So Natureboy got all them hoes pregnant at the same time

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Nature Boy already made the new chick Zoca his HEAD WIFEY :dead: and the other wives mad as hell


I can't see the pictures

He doesn't care about any of them chicks. I think he does shyt just to create drama.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
I can't see the pictures

He doesn't care about any of them chicks. I think he does shyt just to create drama.
It's just the pictures on his IG of him and Zoca boo'd up.

Everything is fake and for appearances. I'm bamboozled he'd getting funding still. I understand the CN members get checks for various reasons but he also has a legit online following. Some brotha was on his IG Live last night sounding like one of his wives :scust: "I love mycellf, keep doing what you doing, I love mycellf, I love mycellf man"


Apr 2, 2018
I can't see the pictures

He doesn't care about any of them chicks. I think he does shyt just to create drama.

You’re absolutely right but the drama is his default state as he is dysfunctional.

Basically what he is doing is creating an emotional roller coaster that is allowing him to control them with really great highs and really low lows.

He shows them a fake side of him that is happy, charming, loving and nurturing as to say “this is who I am”. This is the harmony state that most humans like to be in...

Once they accept this, he immediately plunges the situation into chaos even if nothing is wrong and blames it on everyone but him, this is where control shows it’s fangs.

Everyone that is subject to the chaos thinks they are responsible for it and then do everything in their power to please Nature Boy and restore the situation back to harmony.

He’ll keep the chaos state going right before they are at their breaking point and then he’ll give them the harmony state again. To the abused, they think the harmony state is the situation returning back to normal but really it’s just the abuser sensing you’re about to break so they are giving you a temporary break.

After a few cycles of this, the abused start walking on egg shells not knowing which one of their actions is going to plunge the situation into chaos. So they end up catering and pandering to the abuser’s every need and guess what...chaos still erupts.

The chaos is persistent to make sure that the abused never feel keep them in a persistent state of not being good enough. After a point it breaks down your self esteem and you become basically a vessel just trying to get by day to day and escape his wrath.

Abusers like this like to remove you away from your loved ones so that no one is around to inject common sense and self-esteem into the abused, that’s why the “tropics” narrative is so important.

Your loved ones know you and they can reinforce to you that “you are a good person, you’re not a fukk up, and that the abuser doesn’t love you”. Nature boy has taken this to the next level by physically separating them from these loved ones by thousands of miles and then removing any type of economic independence.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You’re absolutely right but the drama is his default state as he is dysfunctional.

Basically what he is doing is creating an emotional roller coaster that is allowing him to control them with really great highs and really low lows.

He shows them a fake side of him that is happy, charming, loving and nurturing as to say “this is who I am”. This is the harmony state that most humans like to be in...

Once they accept this, he immediately plunges the situation into chaos even if nothing is wrong and blames it on everyone but him, this is where control shows it’s fangs.

Everyone that is subject to the chaos thinks they are responsible for it and then do everything in their power to please Nature Boy and restore the situation back to harmony.

He’ll keep the chaos state going right before they are at their breaking point and then he’ll give them the harmony state again. To the abused, they think the harmony state is the situation returning back to normal but really it’s just the abuser sensing you’re about to break so they are giving you a temporary break.

After a few cycles of this, the abused start walking on egg shells not knowing which one of their actions is going to plunge the situation into chaos. So they end up catering and pandering to the abuser’s every need and guess what...chaos still erupts.

The chaos is persistent to make sure that the abused never feel keep them in a persistent state of not being good enough. After a point it breaks down your self esteem and you become basically a vessel just trying to get by day to day and escape his wrath.

Abusers like this like to remove you away from your loved ones so that no one is around to inject common sense and self-esteem into the abused, that’s why the “tropics” narrative is so important.

Your loved ones know you and they can reinforce to you that “you are a good person, you’re not a fukk up, and that the abuser doesn’t love you”. Nature boy has taken this to the next level by physically separating them from these loved ones by thousands of miles and then removing any type of economic independence.

Damn you're spot on. :ehh:

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
The most significant part of Nature Boy's cult is how he engages one's mind ONLINE before they are ever physically there with him. I believe his first few members were people without close friends and families so it wasn't that difficult but getting a chick like Zoca's undivided attention online takes some work. She almost backed out of it because of her family but I'm sure NB was on the phone with her and face timing her all day, every day.

Without capturing their attention and mind on the internet, he has no Ra, no Iyah, no Zoca, etc coming to the "tropics" in the physical. Once there, it's over.

