This country has a certain pattern. Anti black backlash always follows any little upswing, and this wasn't little: they positioned him as a political messiah, the balm America needed after the 'contentious' (ha!) Bush years. We ALL reacted strongly, because we were supposed to. Think back to those nighttime speeches with the spotlights, all the little stagecraft they used. (Similar to the iconic Ground Zero pics and that 'Mission Accomplished shyt they tried to do for Bush.

I say all that to say, a certain vibe was set. Both Obama haters and lovers were getting dopamine hits everyday. As history informs us, big highs bring big lows. Disillusioned progressives, the more radical portion of Democratic voters, realized that the party would never move away from neo-liberalism, no matter how much power we gave them. They started peeling off. Occupy happened. ADOS made its first fledgling steps. starting with a viral YC vid when she was still on Boyce. Bernie Bros became a thing, again, former mainline Dems.
This all happened before election day 2016. What made conscientious black voters nervous enough to finally start reconsidering our relationship with the party was that, despite all his fancy education, Obama seemed totally unaware of the danger we were in. He enacted no protections, gave us no special favor. (I also think there's an argument to be made that his ascent knocked out a lot of old school black pols, replacing them with his people.) His own friends were harassed by some cracker police and Obama kissed his ass. He left us naked out here with these crackers and then skipped off to Martha's Vineyard. Trayvon, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Mitrice Richardson- say their names.
We started first, just settling on the proper language to describe the changing political landscape. Because it's a modern movement, it's internet based, and so whatever natural hiccups were magnified and disseminated thousand-fold. Then, the people we were advocating for, good black Dems, were informed that we were bots, by Joy Ann Reid, sole negro left standing at MSNBC. And silly nikkas started repeating it, leading to a good eight years of those same good black Dems fighting US instead of fighting the Democratic party. I pointed this out the other day. Any political discussion had in TLR is immediately thwarted by re-directing the rightful wrath of voters to the people who are trying to advocate for them. Slick.