So Natureboy got all them hoes pregnant at the same time

Bondye Vodou

Proud practitioner of the "High Science"
Jan 5, 2013

"there's no such thing as aids"
"in the animal kingdom they don't use condoms just to have sex"
"you shud never let em get near you to test you"
"its only real if you believe its real"

how are ladies actually flying out to fukk this nikka?



Mar 11, 2015

"there's no such thing as aids"
"in the animal kingdom they don't use condoms just to have sex"
"you shud never let em get near you to test you"
"its only real if you believe its real"

how are ladies actually flying out to fukk this nikka?


He's right about aids,its a fraud and an agenda that they have fooled black people with hook line and sinker. They test for proteins that show up when HIV is present. But did you know a disease like malaria could also show these proteins to be present? So there you have it,the European has convinced the world that Africa is infested with aids on what is very possibly just malaria based on the testing. Basically creating population control,making money off aids charities,making AA's view Africa in a negative light. They are making so much money giving these Africans aids medicine that is actually making them sick versus healing them. The testing is faulty so the only reason to test is to see if you need to get your lifestyle clear of stress,immune system stronger through diet so that you can get your blood deconatiminated.

This is the story of the first "aids case"
Robert Rayford: America’s First AIDS Victim | Weekly View

"Robert Rayford has been described variously by history as mildly retarded, sexually promiscuous or as a male prostitute. I have yet to find any account, and believe me I have read many, that calls him a man. In his case, the medical community was operating under the same social mores society was slogging through in the Nixon years. Scientists have found the same telltale “KS” evidence in African children as young as three years old. If we accept this scientific fact, could it be possible that Robert R. was born with it, rather than contracting it through nefarious means?"

"For lack of a more precise diagnosis, Robert’s death was attributed to loss of vitality, intractable fluid imbalance and lung disease. An autopsy revealed numerous other problems, including evidence of a rarely seen cancer called Kaposi’s sarcoma. In this case, “KS” manifested itself in the form of small purplish lesions discovered on Rayford’s left thigh and within his soft tissues. Kaposi’s sarcoma is a rare type of cancer most often found in elderly men of Mediterranean or Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Today, KS is taken as almost certain proof of AIDS, but in 1969, its significance was not understood."

Also in this link there is a theory about it being from contamination of the lungs,and Robert could have gotten it from his mother based on government testing in the area they lived.

"a theory is advanced that Robert became vulnerable to the illnesses during the 1950s when the Army Chemical Corps conducted open-air chemical warfare tests in American cities. These included 35 aerosol releases in and around St. Louis. Most of those tests were conducted in low income neighborhoods, allegedly to minimize public resistance to such tests. One of those test areas was only half a block from the house in which Robert was born. These tests, conducted at the height of the Cold War, were explained away to local officials as being simple smoke screen experiments designed to shield U.S. cities in the event of a Soviet attack.
Decades later it was revealed that those tests involved zinc cadmium sulfide, a mixture of zinc sulfide and cadmium sulfide. It’s frequently referred to as a fluorescent particle because it glows in ultraviolet light. This quality makes it easy to trace for efficacy after the fact. However, cadmium is a highly toxic metal that is even more pernicious when spread through the air. Because the kidneys absorb it quickly, it is commonly associated with kidney failure, leads to cirrhosis of the liver and causes severe damage to the lungs and body cavities. All of these conditions were noted in Robert R’s report. Also, the effects can be passed by a mother to her fetus,'"

He's right,aids can be bought on by stress if you can be born with it,and I believe can be healed through diet,sun and removing stress from your life.But yall would rather study the bullshyt than the science and lack there of behind the Europeans

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
The music been hard and only got better:wow:

And the white girl Pee Wee called in and got called weak and was exposed,she really wants to come back. These are the people yall put your faith in smh:snoop:

Yeah I peeped it live when Pee Wee called in.

The real question is why does Nature Boy want her ass back if she's weak and forced her own miscarriage drinking those teas? :mjpls:

NB claims Carbon Nation is only for the elite but it seems like he just recruits losers with sad backgrounds like homelessness, prostitution, adoption, mentally delayed :bryan:


Mar 11, 2015
Yeah I peeped it live when Pee Wee called in.

The real question is why does Nature Boy want her ass back if she's weak and forced her own miscarriage drinking those teas? :mjpls:

NB claims Carbon Nation is only for the elite but it seems like he just recruits losers with sad backgrounds like homelessness, prostitution, adoption, mentally delayed :bryan:

Couldn't you say the same thing about Farakhan:gucci:? Sounds llike he's saving alot of people. Peewee suffered from drug abuse,she was off drugs in Carbonation and apparently still is. You just told me Tron was out here methed out being raised around white people who obviously didn't have his best interest at heart. Now he is back where he belongs with black people,educated and off drugs,looking to find black women to date now. Iyah was being prostituted ,and didn't even need drugs to do it she was so lost. Now she is in Carbonation,teaching black people science,not selling her body:wow:..Nana crazy ass even seems to have been healed,she came there confirmed crazy as bat shyt by her family and family friends. But after being in Carbonation she at least seems like a happy young lady who knows how to deal with her emotions a little better. Imagine her acting the way she acted in Carbonation with the wrong Baton Rouge nikka?She could have ended up in jail or got her head knocked off permanantly dealing with Babylon men with that mouth she had. Also if you've seen Umi,even she is self reflecting and telling the truth about herself like NB does,she is self healing. Give Carbonation some credit already,can't really question the mans authenticity,he really is about the knowledge and spends alot of time talking to lost black people on the phone giving advice. You might not agree with all the advice but who else is talking to the people?You can't call Farakhan when you need to,can't call Al Sharpton,cant call Umar or Brother Polight,cant call Yvette or Boyce. Can't even call your church pastor who you've been giving money to every sunday for a decade,but you can get in touch with NB and the other Carbonation members. Its obvious he would attract people who need help mentally or spiritually,I don't consider that a bad look unless you are supporting the bullshyt they were doing.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
This dude letting him evict his girl while she's on the verge of delivering his baby :dead:

One of these dudes is gonna snap eventually
He vets the dudes way better than the women. All of them are bytch ass nikkas with nowhere to go and no real upbringing. There's a reason he continues to let new women come but we been seeing the same dudes for months/years now. If he let the wrong cat in, he will get dominated and his whole cult took over from him:dead: he can't risk that.

Pisces is like 19, no life experience and I think he's on some gay shyt so he basically another woman there :heh: