So Kate Upton finally crossed over huh :takedat:


May 2, 2012
I thought you were agreeing with the idea of doing it...your post made it seem like you were in on the whole thing. Did I misinterpret?

to me, it's sad and shows how powerfulness we are in society

but i understand the pleasure in seeing whites get mad over shyt like this.


Jul 15, 2012
Nothing angry about my post. In fact, you and the other female trolls are the ones who are angry. That's why you ran in here with this BS agenda. You're clearly salty as the ocean right now. You're trying to use simple ass psychology that doesn't even make sense. You sound like an idiot. This isn't about being mind fukked by white men, that's just how you spin it to further your BS agenda. I just clearly explained what this is about, obviously my post went way over your head. This thread is about laughing at how angry things like this make white men. Laughing, posting smileys on an Internet message board doesn't equate to "cumming". You're making a fool of yourself.

You didn't even say anything that could have possibly went over my head. In fact again, that whole post aligned with my post about hegemonic white masculinity but you were too stupid to even make a connection (an elementary reading strategy). My first post was agreeing with a MAN who recognized the hypocrisy and pathetic thinking in this thread. Y'all are making fools out of yourselves because you want to pretend that this is on some alpha male bs, but your beta behind probably hasn't quoted one man in this thread who has recognized the same thing that I did before I even said it. Typical coli beta male.

Also, this thread included more than just smilies and laughing so save the bs.


Jul 15, 2012
That cat @MUNGUs comment is bullsht. Most posts in this thread have nothing to do with celebrating Kate Uptons taste in men, I'm sure most of us could care less what her preference is.

By the way, I've noticed that sometimes when a male challenges your assertions, you insinuate that you're being attacked because you're a female, you've made similar suggestions like that towards me in the past. Let me just make this very clear right now; that isn't true, whenever I've addressed you in the past I wasn't concerned about your gender, I addressed you due to your intelligence. A lot of the brothers on this forum aren't that sharp, lets be real, so some of them don't even warrant a response, you on the other hand I think of differently. Also, I've gone back and forth with some of the most intelligent men on this forum, so again, to have even suggested that im scared of confronting and debating with men on here is laughable.

As for your post, I think you're overcomplicating things. I'm one of the brothers that dapped @Emperor Sols post and I can assure you that doing so had nothing to do with "feeling powerless against the white man". The fact is white men, in fact many men of all races, act possessive over their women, especially in respects to interracially dating. The humour behind this topic for me and I'm sure many of the others here is the fact that racist white men hate the idea of black men dating attractive white women, and since most of us dislike racist white men, it only logical that we enjoy what causes them discomfort. Laughing at something that causes someone you don't like discomfort doesn't necessarily mean you feel "powerless" against them.

Again, this thread is not celebrating the fact that an attractive white woman finds black men attractive, it is simply celebrating the fact that some racist cacs somewhere was/is mad as sht, nothing more nothing less.

I say the thing about attacking me because I am a woman because you came after me for a dap (not a post) and over looked the man who made it. I made one post in this thread quoting a man. Y'all had plenty of time to address what he said, but it is only a big deal because I agreed to it. That is bs and you know it. Before everyone started quoting and mentioning me for a 3 word post, I had one post on 3 page out of a four page thread; however some fool told me that I had been making angry post all throughout the thread. BS

I have a hard time believing that for quite a few posters it is not about a white woman finding black men attractive because there have been enough thread where black men have made pathetic comments such as "I bet she doesn't even like black men :sadcam:". This is a part of a whole theme of this board and the exact same thing that Marcuz critiques women of LSA for.

To the last paragraph, that may very well the reason for you, but you will not convince me that many men in this board do not have an inferiority complex. It's so obvious.

Also the person who made the post that I agreed with was Captain Crunch not Mungu
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Jul 15, 2012
Damn the thread not that deep kenya lol chill.

This started because I wrote a 3 word response agreeing with Captain Crunch's post. Tell them to chill because they are the one who got it started. They had plenty of time to refute the claim when he made the post, but they didn't feel the need to argue, quote, and mention until I agreed.

Don't quote or mention me if you don't want a response.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
I don't need to be check. Also yall keep writing angry paragraphs proving my point. Again, you continue to show that you have been mind fukk and this thread is based your deep seeded feelings toward white men. Many of you guys are clearly angry but you try to pretend that everyone else is. Yeah, you are having sex with a white woman, but white males continue to plague your mind. You are continuing to let them win by letting them make you so angry. They still have power over you as you cum to the thought of them being angry. Just think about that...

