Art Barr
Flash is top tier as far as comic book tv shows go
I hear Legends is good too but my backlog is hella deep and I've only seen 5 episodes of the first season
Supergirl is pretty much "The Flash" with Supergirl at this point (and I mean that as a positive), so I never understood the hate for it, it's pretty solid now (1st season was meh but 2nd and 3rd have been quality)
94% on rotton tomatos for those who care about that sorta stuff.
They jacked Snyder's MOS Goku punch in one episode also
WB dropped the ball, by just canceling the flash movie and making it into the tv show. Then going in a complete shyt show quality direction movie wise.
While having the right property, look, feel, etc. Done exactly right on flash the tv show. Which people have informed me was from an actual movie scrap.
Just total mismanagement and complete ineptitude, because of executive disconnect.
If we all did what dc did as black men.
We would have no career to speak of.
Yet movies and NFL people in particular to name a few. Are allowed to be populated by people who have no actual idea wtf they are doing.
Example: Matt millen
Yet, will pass over someone with obvious knowledge etc because of skin color too.
Like when creed came out.
Dc could have been advantageous and got coogler to do a dc movie. Way way way before marvel. It did not even have to be a race based character. Just the fact coogler resurrected the draw of a property that was so popular. it eventually fell into decline of draw with no possible return from declining quality and lack of consumer brand faith. as a positive result in the Oscar winning sequel drawing rocky franchise. Just simple corporate x's and o's would have saved dcu a character and a property.
Coogler would have been perfect for that. Another just makes no sense move was. When Peter Jackson was not brought in for star wars. Dc should have been begging him to run dcu films. As on paper via market research. He was the candidate. who made the most sense. as far as world building on film with quality, critical and drawing acclaim. Instead you got an inept executive lead dcu film division. That has the top drawing characters, but film wise has bottom of the barrell results. In film's highest grossing genre. In which you as dc. own the largest gateway properties three times before marvel gets to its first mascot in spider man originally. That after the bungling of the dcu. Dcu had/has the largest drawing characters.
All of whom, that have been eclipsed in quality, draw, entertainment etc. by pre-pubescent talking piece of shape shifting ginger root meets a forest ent named groot.
So, now dcu is beaten routinely in draw by a lord of the rings style character. Whose only form of actual communication is the word. That also happens to be the full language and name of the Ent like Peter Jackson character from the lord of the rings.
Art Barr
Also, to keep it real.
The low quality of the dcu makes me hesitant to even invest in the tv dcu, with black lightning. As I really don't wanna deal with the anger. if I see the show. descend into bullshyt phoney dcu territory. that has never upped game my whole entire life.
Plus play/played revenue grabbing style games and the dcu characters. Especially one who is of color and interesting as black lightning. That could be a promising surprise draw like creed was.
So even their low quality makes me hesitant to watch and very apprehensive to show them support. When I am a former comic book school actual professional level trained and experienced penciler, and letterer. So, that is how extreme dcu lack of quality control. Has created disconnect. In a fan who should be a really easy passionate rabid sell. Plus, has never built any brand loyalty for forty years as well. So all this continued ineptitude comes into play . So dcu has work to do to keep attention drawise to their film properties. If examples of easy hot blind sales leads like me demographic wise are hesitant to support their products. I mean my fukk'n idol Jim lee is at dc and I have not bought one book. Plus am at a point where dc means books and film. Not a separate ideal in draw. That I believe dc execs believes to exist and prey upon. When that is a pissoor idea to bank on. When one creates a warm call lead based a gateway for the other. To hear that come from a Jim lee person like me is pretty extreme. So, dcu has ALL THE WORK TO DO. when it is easy to see they have not done any of the work necessary to succeed or even actually say they compete. Dcu at this point is unacceptable and it needs a heavy shakeup from top to bottom to save this. As real talk. This could create such low brand loyalty. Dcu gets approached by the bicepless mouse.
Art Barr
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