So basically Black people are a couple of court cases and a republican president away from being permanent second class citizens

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
:camby:our ancestors were sold NOT kidnapped

:snoop: shyt like this is why ADOS/FBA have no business with being PanAfrican

Some of us #WeWereAlreadyHere if you wanna get into the nuances:respect:

But slaves were sold,as well as kidnapped. But last I checked slaves werent allowed to just leave the plantation. They were held against their will which means they were kidnapped as well,or held hostage if thats a better fit. Either way your ancestors did not choose to make this their home. They were held by force and under threat of violence. So this idea that the rebellious thing to do is refusing to leave is laughable. Just more reverse psychology from the European.

Stay if you wanna stay,but staying for the sake of what ancestors went through doesnt make sense to me. Also im not pan african by the way#AnywhereButHere.
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Mar 11, 2022
I understand why you brought it up although it doesn't have a direct correlation with the topic. I don't want to turn this thread into a thread about divestors but I was just calling out Gloxina who can't help herself when it comes to discussing black women doing c00nish things.
Because y’all act like all BW are posting or celebrating the Black wife affect stuff.

The women celebrating that are not the same women who are concerned with the political climate.

Women are hyping that shyt as a response to the Black men/ Passport Bros who say anything is better than a Black woman. They aren’t thinking about the news.

Same way if Black men/Passport Bros cared about more than sexual access to foreign women they would’ve been paying attention to the political climate instead of making TikTok’s showing off passports, streams of them on dates or picking up women overseas, etc.
BOTH SEXES do stupid shyt with no regard to current events.


Mar 11, 2022
Fair enough. Still, if you go to my most recent post in this thread, you'll notice that I caught her in a lie and she hasnt responded :dead: . She claimed that no one knew about my brothers keeper and I posted an article showing that nearly 1000 black women leaders signed a petition to have it gone.
No- I said MOST BLACK WOMEN were not championing that shyt and weren’t aware that a Black woman was leading the charge.

TF? Most average Black women were excited and wanted their sons to benefit from that damn program :dahell:


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Told my family to watch and see what happens after Obama because White people were going to retaliate after he left office.

They thought I was crazy.

Every once in a while one of my aunts will say “You know, I still remember the conversation we had that afternoon when you said this would happen”.

Your absolutely right. Trying to push Hillary next into the white house was the spark that set all this off after all the Gas poured during the Obama error. That long Incel thread on here legit scared me. These weirdos and racists really can do some damage when left alone to plot without any happy hobbies and distractions



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
All this court case suing shyt really had me in the shower like :dahell:

These judges have basically decided that anything designed to help Black people after being disenfranchised for years is "racist." Okay.

So now dudes are talking about working on zipcodes and shyt. But the same cracker ass cracker judges can just say that disproportionately helps Black people and is therefore "racist" as well, can't they? :dahell:

"That's unconstitutional" you might say. So then we sue. And then it goes to... the white supremacist Supreme Court that Trump picked, and gets shot down in another 6-3 decision :dahell:

So basically all these judges that trump picked are set up to rewrite the rules so that we can't be helped and that everything is "standard." But "standard" in a majority white country favors... white people. What we gonna do? They can literally say its constitutional in a 6-3 decision :dahell:

The only recourse is that they might be moving slow and playing cute right now because we have a democratic president. But if they get a republican, really, what the fukk are you gonna do? Violent unrest? The republican president calls down the national guard.:dahell: Play the legal game? 6-3 nikka :dahell:

If we really be real we already lost in 2016 and now we're holding on by a hair. We need Dems in the oval office until one of the older supreme justices (ideally two) die so shyt can be saved and we can back on track. otherwise that's a wrap for decades, maybe centuries
You thought shyt was sweet? We been telling you about that both sides shyt since 2016 and nikkas wanted and white bytches wanted to be edge lords on some bu bu bu her emails bu bu bu trump is an outsider.. bu bu bu he’s for the people smh

Mofos gotta feel the tangles before they take shyt serious :snoop:

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
It's not one person lol. Her and an entire group of black women have been going around blocking programs for black boys yet there are hundreds of black girls only programs (black girls code for example). You can't move on if you don't treat the tutorial. Yall compalin about these black men growing up but block the avenues to help them. You can't fight white supremacy while handicapping your boys, doesn't work fhat way. Trump winning doesn't matter as we are already on the pathway to second class citizenship due to the neglect of black bots since the 1970s.

Why are you such an internet brained motherfukker?


Mar 11, 2022
again breh, if your base is Black people and you are Black yourself in the US, it's your job to know what the history of this country is about and prepare your voting blocks accordingly. The Dems have refused to do this for their main voting base and now we are all at risk.
The problem is blacks have been playing the wrong game. Other groups not only vote but select candidates who will vote favorable to their "specific" interest. Blacks will take whoever comes along and hope those candidates have some of our interest in mind.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Men on Strike

The War against Boys

Boys Adrift

All excellent books on the subject too.

