So it's not just a western thing. In Asian cultures, they try to pressure and gaslight childless people into having kids with mfers they don't even find attractive. Then these same mfers try to come off as the self-righteous ones. FOH That's why when they try me. I always push back. You can't play nice with narcissistic and the needy empty parent types.
Ya'll know there's other people that can be close to you besides your kids. Most kids don't even like hanging around their parents like that. If you develop a life outside of just raising a child that didn't even asks to be here in the first place then guilting them into changing your depends on diapers and watching you die slowly. WHy put someone through that bruh?
If you are a good parent who raised your kids to the best of your ability most of your children would observe that, appreciate it and WANT to help you in your older age. That's nice and more satisfying than paying someone to do it. There's a nice personal touch included.
No need for the negative spin it's not about 'guilting' anybody or 'most kids probably won't want to hang out with you' <- BTW is that an official stat or did you just make that up? > 50% of adult children don't like hanging with their parents? That's news to me.