i dont wanna confuse anyone.
ima MARVEL stan!
ima MARVEL stan!
Pretty much this. WB didn't know what the hell they were doing and screwed things up more by trying to further micromanage things once BvS underperformed. I dont know why WB thought they could just skip right to Justice League without doing the leg work on the solo films.Like how you gonna copy the MCU but decide to go against the blueprint? Marvel already laid out everything they needed to succeed and they still fukked it up.
Here we go again with the snyder slander and the same usual suspects jumping out the window....
Zack Snyder can do what he wants and as far as I'm concerned should be allowed to make as many DC movies as he wants till everything burns to the ground.
fukk NO!I love Man of Steel, that Nolanesqe fractured storytelling was dope.
I wish they would have Joss do the Batgirl movie, flip the script and use Cassandra Cain.
Snyder should have actually had the black lex from the batman movie/cartoon meets supes era. As that lex is the lex from this Gen that resonates. Yet we know dc is stoopid and to welled in old school film house cop and blow tactics.
They don't realize that day is dead for large gateway franchises and properties. You have to do legacy properties accurately period. Or in the long run you can suffer. To the tune that wb is not even WB any more. They are aol and to egotistical at the top grades.
to realize they were phased and bought out and they have to change to the times.
If you continue you will not generate revenue over time.
Marvel showed this can happen in like five years. went from xmen number one with Jim lee setting every blockbuster sales record in comic history.
to the poor house to being owned by disney. WB is so egotistical. They think they are still WB. When WB is a legacy vanity label and they are really American online. This whole do what you want with legacy properties like the general consumer is not internet savy to review a property's content, history, highest quality level is asinine. Especially in corporate America where market research and product information is key to success. Everytime dc makes a movie. WB reverts back to the idea that batman should be Adam west ultimately at the end of the day to revenue grab and will ruin it.
fukk dc. The company been inept and over the years. It is hard to count how many quality project come from them at this point.
As I really have to point out how hard it is to remember the last time WB.
let alone dc had a high quality anything.
Art Barr
Lex wasn't black in the cartoon.
WB just needs to release the current slate and do a soft reboot. Deemphasize the connected universe of the MCU. Just concentrate on telling the stories they already have.
With all do respect
We don’t want Zack Snyder vision.......
If anything we want SCOTT SNYDER vision
Scott Snyder>>>>>>>>Zack Snyder and that can’t be disputed
Nobody that was even comparable back then. They didn't have Spider-Man, Hulk, or Wolverine and those were arguably the most well known Marvel characters back then.It’s stillhow they have 3 of the biggest superheroes of all time and they’re still fukking this up.
Who did Marvel even have that was as popular as Batman, Supes and Wonder Woman when the MCU started? Hulk? Wolverine?
DC should be the ones killing in this situation and they went about it all bad
Why the fukk are we still waiting for Aquaman, Flashpoint and Cyborg?