Looking at them in my bookcase right now.

I should reread some of them, shyt still applies. And anything in there goes double for African American boys as well.
Read countering the conspiracy to destroy black boys.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I am trying to figure out how you are trying to turn this thread into an anti-Obama thread. Your arguments against Obama are fair and definitely something to be discussed but why are you moving the attention from what conservatives are actually doing, back to what Obama did years ago? If you want to make the argument that Hilary shouldn't have been the candidate, and we should have run someone else with the direction of Obama, then fair. But you aren't making that argument. You are talking sour grapes as some sort of "gotcha moment" when Obama had 8 years in office and was popular amongst black voters up until the day he left office. My question is why are you deflecting from the true subject of this thread and not providing anything constructive about moving forward?

If we really be real we already lost in 2016 and now we're holding on by a hair.
:what: I was responding to the op. It's one thing for Dems to try to paint Trump as the man who started this, but bp should be able to have the real conversation among ourselves. Seems like some people just woke up and the world is falling around them, I'm here taking time out of my joyous life of leisure to explain what happened while they (read: you) were asleep. The structure built by the CRM to protect us is, in fact, falling, but unless you know why and how that occurred, you won't be able to stop it or re- build it.

Trump did not start our downward trajectory. This is the culmination of neoliberalism, introduced during the Clinton years. Bush and Obama simply played their parts advancing it. So when somebody asks why the protective walls are falling, they must be told the whole story. It's necessary to stress Obama's role bc the easily- pacified think that was a golden era we can vote back. No, and be glad you can't.

During one of the debates in 2016, Bernie Sanders made the apparently shocking claim that "the African-American community lost half of their wealth as a result of the Wall Street collapse." So shocking that politifact had to fact check it. He wasn't lying. While Obama was playing Al Green and two stepping to Aretha Franklin and Beyonce, he was serving as frontman for the group robbing us.

“What it shows is we bailed out Wall Street — that wasn’t entirely Obama’s doing at all, that was Bush and the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, and so forth — but housing was almost entirely under his control. Homeowners were not bailed out,” Ryan Cooper, one of the report’s authors, told The Intercept about the findings of the report.

Many middle-class Americans saw their wealth decimated by the subprime mortgage debacle, but African-Americans suffered a particularly heavy blow because so much of that population’s wealth was tied up in housing...

The authors singled out the Home Affordable Modification Program for censure for seeking to incentivize mortgage services to modify loans.

The failures of HAMP are well-documented — it ended up helping big banks and doing very little for homeowners.

The authors suggest that the New Deal’s Home Owners’ Loan Corporation is a model that may have yielded different outcomes. HOLC purchased mortgages directly and refinanced them, but such a model of direct government intervention and control of an economic problem has been anathema to modern government officials.

“Because African-Americans were disproportionately victimized at all levels of the housing and foreclosure crises, they stood to gain disproportionately from any sensible policy response. But because policy was not sensible — because it was, in fact, a catastrophic failure — the first black president in American history was a disaster for black wealth,” Cooper and Bruenig conclude.

So, yes, when people ask how we got here, broke and unable to defend ourselves in the courts, I point out where the money went. When people ask where our political advocates went, I point to where our power was leeched: Obama. We poured all we had left into him and it was a very bad plan. This should serve as a cautionary tale. You obviously can't trust the overt racists, duh, but you can't even trust those who claim to be on your side... like this guy right here. 👇🏽

You know why. @HarlemHottie is a disingenuous, role-playing revolutionary Republic00n. She literally has no scope of politics beyond blaming and disparaging Democrats for everything, as you can observe in every politics thread here. A Republican governor in the south can introduce legislation to reinstate slavery, and her fake militant ass will shout "well what are Dems gonna do about it! This is why we should stop blindly supporting the Democrats! This wouldn't be happening if xxx was only for ADOS!!!" But let a Democrat so much as advocate for immigrant rights and shes got a mouthful of deranged rants about how liberals are rooting for the downfall of black Americans.

Talmbout she hates "fake nikkas" tho. Jesus, the narcissistic projection is just amazing. She gets very defensive when she sees people criticizing Trump, Republicans, or their white supremacist agenda which she foolishly thinks will be inclusive of her and "her people," but she--as well as the rest of the acronym American, both sides Trumpset nikkas--cover it up with this tired FAKE persona of being a black militant reparations advocate. Which of course a bunch of simps fall for. She don't give a shyt about black people and in fact despises liberalism and works very hard to help advance white supremacist political ideas and agendas. Just another Republic00n.
I quoted this dumb shyt just to highlight the level of discourse. The proper question is, in fact, 'what are Dems gonna do about it' because those are the people we elect to protect our rights. But this MSNBC employee understands that these are dangerous questions for his masters, so he runs in with ad hominems and distractions. Watch him. His bonus is probably based on daps, fukking tap-dancing clown.