The Effects of Attention Capture

While some view capturing attention as the first stage of persuasion, many of those I studied seemed to view it as the only stage of persuasion. The fact is, there isn’t a single principle of persuasion you can’t violate and still succeed if you sufficiently engage another’s mind. No matter how unskilled or unpolished you may be, if you can capture and hold another person’s attention long enough, they will eventually fold to your command. Why? Because when our attention is captured, our conscious judgment and self-awareness recedes and suggestibility takes their place. Dr. Ronald C. Simons in his book Boo! Culture, Experience and the Startle Reflex, discusses four different effects attention capture may have on an individual. Paralysis, approach, matching and obedience.

While there are an untold number of “things” that may capture people’s attention, there is one type of “bait” we are all susceptible to: incongruity. In other words, things that are “out of place”, that don’t make sense in a given context, or that confuse us will invariably grab our attention, and if exploited properly, will maintain it as well. There are two reasons why this is so.

The first is nothing less than our survival instinct. We are literally “wired” to notice those things in our environment that “stand out” from the norm in the chance that they may threaten our survival. Even trivial incongruities will capture our attention. Why? Because if they stand out, we must pay attention to them if for no other reason than to evaluate them as trivial. In other words, first comes attention, then comes evaluation. It can’t be any other way.

The second reason incongruities are so critical in capturing our attention is that we are naturally drawn to things that increase our energy level, that make us feel more alive, and the attempt to resolve intellectual incongruities does just that. Psychologist Donald M. Johnson in his book The Psychology of Humor and Wit puts it this way, “Perception of an incongruity arouses energy directed toward resolution.” While it seems obvious that we’d be drawn to that which increases our energy level, few people recognize this as one of the results of a perceived incongruity. Yet the concept of Incongruity Theory is one of the most useful ideas we can entertain in an effort to capture the attention of others. Here are just a few of the ways incongruities can be applied in an effort to capture the attention of others: Cults paint incredible pictures of possibility that contrast sharply with the mechanized day-to-day existence most of us experience. From the chance to study under a “true messiah” to a taste of nirvana to spaceships and comets to human cloning, cults know how to set themselves apart from normality.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
Hidden Addiction #1:

A cult leader, standing before a potential convert, senses the woman’s hesitation to join his cause. In an instant he drops all talk of his group and what it offers and turns his attention toward the woman. He compliments her on her many intellectual and social gifts. They are rare gifts indeed, he assures her and laments how much his group could use more people with just such important qualities.

The woman smiles and, almost blushing, thanks the man for the compliment. Soon she is a full-fledged member of the cult.

This example illustrates perhaps the most fundamental of all needs and the most seductive of all pitches.

People are drawn to people who need them. Who doesn’t need a sense that their life matters? Who doesn’t want to feel like they have an important role to play in life?

Give someone a sense that they are truly needed, not because you are desperate, but because they are special, and you will be giving them one of the greatest gifts imaginable. In describing the feeling this gives a person, one former cult member said, “I had been fed adoration; the food of the gods.” The food of the gods, indeed.

Hidden Addiction #1: People need to feel needed.


Mar 11, 2015
Carbonation really is the only movement moving. I tried to tell you don't be on the wrong side of history,this will be historical:wow:

I really didn't see this coming, this was my exact idea for all black people with #BlackFreeAgency2028. Though my idea was to make us free agents to the world to create a bidding war. Africa obviously would have been the first choice though.

King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando
NatureBoy is a smart dude who ended up clowning himself really badly over the internet by making his life and his group a internet reality drama.

The premise they show is very agreeable because it was suppose to be a holistic afrocentric movement but they not showcasing themselves in the light that they do which I find disturbing. Especially with all the allegations against him.


Mar 11, 2015
NatureBoy is a smart dude who ended up clowning himself really badly over the internet by making his life and his group a internet reality drama.

The premise they show is very agreeable because it was suppose to be a holistic afrocentric movement but they not showcasing themselves in the light that they do which I find disturbing. Especially with all the allegations against him.

You can't teach damaged black people with pure knowledge. Drama may be neccessary,passion and the ability to create an emotional bond is neccessary. He made people take a personal interest in these peoples lives through drama and snuck the knowledge in on them while they didn't notice. This is really the blueprint,but other black teachers still don't want to turn the camera on themselves. Its how guys like Brother Umar get exposed,trying to appear perfect. Carbonation is admittedly fukked up and trying to heal the damage done by white supremacy.