So Chicago Teachers Going On Strike Starting Today?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
They have the highest salary of all teachers across the country and they work less hours. They don't deserve a raise when compared to the work of other teachers.

Average pay is 76K. That's roughly $60 per hour. :ld:

that is not accurrate at all.

they make 36k a year.

art barr


All Star
May 6, 2012
then yall not factoring cost of living. You cant work for the city unless you live in the city....and cost of living and taxes here are crazy.
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Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
My Aunt is pulling down near 70K a year but she been teaching for about 30 years in special education with multiple degrees..nikkas acting like teachers walkin' straight out of college into a classroom and start caking.shyt is :duck:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:dwillhuh: Our day was 8:20 to 3:30, the hell is Chicago's school time so short for?

dawg,...that 9am to 2:30 pm time was for grammAr schools.

in high school you typically have to be there from before 8 to 2:30pm.

some schools it was 7:15,..

don't believe the cps media pr lies.

cps is the worst school system in the nation.
they always deflect and give the teachers poor pr.
to appear in the wrong and cps is always in the wrong.
especially when they strong arm th teachers morally, to sign a new deal.

which continues this cycle of abuse.
also,..obama should be ashamed of himself
for hiring the former superintendent of cps.
on some good ole boi's bullshyt. instead of hiring the best super in the nation.

as the super for chicago,..even if he had numbers. were all up from the worst school system in the nation. which means the numbers were all misleading.

this country continues to breed nothing but spreadsheet madness!!

art barr


Jul 15, 2012
- People keep saying your first point as if people don't grow up with teachers their whole lives and actually see it for themselves. I know, trust. But (1)I'm sure you knew the requirements of the job beforehand, If you decide that's not the life for you and the hours are too much, you should quit, someone else will be way more passionate about it and (2) The people still only work 4.5-5 hours a day even with the probable extra hours it's still only 7-8 hours, so what do the teachers in Chicago really have to complain about? This would be like me taking the job of a shyt shoveler and then getting mad when I have to actually shovel shyt.

- Then you should take that up with the school's budgeting or their parents, not with the kids.

That's any profession where you know what you're getting into.

Everyone grows up with a teacher. Why do people who want to be teachers act so surprised when they discover what it pays? Y'all take the jobs, find out is not all good as you thought it was, and then gripe about the pay that you knew you were getting into. :what: place does that make sense.

I'm sure someone who works 4-5 hours, while I work 7-8 hours does just as much work. :mjpls: Does that even make sense to you adding in the extra work BOTH groups have to do? :beli:

That is one of their complaints...having supplies (including books) from day one. Why aren't you talking about how the district doesn't give a damn or that the parents don't give a damn about the kids? Those two groups have the most control on student outcomes because teachers do not have the power to make curriculum decisions and research shows that parental involvement is often a huge factor in student success. Why are teachers the only people who should bare the brunt of the issues in education? Superintendents continue to get hella bonuses, chauffeurs, etc, but teachers are greedy for wanting step pay increases?

Also, as far as knowing the requirements beforehand, it honestly depends on the district and type of school you teach in. I would be lying if I said that I knew I would be in the school building for 12 hours almost everyday of the week (breakfast, lunch, and dinner at my job). One mile away from my school at the predominantly white affluent school, they were often home by 3 pm. They had 90 minutes of planning plus lunch everyday. My first year of teaching I got planning time for 75 minutes a week (by law I suppose to have more). I'm not complaining because I chose it and I also chose to leave because you can have all the passion in the world but teachers honestly have no power to make decisions that can positively affect children. Teachers should have passion, but they should also have some self-respect.

I just find it laughable that so many people who have not spent more than 5 minutes as an adult in a classroom can talk about what it takes to be a teacher or label most teachers as just lazy.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Smh,teachers get no respect.
CEO's get million dollar raises for doing absoulutly nothing and nikkas don't bat a eye..Teachers strike because the gov't wants to increase their hours while reducing their pay and nikkas wanna act like they are in the wrong. :aicmon:
1. You clearly no nothing about what CEOs do.
2. I've personally said that if they make them work hours (along the country's standards) their pay should stay the same, not decrease.

And honestly, most teachers suck and only teach for the pay.
well he's right about the pay cause this is two years ago.
now as far as the start and end times of the day. i'm getting this directly from the teachers contract that will expire in 2012.
are you saying all principles and teachers agreed to start at 9am and go home at 2:30 for all grade levels?
pre middle school yes you go in at around 8, and leave at 2:30. but the moment you step foot in middle school the good life is over. you start at around 8, to 8:15(unless your school has one of those extra periods in the morning that u dont go to everyday. and you leave at 3:15pm.
Research this matter a little more. ALL of the teachers are striking at every level, so it's more than just a middle-elementary school issue. They are even about to shorten the school day at the high school level.

These nikkas get +40K and summers off and y'all feel bad for them. :laff: :dead:

that is not accurrate at all.
they make 36k a year.
art barr
Average starting salary for teachers in Chicago is $47K

Chicago teachers strike; students and parents scramble -

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Haven't even read through this thread, but this is what I'm guessing is the content from the average uneducated coli member :

1. These teachers are so greedy and overpaid

2. Teachers don't teach shyt anyhow

3. Watch "waiting for superman"

4. Pensions are so high and teachers have it so good.

Did I get it right? Didn't read a single post.

Not even gonna explain to you why this is so false, there is no popular demand for facts and truth.


All Star
May 6, 2012
Haven't even read through this thread, but this is what I'm guessing is the content from the average uneducated coli member :

1. These teachers are so greedy and overpaid

2. Teachers don't teach shyt anyhow

3. Watch "waiting for superman"

4. Pensions are so high and teachers have it so good.

Did I get it right? Didn't read a single post.

