So this is what’s happening to historically black cities?

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Not if you're using words like "we". Believe me, I'm not getting personal. You do the hard work to get the tangibles, that's a matter of demonstrating hard work and keeping that defeatist mentality out of the conversation. You do the work, show and prove. There should be no way we can't pool our resources together, but when you said,

There's clear evidence that shows why we can't work with you to get tangibles poppin'.
You change the culture by understanding how the culture came to be and its history, know better then do better. Stop listening to and funding that bullshyt and have some respect for your culture, represent yourself in public with some integrity. Y'all feeding into the negativity because that's where the bag is, who's bag? Certainly not ours.

Don't worry about the paragraphs, as long as you keep reading and responding, I'll write a book if necessary. And you're still asking basic questions.
Yes, Black ppl are at the bottom
If you have a problem with that, you have an issue with stats and reality

And again, you're just lecturing
You still haven't explained what would change Black ppls as a whole

Like a lot of ppl on here, you have a bootstraps mentality


Feb 16, 2017

This might be one of the best post ever on this site. The fact that this either raised a college graduate or a consistent sexual offender and it was govt funded cracks me TF up
I could take offense but actually you're correct. I am a college graduate and I amost was a sex offender.

But that whole shyt had to be planned from jump again we were from the ghetto and the girls stayed in a dorm on the otherside of the campus we didn't even know exactly where they stayed. But they had some counselors watch some horny kids and nothing went wrong.

Now looking back on it that whole shyt was staged. For one I've been mooned by Black chicks twice in my life, It's just not something Black women do.

Then we went up there got the pannies and dipped out.

Frankly I don't understand the point of that, nobody was thinking of it that way but the only thing I can think of his they wanted us to hook up but not hook up because the only other time we got with the girls was at this pool party where again nothing happened but the girls where in tasteful swim wear.

But the overall point was to get us to think about College because for years afterward I had good feelings about American Univeristy (despite not knowing it existed before) and was legit surprised when the Black student government president was greeted by Bananas tied to trees.

Also when I went to college I was in a Hotep pressure group and they kicked this chick out of the dorms when she gt pregnant and when we asked why they said it was for legal reasons if anything happened to her or the child they could be sued. So the idea that you could have summer classes for a bunch of ghetto kids and have them stay in the dorms for a couple of weeks and nothing go wrong was low key amazing.. Even at the pool party someone could've drowned or something and like I said The whole thing was paid for by the DC government and the tax payers.


Feb 16, 2017
Back in the day when? I lived in Riverdale and it was hella Black people. But this was 80s to early 90s. Ms-13 only beefs within the gang. Only heard of 1 incident where they got into it with Black people in mid 2000s in Adelphi but overall they don't want smoke with brehs anywhere in the DMV. This definitely not no LA/TX vibe with them.
i'm talking about the same time frame I never was in Riverdale until much later and even then it was passing through. I'm not saying that MS-13 was getting at Black people again they had there own ecosystem but even thinking that they had the numbers to beef internally like they did was amazing again based off of DC in the 90's think of how schocking to anyone that mexicans would even be in PG county at all.

In the 90's once you crossed the Anacostia River you wouldn't see any white people at all for weeks and if you did it would be a cop.


Feb 16, 2017
This seems a bit contradictory. Do yall not fund your schools with property taxes?

I know some states have sovereign funds like Alaska, or use fuel royalties like wyoming. Some even use gambling. but i was under the impression that most states fund schools with property taxes. If you wanted to improve schools while lower property taxes, you would then have to increase taxes on those same businesses you just mentioned wanting to give money back to.
One of the failings of the Demcrat controlled areas is that schools are fully funded in regards to salaries. Where they fall down is in resources.

But the real issue is schools fail when they have too many single mother headed households. I was born in wedlock but my father traveled a lot and my parents never got officially divorced but that's what happened. When Pop's left my mother wasn't a bad mother but she was completely illrevalent to large portions of my life. She didn't ask questions like a father would. I had a car and a apartment when I was 15 and she had no idea.

Same thing with school she'd accept any bullshyt I told her and was surprised when the report card came in and it was covered with F's. The parents don't care so the teachers stop caring.

