Is somethin wrong with u man. Seriously??? Why the fucc do u keep bringin up the gat damn airball Jeremy Lin shot the other day? What the fucc does that have to do with anything? I didn't even bring the airball up because it has nothin to do with my position. Why are u so hellbent on bringin up the gatdamn airball up? Are u slow?
Lin is right when he says that there is an added element to black players comin at him harder because 1. He is asian 2. The notion that many black players feel that he is overhyped and a media creation. Not only has Lin lemented this, but numerous NBA analyst, NBA officianados and NBA reporters have said this.
I don't know if u remeber last year when the heat played the knicks and Mario Chalmers was stealin the ball from Lin over and over and exposed him. Mario Chalmers and Heat players made a point to prove that Lin wasn't as good as potrayed. Lin couldn't even bring it up passed half court without gettin the ball ripped. Lin has said, from all his years of playin basetball, black dudes have came at him harder because he was asian. End of story