Batman killing people was stupid as hellBvS was his vision and it was sloppy as fukk
Nevermind that his vision is simply NOT what audiences want to see (depressed Superman, killer Batman, etc.)
Comicbook universes are an amalgamation. That's a problem in of itself.
The thing about comicbook characters is that, when an individual character/property reaches a certain level of popularity, they start to gain their own orbit. Meaning, they become bigger than the company they come from:
Superman is bigger than DC comics.
Batman is bigger than DC comics.
Wonder woman is bigger than DC comics.
These are A-List characters on their own. Bigger than some whole movie franchises.
when that happens you have a situation where a character's fanbase stretches across different media and promotional formats. Comics, radio shows, movies, TV shows, toys, lunchoboxes, bed and bath gear, school paraphernalia.
Which means that you have genuine fans of a character, that grew up with that single character, without indulging it's parent medium(comics) or caring about the rules of the canon said character is lifted from. So you'll have fans with a perception of what the character should be, that doesn't necessarily mesh with the rest of the universe the character comes from.
You can be a huge superman or batman fan without having read a single comic book in your life. You can't say the same for say, Amadeus cho, or Eden fesi.
In other words, for a movie director to be a fan of fukkin Eden fesi, he has to have been that much into comics, to where he would have enough reverence for it as a medium to execute a movie adaptation respectfully. Whereas someone can fukk w/ superman and still think comic fans are geeks, or children, so if they have an idea for a superman movie, they'll either dismiss the rules of the genre flatout, or they'll execute it reluctantly in asort of way.
In a one-off flick that can work artistically. But if you're translating a whole canon with multiple IPs from one storytelling medium to another, that level of irreverence will lead to disaster.
and that's what happend w/ Snyder and the DC Movieverse.
in order for a shared universe to work, you've gotta pre-establish some rules to keep wild ideas in check.
Marvel got lucky because the characters that were bigger than Marvel were sold to Sony, Fox, etc.. As much as we wanted those characters back, their absence was a blessing in disguise. Outside of that, they realise how easy it is for continuity to crash, so they're treading carefully tone and narrative wise, making each film a contained story, and painting by numbers.
DC had 3 characters with their own orbit, and they didn't realise the potential disaster from that cause it was WB steering the ship. They're heading toward a crisis on infinite earths scenario in fukkin movies, and their first run at a shared universe hasn't even taken off yet...
I'm sorry Nolan recommended this Clown¿Zack Snyder is a hack and probably the worst person outside of Michael Bay that comes to mind.
He was given complete control and he gave us Batman vs Superman. fukk him and WB and Nolan for recommending him.
brehI'm sorry Nolan recommended this Clown¿
Nolan fans jall gosssom essplaaynin 2 dooooooooooo
Breh you're defending a guy who cast that train wreck version of Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman, a guy who is on the record saying how stupid it looks for Superheroes communicating with one another in their costumes.breh
I rewatched Man of Steel last night
As much as I loved Avengers Infinity War there's nothing in that film fukking with any of Man of Steel's action scenes (The airport scene in Civil War comes close/ties Snyders best though, I must admit)
Why do you guys hate a man who brought you so much visual piff? (especially when others haven't)
sh1t looks beautiful thoBreh you're defending a guy who cast that train wreck version of Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman, a guy who is on the record saying how stupid it looks for Superheroes communicating with one another in their costumes.
A guy who decided to cast Affleck to play an old ass Batman who is at the end of his journey in a Superman sequel.
This whole universe is a train wreck and you have to be a special type of inept to get fired on a movie you've 90% completed shooting by an inept studio.
Winter Soldier action scenes were much closer, I thinkbreh
I rewatched Man of Steel last night
As much as I loved Avengers Infinity War there's nothing in that film fukking with any of Man of Steel's action scenes (The airport scene in Cap: Civil War comes close/ties Snyders best though, I must admit)
Why do you guys hate a man who brought you so much visual piff? (especially when others haven't)
I'm sorry Nolan recommended this Clown¿
Nolan fans jall gosssom essplaaynin 2 dooooooooooo
I rewatched Man of Steel last night
As much as I loved Avengers Infinity War there's nothing in that film fukking with any of Man of Steel's action scenes (The airport scene in Cap: Civil War comes close/ties Snyders best though, I must admit)
Why do you guys hate a man who brought you so much visual piff? (especially when others haven't)
Its funny when praise for MOS is dished out all people ever say is “the action was dope breh”nothing else but that. Well some say the same thing about the transformers movie and it doesn’t mean they are not trash. I will give Snyder his props he has an eye for great action and can create beautiful looking scenes but that’s about it. Not even trying to hate on him but if you watch his interviews he isn’t even articulate and struggles to convey what he means.