The Funny thing is when I was asked to leave High School and went to an alternative high school they really really cared and got me to care too.

That school closed down after I graduated like right after I graduated, they lost funding.


Oct 30, 2012
It’s so funny seeing People who don’t live near pg county talk about it :mjlol:

Aint no body in the dmv worried about Latinos LMAO

Right they not bothering nobody even though they are annoying ass hell to live around…thing is Latinos have had a presence in the area long enough where they are not concentrated anymore…it’s naturally gonna happen..especially now with them being pushed out of there areas themselves

Ironically I know black families who do well renting there properties to migos in PG and the District…But it is what it is mayne

Only thing surprising is the Mexican shyt…I didn’t even know they where out here like that…From my experience it’s majority Central American mostly Salvadorian…with Dominicans in the mix but It’s give or take if you want to count them..
Back in the day when? I lived in Riverdale and it was hella Black people. But this was 80s to early 90s. Ms-13 only beefs within the gang. Only heard of 1 incident where they got into it with Black people in mid 2000s in Adelphi but overall they don't want smoke with brehs anywhere in the DMV. This definitely not no LA/TX vibe with them.

Riverdale one of my stomping grounds..frfr ain’t much changed since back then…I was just out there like a month ago at my mans cookout and the homie Demarr Johnson stepped through..

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Exactly! These Mexicans aint knocking anyone over the head for their shyt. The upper hand that they have is community & culture. Black people in large part aren't interested in unity and working together. The generations that grew up with those concepts didn't instill them in their children. We can't blame the next group for having their shyt together just because we refuse to save and invest our money.
Most black people haven't realized racism is a business in all senses of the definition, their business is to get as much as they can for themselves by whatever means possible legal or otherwise.
We haven't realized that.
Granted our communities and culture have been devastated systematically by both public and private institutions to which other groups did not endure or experience in equal measure.
As I said, we've got to play smarter meaning we've got to be smarter and work together.
And be consistent.
We can't blame the next group for having their shyt together or not being victimized the way we have because they were not and are not the target group, black people are and are targeted by other groups.
We aren't going to get anywhere if we don't address this business done solely to us and work to ensure it never happens again even if it means returning their actions and having intelligent, correct rebuttals in kind on every occasion until then.


If black people owned and controlled the block, the jobs, politics, schools and everything else in their city or parts of the city and mobilize, they'd be able to keep non-blacks out.
If black people opened their own business and did good business and bring that money back to the community and keep it in the community for as long as possible, we'd really be able to build something for ourselves.
If black people were ready to defend themselves by necessary means we wouldn't be looking as weak as we do.
But all that would take an amount of effort and integrity generations of racism has made us think it isn't worth.
We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and decide if we're worth saving as a people.
It's not over, we're still here and that means something.

Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know
Fakkit shyt. Stay on topic u smart dumb nikka. Nobody stole shyt. nikkas was sitting on prime real estate in Southern California and we chose to gangbang. Now we want to cry cuz they "taking over". Mexicans ain't stole shyt from us. We shouldn't be fighting for the hood. We shouldn't even be in the hood. And yo mama is a cac fakkit. fukk you.
Mexicans have gangs in Southern California too


Nov 18, 2016
Yes, Black ppl are at the bottom
If you have a problem with that, you have an issue with stats and reality

And again, you're just lecturing
You still haven't explained what would change Black ppls as a whole

Like a lot of ppl on here, you have a bootstraps mentality

Stats can be changed, they're not written in stone breh. Its funny how people quote stats like its the bible. Have you even thought about ways to swing the percentages of bad stats?

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Yes, Black ppl are at the bottom
If you have a problem with that, you have an issue with stats and reality

And again, you're just lecturing
You still haven't explained what would change Black ppls as a whole

Like a lot of ppl on here, you have a bootstraps mentality
You can start by going to a community college and university, getting some useful degrees for a small business and figure out what industries most critically affected the gains of blacks, get degrees there and find jobs in those fields to bring in the next generation.
Stay on the job and get into a hiring manager position, hire more black people and mentor them on the job.
You could even pair those business degree holders with CDL holders and start a trucking company around the borders of certain states and get those black farms popping or source a vendor until then:

I've spent all that time lecturing because this should be obvious, but if I have to draw this out with you, I will.
Stop talking to non-blacks about black business.
Get into a strategic position of influence and use it to benefit another black person or black people, socially or on the job.
Build relationships with your black coworkers.
Go out of your way to foster good relationships with black people yes, even the ones you don't like.
Volunteer with the young black youth and constructively help them. Give them some alternatives, if you know how to play chess teach them.
Stop using black women as sex objects.
Black women, stop using black men as sex objects.
If you love her, tell her.
If you love him, tell him.
If you want to be with them, let them know.
Be pleasant to other black people.
Help other black people in public yes, even the older ones.
Learn how to hold and control some property.
Learn how to develop a company so white people aren't telling you how.
Stop selling out to non-blacks for a quick bag.
Go to community college and get a degree in something just to have more to know about something.
Dress your age.
Cut your own grass so Mexicans aren't at least in your backyard if they're in your neighborhood.
Offer to cut other people's grass in your neighborhood.
Learn to fix a car if you don't.
If you like, grow your own garden.
Don't dump on blue collar black people, talk with them about a partnership or at least develop a good relationship with them.
Become educated and use the knowledge you have gained in an intelligent way.
Stop getting too drunk.
Stop getting too high.
Stop objectifying women.
Read more books on black history and even world history and note how they relate.
Stop being obtuse and argumentative with people online and real life.
Stop watching so much TV, Netflix, Hulu, et al.
Get some help if you don't know the answer.
Exercise humility.
Expand your vocabulary.
Be inquisitive.
Go to the gym.
Go to the doctor.
Listen to where a black woman is coming from and learn to constructively deal with what she says, if she's wrong prove so without belittling her.
Don't abuse black women.
Don't get into conflict another black man unless absolutely necessary.
Recognize pride sometimes is not worth the trouble it can cause.
Treat children with kindness, respect their ignorance and treat them with respect.
Stop doing cocaine.
Write a book.
Write a screenplay.
Learn about our government and its laws.
Learn a musical instrument.
Stop making the excuses that block the process of black people working together to progress.
Have another black person's back.
Learn about other folks in the diaspora so you can have an even-tempered rebuttal when they say they created hip-hop.
Cite your source.
That one is important, a white woman taught me that in middle school.
Update your wardrobe with something tasteful.
Don't be afraid of looking stupid around stupid people.
Work hard.
Work smart.
Have heart.
Have integrity.
Put some flowers on your loved ones' graves more often so other people at the cemetery know they're loved.
Listen to some different music.
Do some honest research into the problems of black people and learn how and why they came about.
Research other cultures for more than wanting to bone their women.
Don't be a meanie.
Institutionalize your culture so white people don't sell it out for a quick buck.
Shame black people who are off code.
Learn when not to voice your opinion, praise, or grievance.
Be strategic in your actions.
Have intention to do more for yourself and others like you because you recognize they need your help in a way only you can provide.
Learn how to institutionalize your culture.
I'm tired of non-black people appropriating black culture with weak defenses.
Show them how and why they aren't one of us, if you can't just disagree or agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Recognize some of those PAWGs ain't as fine as you think they are.
Grow more plants.
Adopt a healthy diet.
Drink tea every so often.
Bring more depth to a conversation.
Live within your means.
These are all serious explanations.
Be frugal.
Don't be a Christian if that's not something that resonates with you and don't shame others of a different religion.
Learn to be constructive with others or at least respectfully understand how and why you can't work with them.
Be yourself.
Recognize there's a target on your back at all times.
Own some guns, get a concealed carry permit, and learn to protect yourself with said gun.
Broaden your perspective.
Don't be weak.
Stand up for yourself.
Represent your family name by being someone that not only your family is proud of but as someone other people can respect even if they don't like you.
Work with other black people in business enterprises but understand it's hard work.
Tough it out.
Know where to source income for said businesses without relying too much on revenues from customers or clients.
Keep up with the economy.
Recognize their image of you does not define you.
Own some property.
Maintain that property.
Treat yourself properly.
Drink more water.
Talk to yourself sometimes, you have a lot to say to yourself.
Talk to some black people at the grocery store just to show them and other people who're paying attention that you're trying.
Try harder.
Do better.
Recognize where the mistake was and correct course.
Stay in black neighborhoods and develop a good relationship with those people and talk to them about the virtues of knowing how to control their home.
Tell them not to sell their home.
Volunteer to feed the homeless.
Pool resources together and put them behind a black local politician with a black agenda.
Support domestic abuse organizations.
Think outside the political box and court alternatives.
Try new things.
Have harmless fun when appropriate.
Pet a dog.
Have private lectures solely for black people and teach them how we fell short in great detail.
Work to turn so many of our young black people away from gangs, destitution and mediocrity.
Study anthropology.
Study sociology.
Study how the CIA used these two disciplines to understand how to culturally cripple black people.
Embrace capitalism and use it to enfranchise yourself and other black people.
Stay in your lane.
Be respectful to people of other races and ethnic groups and learn when and how to disagree and provide a rebuttal based on fact, not emotion.
Learn another language.
Practice NoFap.
Feed some ducks.
Watch different kinds of movies.
Stop focusing on getting a bag and make the bag.
Be content with what you have and realize you may not get everything you want and be okay with that.
Be real with yourself.
If someone laughs at you or makes fun of you don't take it personal, especially if it's another black person.
Cultivate yourself with your people.
Rap about something positive and informative.
Start a business and hire some black people.
Franchise a spot if you got the money, or go in it with other black people who want to do something.
If you really want to be an artist, go the independent route.
Stop seeking validation from groups of people who have been proven to not have your best interest at heart.
Realize some of your heroes are frauds.
Realize some of your friends are enemies.
Donate to a good cause.
Understand that it's going to be hard, but that your time and experience is paying it forward.
Address relationships you damaged with women, family and friends.
Be real with people you damaged relationships with.
Teach black people the power of community.
Protect your people when they need to be protected.
Don't quote me anymore.


