Lemme throw some nuance in here:
1. The "Racist/Conservative/Non-progressive" "Tradesman" is a recent phenomenon. It is fiction meant
to create doubt among workers. It's how the IT guy doesn't see himself as the same as the Janitor and the Lunch Lady.
We are all workers and should be paid accordingly, we shouldn't see a fraction of the actual value we bring to a given business.
It was literally created in a thinktank and my podcast link speaks on that.

@ Citations needed a fantastic leftist podcast.
2. I can agree it is strategic and the union is doing this close to an election for maximum impact, their goal is to increase the salaries
of their constituents and that's exactly what they SHOULD DO. This is something I support across ALL INDUSTRIES.
All workers SHOULD unionize to bargain for a FAIRER AND HIGHER WAGES because there is no justifiable reason for the SHAREHOLDERS
AND CEO to see MORE off of YOUR BACK than YOU.
SO I don't feel this is being done in order to "make trump win" or to "get back at the Democrats".
This is workers exercising the rights that people died for last century.
3. The public often doesn't get what's going on at all, we're in a nation of eroding workers rights, evaporating wages, increased inflation and constant funding of various geopolitical projects which don't fix any of the issues at home while causing one abroad.
People will get pissed but they should be educated to get mad at those exploiting them NOT the longshoremen.