So What Should Obama have done for black people?

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
So the question remains what has he done for black folk? NOTHING. He passed Blue live matter bills, He helped out the Natives, He passed Gay marriage laws, he passed feminist laws, But once it comes to those damn nikkas all the sudden he's rendered powerless. Its some type of negro conspiracy i tell you :mjlol:

"The president is just a puppet he can't do anything :sadcam:"

Same ones scared of Trump.

Either the presidency allows you power or not.

We're asking what he did for black folks and everyone here is just caping for him and making excuses just because he's the 1st black president.

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
Obama didn't fail Black people.

We failed him.

After all the basketball players and rappers he let come to the Whitehouse we owed him more.

We lost focus on what was most important. HIS LEGACY.

Instead of playing the race card and whining about having our constitutional rights violated and our kids murdered in the streets we should have showed him "Yes WE can" (vote for Hilary in record numbers)

We were too concerned about jobs, education and not getting shot. Just selfish negro shyt. We Let this man down. Frankly I'm ashamed.

Nah, people are failing him because they are judging him on theoreticals and not looking at what was actually possible.

People are failing him because they are comparing a simple issue like a gas pipeline or gay marriage, to reversing the effects of 400 years of systemic oppression.

I do think that Obama should have tried to do more, only because we entrusted him to make the effort. But I feel like he focused on what he could get done, and not propose some unrealistic sh*t that would get shot down and probably cause his ass to be impeached, just to make us happy.

Insun Park

Fukk Em
Aug 4, 2015
They weren't
The same people who were destroying and stealing property are the same people who terrorize black communities on a daily basis :mjlol:

They're not martyrs or rebels down for the cause. They're opportunists who wanted a pass to steal free stuff and destroy property

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
-I wanted Obama to wear a dashiki and read Malcolm X quotes in The Situation Room and the West Wing of the White House during serious decision making times.
-I wanted him to make an album with Jay-Z called THE BLACK HOUSE.
-I wanted him to call Paul Ryan, WHITEY and talk about how WHITEY keeps blocking his push for legislation in Congress.
-I wanted Obama to come to the hood, play a game of 21 on the court, cross over everyone and hit the game winning shot.
-I wanted Obama to tell Romney that he'd send goons to Romney's crib and fukk his whole shyt up during the 2012 debates.
-I wanted Obama to tell Trump to run the fade on white house lawn 1 on 1 so Michelle can see how much of a real nikka her husband is.
-I wanted Obama to have two pitbulls with him at all times.
-I wanted Obama to show up at State of the Union addresses wearing black panther clothing including the hat and shades.
-I wanted Obama to threaten Congress by threatening to unleash his pitbulls on them every time they blocked his legislation.
-I wanted Obama to tell Romney in 2012 that the reason he can't be President is because in 88 he was getting chased to his building.


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
"The president is just a puppet he can't do anything :sadcam:"

Same ones scared of Trump.

Either the presidency allows you power or not.

We're asking what he did for black folks and everyone here is just caping for him and making excuses just because he's the 1st black president.
They don't think for themselves. They think politics is a sport, Democrats vs Republicans best of 7 series or some shyt :russ:. They don't realize that Obama and Trump work for the same ORGANIZATION :sas2:


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
Y'all nikkas really want reparation or y'all just think it sound good. That should would put us in a bigger debt than we already are. Y'all nikkas want to be taken to the water and want them to help y'all drink too


All Star
May 18, 2012
Not sign blue lives matter laws aka blue alert.

People keep saying that but it would have just been a symbolic move. The bill got pushed through Congress with an overwhelming majority. Had he not signed it they would have voted it through again and it would still be law.

The fact is Congress has the most power out of all branches of government. What limits it's power is getting so many people to agree to anything. If the black community really wants change we need to focus less on the president and more on Congress.

People speak on President Obama doing things or passing things for other groups. Those other groups have lobbyists in D.C. pushing their agenda to Congress backing up their votes with money and a plan.

No politician is ever going to become president and save the world or our community.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
Y'all nikkas really want reparation or y'all just think it sound good. That should would put us in a bigger debt than we already are. Y'all nikkas want to be taken to the water and want them to help y'all drink too
You don't think we're owed?
Who are you saying it would put further in debt? Black people or the country?


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
how about not allow police to kill us in cold blood because they hate black people?

If Ob-am-a can stop the pipe line for Native Americans he can fukking stop the police from killing blacks for sport.

If you disagree with me you are a c00n or a cac. So fukk you.

A lot of nikkas are scared to confront white supremacy. I don't even know how these weak ass nikkas fix their mouth to even say this dumb shyt.

"HoeBama is the president of ALL people, not just you negros!"
"That's not realistic! You negros get the world and you ask for mars! Just be happy Mullatobama is in office"
"Yes FauxBama can write up laws and do SPECIFIC things for Hispanics, Homosexuals, $5 Indians & Jews. But you negros over there need to stop bytching and complaining"
"What do you expect Slowbama to do? Actually do something for black people? Do you negros know how government works!"
"Oh and he won't mention us until it's a week before the election and he needs us to 'secure his legacy' for massa Hillary. Don't expect shyt though cause fukk you nikkas"

Charlie Hustle

Light Bringer
Dec 4, 2015
Sin City
Apparently, Congress blocked around 500 bills that President Obama's proposed.

:mjpls:However, he did sign a executive order to improve educational opportunities for Hispanics.

I have yet to find a specific Executive specifically targeted towards us. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I want to be wrong....:hubie:Could he have done more for the black community? The answer is yes but not alone. Congress has the power to create bills that can defund executive orders.

Executive Order 13555 of October 19, 2010

White House Initiative On Educational Excellence For Hispanics

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, to restore the country to its role as the global leader in education, to strengthen the Nation by expanding educational opportunities and improving educational outcomes for Hispanics and Latinos (Hispanics) of all ages, and to help ensure that all Hispanics receive an education that properly prepares them for college, productive careers, and satisfying lives, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy.
At more than 52 million strong, including 4 million in Puerto Rico, Hispanics constitute the country's largest and fastest growing minority group. They have had a profound and positive impact on our country through, among other things, their community's strong commitment to family, faith, hard work, and service. Many Hispanics contribute to this Nation bilingually in the English and Spanish languages — a true asset for our country in an increasingly global, interdependent world.

Hispanic students are the largest minority group in our Nation's schools, numbering more than 11 million in our public elementary and secondary school system, and constituting more than 22 percent of all pre-K–12 students. Hispanic students face educational challenges of crisis proportions. Fewer than half of all Hispanic children participate in early childhood education programs, and far too few Hispanic students graduate from high school; of those who do complete high school, many are not adequately prepared for college. Only 12 percent of adult Hispanics have a bachelor's degree, and just 3 percent have completed graduate or professional degree programs. At the same time, large numbers of Hispanic adults lack the education or literacy skills they need to advance their careers; they also are less likely than members of other groups to have taken job- or career-related courses, with the exception of basic education classes, such as English as a second language.

Our country was built on and continues to thrive on its diversity, and there is no doubt that the future of the United States is inextricably linked to the future of the Hispanic community. To reach the ambitious education goals we have set for our Nation, as well as to ensure equality of opportunity for all, we must provide the opportunities that will enable Hispanic students to raise their educational attainment at every level of the American education system. America's future competitiveness in our global economy will be substantially enhanced by improving educational outcomes for Hispanics.

Sec. 2. White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.
(a)   Establishment. There is established the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics (Initiative), to be housed in the Department of Education (Department). The mission of the Initiative shall be to help restore the United States to its role as the global leader in education and to strengthen the Nation by expanding educational opportunities and improving educational outcomes for Hispanics of all ages and by helping to ensure that all Hispanics receive a complete and competitive education that prepares them for college, a career, and productive and satisfying lives.
(b)   Initiative Administration. There shall be an Executive Director of the Initiative, to be appointed by the Secretary of Education (Secretary). The Initiative shall be advised by the Commission established under section 3 of this order and supported by the Working Group established under subsection (c) of this section. The Department shall provide the staff, resources, and assistance for the Initiative and the Working Group. To the extent permitted by law, departments, agencies, and offices represented on the Working Group shall provide resources, including personnel detailed to the Initiative, to assist the Department in meeting the objectives of this order.
(c)   Interagency Working Group.

(1)   There is established the Federal Interagency Working Group on Educational Excellence for Hispanics (Working Group), which shall be convened and chaired by the Initiative's Executive Director.
(2)   The Working Group shall consist of senior officials from the Department, the White House Domestic Policy Council, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as such additional departments, agencies, and offices as the President may designate. Senior officials shall be designated by the heads of their respective departments, agencies, and offices.
(3)   The Initiative's Executive Director may establish subgroups of the Working Group to focus on different aspects of the educational system or educational challenges facing Hispanics, such as early childhood education, K−12 education, higher education, career and technical education, language acquisition, and adult education.
(d)   Initiative Objectives.

Sec. 4. General Provisions. 
(a)   This order supersedes Executive Order 13230 of October 12, 2001.
(b)   This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Barack Obama
The White House,
October 19, 2010.
[FR Doc. 2010–27004 Filed 10–21–10; 11:15 am]
Billing Code 3195–W1–P


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
You don't think we're owed?
Who are you saying it would put further in debt? Black people or the country?
Of course I think we're owed it, but now it's not feasible. It's too late for all that. fukk handouts, that shyt is making us comfortable, it's time to go out and grind.