Also it's funny that @AAKing23 could dap your post but not actually answer the question that was addressed to him.
:rudy: Sorry I inconvenienced you Kenya, I was actually in a college class to better myself and I couldn't post a response that long thru my phone in class
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Jul 15, 2012
:rudy: Sorry I inconvenienced you Kenya, I was actually in a college class to better myself and I couldn't post a response that long thru my phone in class

It wasn't an inconvenice, I just knew I wouldn't get a response (although I knew I'd see plenty of daps). Just another pattern I've observed...


May 1, 2012
You didn't even say anything that could have possibly went over my head. In fact again, that whole post aligned with my post about hegemonic white masculinity but you were too stupid to even make a connection (an elementary reading strategy). My first post was agreeing with a MAN who recognized the hypocrisy and pathetic thinking in this thread. Y'all are making fools out of yourselves because you want to pretend that this is on some alpha male bs, but your beta behind probably hasn't quoted one man in this thread who has recognized the same thing that I did before I even said it. Typical coli beta male.

Also, this thread included more than just smilies and laughing so save the bs.
:heh:There is no connection between my position or any of my posts and hegemonic white masculinity you stupidass bird. Nothing beta about me you miserable bitter bytch. I have no problems checking males on this board, do it all the time. I quoted you because you stay on that passive-aggressive trolling shyt and it's getting tired. You asked a question and I answered it. We take pleasure in seeing people make racist white men mad because they're racist white men. That has nothing to do with hegemonic white masculinity, feeling powerless to white men, or any of that other BS you're trying to throw up against the wall hoping that it sticks. The 2nd post of this thread said it all. I don't even like white girls, and I've said that many times here. I couldn't care less who this white girl gets down with, but I will laugh at all the racist crackers who's world would come to an end at the mere thought of her getting down with a black man. You're clearly misrepresenting the tone of this thread. The tone of this thread isn't ":blessed: A white girl likes us" it's ":umad: at all you racist crackers" There's 187 comments in this thread and I'll bet you all of my coli cash that you couldnt produce 10 different posts where people are celebrating the fact that this white girl potentially likes black guys. You're full of shyt.

mtu wa chuma

archangel of terror
May 31, 2012
Amazing how someone who thinks they're intelligent requires about 10 different posters to explain something so simple to her, and she still doesn't get it.:heh:


Jul 15, 2012
:heh:There is no connection between my position or any of my posts and hegemonic white masculinity you stupidass bird. Nothing beta about me you miserable bitter bytch. I have no problems checking males on this board, do it all the time. I quoted you because you stay on that passive-aggressive trolling shyt and it's getting tired. You asked a question and I answered it. We take pleasure in seeing people make racist white men mad because they're racist white men. That has nothing to do with hegemonic white masculinity, feeling powerless to white men, or any of that other BS you're trying to throw up against the wall hoping that it sticks. The 2nd post of this thread said it all. I don't even like white girls, and I've said that many times here. I couldn't care less who this white girl gets down with, but I will laugh at all the racist crackers who's world would come to an end at the mere thought of her getting down with a black man. You're clearly misrepresenting the tone of this aathread. The tone of this thread isn't ":blessed: A white girl likes us" it's ":umad: at all you racist crackers" There's 187 comments in this thread and I'll bet you all of my coli cash that you couldnt produce 10 different posts where people are celebrating the fact that this white girl potentially likes black guys. You're full of shyt.

First of all, I asked that question specifically to AAking23 you big dummy. I wasn't even talking to you. I have no fear of addressing anyone. I did t passively aggressively troll anything.

Second, hegemonic white masculinity in sociology of gender literature is about the hegemonic oppressive power that white men have always had (you spefically mentioned you idiot). Another one of my post specifically talked about the hundreds of years of oppression by the white male power structure which was the first like of your post you bird brain a$$hole.

You are as beta as they come. You are more of bytch than I am girlfriend with you temper tantrums.


Jul 15, 2012
Amazing how someone who thinks they're intelligent requires about 10 different posters to explain something so simple to her, and she still doesn't get it.:heh:

The explanations are either bullshyt or repeat something I already said with your passive aggressive ass. At me so I know it real bytch. :umad:

mtu wa chuma

archangel of terror
May 31, 2012
The explanations are either bullshyt or repeat something I already said with your passive aggressive ass. At me so I know it real bytch. :umad:

You can use as many :umad: smileys as you want, but everyone reading this thread knows who's really fuming behind those keyboards.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Amazing how someone who thinks they're intelligent requires about 10 different posters to explain something so simple to her, and she still doesn't get it.:heh:
All that education and can't grasp the basic concept of an internet thread :mindblown: