiving the leftover dead time of your elderly peers it seems you have chosen the right lifestyle choice.


Oct 9, 2012
Subreddit Icon
•Posted by
5 days ago

fukk spring break. fukk all breaks.
My 7 year old has been begging me to go to my grandma's condo in the mountains for a year. Figured I'd make her happy for spring break. She made everything so miserable this time around that we left a 3 day trip after 26 hours.

We are to keep the condo pristine and my child wrecked it in less than a day. Filth everywhere, everything rearranged, etc. It took me an hour to clean up today after only staying a night. And she defaced my late great grandmother's dining room chair with pen. I couldn't remove it. Oh and before we went to breakfast she dropped her favorite stuffed animal in the toilet and got toilet water everywhere.

Everything we tried to do she complained the whole time and was a complete brat. Today was the final straw when she got everything I could give her and she was crying about her ice cream being too cold. I was like, we are going home. I'm done.

Whines the entire car ride home.

Why would anyone have more than one kid? Why does anyone have kids on purpose at all?

And what the hell am I going to do about summer? All daycare programs seem insanely expensive .

I'm not going to lie. I get lonely sometimes, but when I read shyt like this I get on my knees and thank the good Lord I'm not dealing with shyt like this


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
If you are fine with receiving the leftover dead time of your elderly peers it seems you have chosen the right lifestyle choice.
Assuming that everyone that's childfree will grow old in the first place.

Assuming that their health is so bad they can't take care of themselves.

Assuming that there won't be other elderly people who are either childfree or childless and may have lost their child.

Assuming that every single person in the nursing home has a family that will visit them on a daily bases or atleast consistent intervals every year.

Assuming that their won't be technology that allows them to connect to and communicate with others globally in the future.

"leftover" what a stupid ass argument.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I'm not going to lie. I get lonely sometimes, but when I read shyt like this I get on my knees and thank the good Lord I'm not dealing with shyt like this
At least you get an experience and story to share. While being lonely is very boring story to retell. lol


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
This thread :russ:
Ain’t no way y’all really be outside
Or have the life experience y’all portray through text:mjlol:
Nothing in life is guaranteed
Not your marriage or long term relationship lasting
Not that coveted job you try to flex with
Not your health
None of this shyt and conversations like this
Irl and on the internet exposes a lot of people
When you face your own mortality
You put the shyt that’s important to you in perspective and finally realize
None of this shyt means anything and everything has an end date
So do what you feel is best for YOUR LIFE
Not some anonymous nikka on the internet advise
Not some old muthafukka in your real life trying to live through you because of regrets and shytty decisions they made for themselves
Not some fronting ass couple that tries to tell you their relationship is all flowers
Not some random nikka/bytch telling you how wonderful child bearing is when they hate every second of it at home, shytty parent themselves or don’t have kids but parrot bullshyt thoughts of what you suppose to do in life
Yes be selfish as fukk because having a child and imparting them with knowledge
Is a full time job
The same people trying to shame you for not having kids and shaming folks to kick their children out the house at 18
Ain’t going to help you when your child is sick
Help with bills
Help if your child has a mental breakdown or learning disability
They gon take they raggedy ass on and disappear
Being a parent is for life
It don’t end at 18, you always teaching your seed something and providing for them
If you don’t think you can handle that responsibility
Don’t do it
It’s a lot of loud mouth and wrong muthafukkas on this board (and irl life)
Well I would’ve did this headass projection with shytty opinions about everything
That came from shytty parents then in turn continue the cycle of shytty people in society
Do what’s best for your life
This is your movie
Some faceless nikka on the internet ain’t gon be there for you and his opinions in the grand scheme of things
Means absolute shyt
If you don’t want kids
fukk’em and this comes from a parent:russ:
If you do, go get some straightening before you pass your trauma filled lives down to them
Again, ain’t no guarantees in this bytch but take the risks you feel comfortable with
No matter the outcome


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Assuming that everyone that's childfree will grow old in the first place.

Assuming that their health is so bad they can't take care of themselves.

Assuming that there won't be other elderly people who are either childfree or childless and may have lost their child.

Assuming that every single person in the nursing home as a family that will visit them on a daily bases.

"leftover" what a stupid ass argument.
Yeah, we are creating scenarios to weigh the pros and cons of each situation there's going to be a lot of "assuming" on both sides. WTF?!


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Yeah, we are creating scenarios to weigh the pros and cons of each situation there's going to be a lot of "assuming" on both sides. WTF?!
I agree anonymityx1000 on but with assuming you have to be realistic and not idealistic. To sit up here and basically LIE and say everyone in a nursing is being visited by their family on a daily bases or atleast regular intervals is just a lie. "Left over dead time" Because we all know seniors citizens have really active and busy lives. You didn't even consider that it will be people aging without kids in a lot of these homes people who had kids but they may have died or live out of town/state or are too busy with their own careers and family to visit their parents consistently.



May 17, 2012
the internet
The bold is so true. Parents really be talking about how they kids filled a hole inside of them. Then assume all of us have that same hole. Like naw nig I feel complete, you're the one walking around feeling hallow. I don't feel a need to pass down my views or opinions on a younger human being and call that a legacy.

That's amazing and you know this whole old age and care giver argument is based on the premise everyone is going to grow old in the first place.

Some may kick the bucket well before old age even get to them. Also it's based on the premise that elderly people's only or atleast the go to option for care taking is their children. Not a health care professional but their own kids as the goto option.

I've been to nursing homes most people ain't going to see their elderly family members. Especially not on a daily bases. And even if you were right about being low on the totem pole that would still establish my point of there being the option to talk to other elderly people. Whether your high or low doesn't matter. And if you want to get even more specfic just like the woman in the video you could talk to and find other childfree seniors to talk to nig.
people have sort of an idealized idea of old age.

odds are youre either going to die before you get to that point...
...or your kids arent going to want to be bothered.

not every older person wants to be taken care of like that either.

my dad offered my grand dad to live with us but my grand dad said no.

last time I saw my grandfather before he died his front door was half burned down because a hooker set it on fire after he stiffed her (this was a man in his 70s) :mjlol:


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Repped. You always talkin real shyt on here man. One of my favorites on here.
This thread :russ:
Ain’t no way y’all really be outside
Or have the life experience y’all portray through text:mjlol:
Nothing in life is guaranteed
Not your marriage or long term relationship lasting
Not that coveted job you try to flex with
Not your health
None of this shyt and conversations like this
Irl and on the internet exposes a lot of people
When you face your own mortality
You put the shyt that’s important to you in perspective and finally realize
None of this shyt means anything and everything has an end date
So do what you feel is best for YOUR LIFE
Not some anonymous nikka on the internet advise
Not some old muthafukka in your real life trying to live through you because of regrets and shytty decisions they made for themselves
Not some fronting ass couple that tries to tell you their relationship is all flowers
Not some random nikka/bytch telling you how wonderful child bearing is when they hate every second of it at home, shytty parent themselves or don’t have kids but parrot bullshyt thoughts of what you suppose to do in life
Yes be selfish as fukk because having a child and imparting them with knowledge
Is a full time job
The same people trying to shame you for not having kids and shaming folks to kick their children out the house at 18
Ain’t going to help you when your child is sick
Help with bills
Help if your child has a mental breakdown or learning disability
They gon take they raggedy ass on and disappear
Being a parent is for life
It don’t end at 18, you always teaching your seed something and providing for them
If you don’t think you can handle that responsibility
Don’t do it
It’s a lot of loud mouth and wrong muthafukkas on this board (and irl life)
Well I would’ve did this headass projection with shytty opinions about everything
That came from shytty parents then in turn continue the cycle of shytty people in society
Do what’s best for your life
This is your movie
Some faceless nikka on the internet ain’t gon be there for you and his opinions in the grand scheme of things
Means absolute shyt
If you don’t want kids
fukk’em and this comes from a parent:russ:
If you do, go get some straightening before you pass your trauma filled lives down to them
Again, ain’t no guarantees in this bytch but take the risks you feel comfortable with
No matter the outcome


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I agree anonymityx1000 on but with assuming you have to be realistic and not idealistic. To sit up here and basically LIE and say everyone in a nursing is being visited by their family on a daily bases or atleast regular intervals is just a lie. "Left over dead time" Because we all know seniors citizens have really active and busy lives. You didn't even consider that it will be people aging without kids in a lot of these homes people who had kids but they may have died or live out of town/state or are too busy with their own careers and family to visit their parents consistently.

Sorry, if you thought I meant EVERYONE, I was speaking generally.
Also, generally speaking elderly people like to talk about their family. What are you going to talk about with them? Generally speaking of course.
What if other elderly people generally prefer to talk to someone else other than you? For whatever reason.
I'm not saying you are going to be without any convo whatsoever. Just it probably won't be as easy as you make it sound especially without shared history, past relationships/experiences.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
I kinda feel sorry for nikkas like him. Anonymity sounds like he has been spoon-fed lots of lies that he internalized.

"Yeah, when I get old my kids are going to 100% take care of me and visit every day. I know for a fact they will view me as so important they will put their careers and their own family to the wayside just to be around me and visit as I slowly rot and decay before them. I know this for a fact because this is what happens to every good parent that grows old in the world"

"When you're born into this world you just gotta go to school, get good grades, go to college, get married, have kids, so they can go to school, get good grades, go to college, get married, have kids, until the end of time."
people have sort of an idealized idea of old age.

odds are youre either going to die before you get to that point...
...or your kids arent going to want to be bothered.

not every older person wants to be taken care of like that either.

my dad offered my grand dad to live with us but my grand dad said no.

last time I saw my grandfather before he died his front door was half burned down because a hooker set it on fire after he stiffed her (this was a man in his 70s) :mjlol: