I've already stated that Zimmerman went beyond the call and should not used lethal force and I know i sure as hell wouldn't...i don't believe i would get my ass whipped like that either
do you not realize the media wanted Zimmerman convicted? The white house and hell even 3 of the jurors wanted to convict Zimmerman of something but there was no strong evidence
so if professionals such as the prosecution couldn't find strong witnesses to dispute Zimmerman's account of what happened why in the hell would i take what you say with any ounce of credibility? You a guy who sits here and plays videogames all day and when not playing is sitting here with his pom poms over a system and company he probably doesn't even own stock in...not that Microsoft is really a growth stock any way i'd steer clear personally its pretty stale...
again keeping it simple without being able to dispute Zim's story and taking it at face value...he who strikes first is fukked for the most part legally
I see you are getting upset as people who are losing arguments often do. I play games and post here all day? How would you know that unless you here, posting all day
Is it relevant? No. Thank you for trying to "discredit" me just like they always do to black people
But back to what you was saying before you starting crying. I'm gonna bold that. According to your logic, I would always be wrong even if I was right. Because who am I afterall, I'm not the oppressor who obviously can do no wrong in your eyes. They didn't find him guilty, but they wanted to right
So then tell me, how come when they do have evidence the same results happen?
You probably really think black ppl are just blindly going with Trayvon like white ppl are blindly going with Zimmeran right? I've been in Trayvon's shoes literally
DOZENS of times. I just didn't get shot tho.
Since you don't understand this, here's some more evidence of what this no credibility guy has been thru...
^^^ shyt goes down like that all the time ^^^
Let me show the the White version of that same scenario...
Never too old, this guy the cop says had a knife in his hand...
Here's them telling this lady how they not gonna lock her up, then immediately tells the camera man if he keeps recording "he's gonna get locked up too" which thus means hes trying to lock up the woman.
Why? She didn't have ID on her
Just showing you how "because some government person said they looked into it means NOTHING