Not even gonna explain to you why this is so false, there is no popular demand for facts and truth.
:whew: That boy good.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'm sayin. Teachers dont get paid jack. I looked at dat 76k number and was like hol up :shaq2::rudy:.

this has been going on since i was in highschool actually.

when i was in highschool, my senior year.

i believe the entire school year was the shortest in national history.
plus we maxed out all the days in june to catch up.

they have been deceitful and cruel to chicago teachers for thirty years or more.

since 81,..i know they have been pulling this nonsense with teachers.

art barr


Jun 8, 2012
dawg,...that 9am to 2:30 pm time was for grammAr schools.

in high school you typically have to be there from before 8 to 2:30pm.

some schools it was 7:15,..

don't believe the cps media pr lies.

cps is the worst school system in the nation.
they always deflect and give the teachers poor pr.
to appear in the wrong and cps is always in the wrong.
especially when they strong arm th teachers morally, to sign a new deal.

which continues this cycle of abuse.
also,..obama should be ashamed of himself
for hiring the former superintendent of cps.
on some good ole boi's bullshyt. instead of hiring the best super in the nation.

as the super for chicago,..even if he had numbers. were all up from the worst school system in the nation. which means the numbers were all misleading.

this country continues to breed nothing but spreadsheet madness!!

art barr
ay art, on most thing i ride and die with the teachers. my mom was a school professional in the special ed dept her entire life. i even did a hint of student teaching when i was in college. so i got love for my teachers across the nation/the globe. BUT if they are really making good money like that and only working til 2:30pm. i dont care if you start at 8. you better be going to 3:15. just like my teachers had to do. its obvious the short day aint cutting it for the kids. the kids are beyond behind in the chi.

unless the reason for the hour cuts is due to the state being broke. but if thats the case then the teachers pay is supposed to be cut as well to compensate for the lesser time spent. thats how it goes.
and go back up and look at the stats i posted. that wasnt some fake website. that site had their salaries dating back to the 60's. all the way up to the 2010-2011 school year. so what dude said about average salary is actually correct per those stats.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
That is one of their complaints...having supplies (including books) from day one. Why aren't you talking about how the district doesn't give a damn or that the parents don't give a damn about the kids? Those two groups have the most control on student outcomes because teachers do not have the power to make curriculum decisions and research shows that parental involvement is often a huge factor in student success. Why are teachers the only people who should bare the brunt of the issues in education? Superintendents continue to get hella bonuses, chauffeurs, etc, but teachers are greedy for wanting step pay increases?
Also, as far as knowing the requirements beforehand, it honestly depends on the district and type of school you teach in. I would be lying if I said that I knew I would be in the school building for 12 hours almost everyday of the week (breakfast, lunch, and dinner at my job). One mile away from my school at the predominantly white affluent school, they were often home by 3 pm. They had 90 minutes of planning plus lunch everyday. My first year of teaching I got planning time for 75 minutes a week (by law I suppose to have more). I'm not complaining because I chose it and I also chose to leave because you can have all the passion in the world but teachers honestly have no power to make decisions that can positively affect children. Teachers should have passion, but they should also have some self-respect.
I just find it laughable that so many people who have not spent more than 5 minutes as an adult in a classroom can talk about what it takes to be a teacher or label most teachers as just lazy.

I'll talk about that, but then I'll also talk about the teachers to. You pull the money out of your pocket and take the easy way out. If there's something you need from your employer, get it, instead of waiting for everything to drop and then striking and leaving everyone else hanging. You know who hurts when teachers strike? Not the superintendents. That's for sure. Children and Parents who have to find alternatives for their kids, parents who live in lower income areas where they just can't call out of work at the drop of a hat.

You would be lying if you said that? Did you never grow up with any good teachers? My teachers stayed until 6 on many days. You sign a contract, you know how much you get paid. You get summers off and still get paid for that.

NAme me a another job where I get 40K minimum and get summers off, even when the results I output are shytty. :damn:
there is no popular demand for facts and truth.
Shoot playboy. You talkin' it. Shoot it. :beli:

I'm sayin. Teachers dont get paid jack. I looked at dat 76k number and was like hol up :shaq2::rudy:.
Ignore fact for Art Barr feel good rhetoric then. :russ:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
1. You clearly no nothing about what CEOs do.
2. I've personally said that if they make them work hours (along the country's standards) their pay should stay the same, not decrease.

And honestly, most teachers suck and only teach for the pay.

Research this matter a little more. ALL of the teachers are striking at every level, so it's more than just a middle-elementary school issue. They are even about to shorten the school day at the high school level.

These nikkas get +40K and summers off and y'all feel bad for them. :laff: :dead:

Average starting salary for teachers in Chicago is $47K

Chicago teachers strike; students and parents scramble -

there is a difference between average and the real pay for teachers.

the average salary for a classroom teacher in cps is 36k.

my bm is/was a cps teacher.

my bestfriend's mom was a school teacher, to principle/admin.
i grew up around teachers and know their plight.
i know what they mAke entry level for real.

stop believe'n pr and propaganda.
which has been swayed erroneously.
in the favor of cps for three or more decades, wrongly.

art barr
May 3, 2012
Haven't even read through this thread, but this is what I'm guessing is the content from the average uneducated coli member :

1. These teachers are so greedy and overpaid

2. Teachers don't teach shyt anyhow

3. Watch "waiting for superman"

4. Pensions are so high and teachers have it so good.

Did I get it right? Didn't read a single post.

Not even gonna explain to you why this is so false, there is no popular demand for facts and truth.

no point in arguing with nikkas if they're ignore simple truths and logic, + rep.