Nov 18, 2016
You can start by going to a community college and university, getting some useful degrees for a small business and figure out what industries most critically affected the gains of blacks, get degrees there and find jobs in those fields to bring in the next generation.
Stay on the job and get into a hiring manager position, hire more black people and mentor them on the job.
You could even pair those business degree holders with CDL holders and start a trucking company around the borders of certain states and get those black farms popping or source a vendor until then:

I've spent all that time lecturing because this should be obvious, but if I have to draw this out with you, I will.
Stop talking to non-blacks about black business.
Get into a strategic position of influence and use it to benefit another black person or black people, socially or on the job.
Build relationships with your black coworkers.
Go out of your way to foster good relationships with black people yes, even the ones you don't like.
Volunteer with the young black youth and constructively help them. Give them some alternatives, if you know how to play chess teach them.
Stop using black women as sex objects.
Black women, stop using black men as sex objects.
If you love her, tell her.
If you love him, tell him.
If you want to be with them, let them know.
Be pleasant to other black people.
Help other black people in public yes, even the older ones.
Learn how to hold and control some property.
Learn how to develop a company so white people aren't telling you how.
Stop selling out to non-blacks for a quick bag.
Go to community college and get a degree in something just to have more to know about something.
Dress your age.
Cut your own grass so Mexicans aren't at least in your backyard if they're in your neighborhood.
Offer to cut other people's grass in your neighborhood.
Learn to fix a car if you don't.
If you like, grow your own garden.
Don't dump on blue collar black people, talk with them about a partnership or at least develop a good relationship with them.
Become educated and use the knowledge you have gained in an intelligent way.
Stop getting too drunk.
Stop getting too high.
Stop objectifying women.
Read more books on black history and even world history and note how they relate.
Stop being obtuse and argumentative with people online and real life.
Stop watching so much TV, Netflix, Hulu, et al.
Get some help if you don't know the answer.
Exercise humility.
Expand your vocabulary.
Be inquisitive.
Go to the gym.
Go to the doctor.
Listen to where a black woman is coming from and learn to constructively deal with what she says, if she's wrong prove so without belittling her.
Don't abuse black women.
Don't get into conflict another black man unless absolutely necessary.
Recognize pride sometimes is not worth the trouble it can cause.
Treat children with kindness, respect their ignorance and treat them with respect.
Stop doing cocaine.
Write a book.
Write a screenplay.
Learn about our government and its laws.
Learn a musical instrument.
Stop making the excuses that block the process of black people working together to progress.
Have another black person's back.
Learn about other folks in the diaspora so you can have an even-tempered rebuttal when they say they created hip-hop.
Cite your source.
That one is important, a white woman taught me that in middle school.
Update your wardrobe with something tasteful.
Don't be afraid of looking stupid around stupid people.
Work hard.
Work smart.
Have heart.
Have integrity.
Put some flowers on your loved ones' graves more often so other people at the cemetery know they're loved.
Listen to some different music.
Do some honest research into the problems of black people and learn how and why they came about.
Research other cultures for more than wanting to bone their women.
Don't be a meanie.
Institutionalize your culture so white people don't sell it out for a quick buck.
Shame black people who are off code.
Learn when not to voice your opinion, praise, or grievance.
Be strategic in your actions.
Have intention to do more for yourself and others like you because you recognize they need your help in a way only you can provide.
Learn how to institutionalize your culture.
I'm tired of non-black people appropriating black culture with weak defenses.
Show them how and why they aren't one of us, if you can't just disagree or agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Recognize some of those PAWGs ain't as fine as you think they are.
Grow more plants.
Adopt a healthy diet.
Drink tea every so often.
Bring more depth to a conversation.
Live within your means.
These are all serious explanations.
Be frugal.
Don't be a Christian if that's not something that resonates with you and don't shame others of a different religion.
Learn to be constructive with others or at least respectfully understand how and why you can't work with them.
Be yourself.
Recognize there's a target on your back at all times.
Own some guns, get a concealed carry permit, and learn to protect yourself with said gun.
Broaden your perspective.
Don't be weak.
Stand up for yourself.
Represent your family name by being someone that not only your family is proud of but as someone other people can respect even if they don't like you.
Work with other black people in business enterprises but understand it's hard work.
Tough it out.
Know where to source income for said businesses without relying too much on revenues from customers or clients.
Keep up with the economy.
Recognize their image of you does not define you.
Own some property.
Maintain that property.
Treat yourself properly.
Drink more water.
Talk to yourself sometimes, you have a lot to say to yourself.
Talk to some black people at the grocery store just to show them and other people who're paying attention that you're trying.
Try harder.
Do better.
Recognize where the mistake was and correct course.
Stay in black neighborhoods and develop a good relationship with those people and talk to them about the virtues of knowing how to control their home.
Tell them not to sell their home.
Volunteer to feed the homeless.
Pool resources together and put them behind a black local politician with a black agenda.
Support domestic abuse organizations.
Think outside the political box and court alternatives.
Try new things.
Have harmless fun when appropriate.
Pet a dog.
Have private lectures solely for black people and teach them how we fell short in great detail.
Work to turn so many of our young black people away from gangs, destitution and mediocrity.
Study anthropology.
Study sociology.
Study how the CIA used these two disciplines to understand how to culturally cripple black people.
Embrace capitalism and use it to enfranchise yourself and other black people.
Stay in your lane.
Be respectful to people of other races and ethnic groups and learn when and how to disagree and provide a rebuttal based on fact, not emotion.
Learn another language.
Practice NoFap.
Feed some ducks.
Watch different kinds of movies.
Stop focusing on getting a bag and make the bag.
Be content with what you have and realize you may not get everything you want and be okay with that.
Be real with yourself.
If someone laughs at you or makes fun of you don't take it personal, especially if it's another black person.
Cultivate yourself with your people.
Rap about something positive and informative.
Start a business and hire some black people.
Franchise a spot if you got the money, or go in it with other black people who want to do something.
If you really want to be an artist, go the independent route.
Stop seeking validation from groups of people who have been proven to not have your best interest at heart.
Realize some of your heroes are frauds.
Realize some of your friends are enemies.
Donate to a good cause.
Understand that it's going to be hard, but that your time and experience is paying it forward.
Address relationships you damaged with women, family and friends.
Be real with people you damaged relationships with.
Teach black people the power of community.
Protect your people when they need to be protected.
Don't quote me anymore.

And people will find fault with this. Teaching the power of community is critical because we can turn all this shyt around just off of that.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Except that's exactly what you're doing by integrating and hoping to carve out a niche within a system of white supremacy. It hasn't worked and will never be sustainable.
So how do we keep black cities black, on a smaller scale, how do we keep black neighborhoods black? After you carve out a niche, you protect that niche and grow it into something legitimate. I hope you're not one of these nihilistic militants who, on the one hand, want black power but make every excuse to not attain it because it's futile. Just because we've integrated doesn't mean we can't have our own enclaves, we haven't developed the true sophistication and position to maintain our enclaves and as a people we're too open to allowing other people into our spaces. A lot of what's been engrained in our behavior has to go because it hasn't served us, it was given for a specific purpose and you've been seeing it play out. Either you or the other one hasn't done much research into how our culture shapes our behavior. If you really want to do something constructive, start by not listening to music with a destructive message...

Yeah yeah
I seduce you with this Aston Martin I bought today
Oh, you done did more drugs than me? You must be hallucinating
Oh, you did more percs than me? Then you must be hallucinating

Don't menace over these Vicodins, you must've seen Satan
I seduce you with this Rolls Royce truck that's on the way
Chanel is on the invoice, I had bought the store today
That bytch get on my nerves man
, I had to send her out to St. Tropez
Oh you done blow more checks than me boy? Then you got to be hallucinating

I'm a young nikka with this check and I fukk it up
The freshest thing that I ever bought was that Bentley truck

I could turn a stripper to a diva
Chinchilla on her, that's a PETA
Shawty like the gun like Bonita
Rock stars goin' like the Beatles
I took Styrofoam to the meeting
Three cellphones when you greet me
Got a bytch waiting in the lounge
I done have to move a few pounds
Looking at my chain don't drown,
And put the diamonds in the mouth
All bad bytches pop out
When a nikka steppin' out the house
Every day we walk the red carpet
Every day one of my hoes fallin' in love
I seduce you with this Aston Martin I bought today
Oh, you done did more drugs than me? You must be hallucinating
Oh, you did more percs than me? You must be hallucinating
Don't menace over these Vicodins, you must've seen Satan
I seduce you with this Rolls Royce truck that's on the way
Chanel is on the invoice, I had bought the store today
That bytch get on my nerves man, I had to send her out to St. Tropez
Oh you done blow more checks than me boy? Then you got to be hallucinating
I'm a young nikka with this check and I fukk it up
The freshest thing that I ever bought was that Bentley truck
All I do is pop more bottles and give 'em to you
All they ever do is bring more problems than listen to
My chains, my ring gon' bling, they do all the seducin'
I was kickin' shyt with yo' bytch, she did all of the choosin'
Looking at my chain don't drown
And I put the diamonds in your mouth
All bad bytches pop out
When a nikka steppin' out the house
Every day we walk the red carpet
Every day one of my hoes fallin' in love
I seduce you with this Aston Martin I bought today
Oh, you done did more drugs than me? You must be hallucinating
Oh, you did more percs than me? You must be hallucinating
Don't menace over these Vicodins, you must've seen Satan
I seduce you with this Rolls Royce truck that's on the way
Chanel is on the invoice, I had bought the store today
That bytch get on my nerves man, I had to send her out to St. Tropez
Oh you done blow more checks than me boy? Then you got to be hallucinating
I'm a young nikka with this check and I fukk it up
The freshest thing that I ever bought was that Bentley truck
It's a lot weighin' on my shoulders
I ain't ever gon' fold up
I had turbo'd off my motor
I was pushin' boulders
I gave you some closure when I bought the Rover

Who is this for and what purpose does it serve? What message does it instill? How does this represent us as a people? Is this who we are?

Last edited:

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Exactly! These Mexicans aint knocking anyone over the head for their shyt. The upper hand that they have is community & culture. Black people in large part aren't interested in unity and working together. The generations that grew up with those concepts didn't instill them in their children. We can't blame the next group for having their shyt together just because we refuse to save and invest our money.

we can’t compete against a group that has cheap labor at hand and immigrants unity.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
And people will find fault with this. Teaching the power of community is critical because we can turn all this shyt around just off of that.
If they find fault with that then it will tell you who they are and they are not to be trusted under any circumstances if teaching the power of community to black people is part of the agenda. That should end the back and forth between he and I.