Bruh, you are not even using your brain on this one. You are simply repeating what the oppressor decided. But let me show you how there are two laws going on here. One for blacks, one for whites.
Didn't Zimmerman call the police? And they told him to stand down. So thats worse than "leaving" like Marissa did. BUT, Marissa left where? Into another room?
Here is there exact wording on why
How is that different than Zimmerman talking to police first, then going against what they told him and brought A GUN
Now if she felt like her life was in danger, why couldn't she leave to get the gun
If she was really trying to kill him she would have. She fired a warning shot. People fire warning shots when they are trying to keep themselves safe from danger. So its clear she "felt" in danger. But the "Jury" of here peers
didn't agree. So here's that 2nd law I was talking about...
Yeah, that 20yr law is aimed only a black people to fill up the jails bruh. Zimmerman just puts that reality in the limelight. We 14% of the population, but 75% of the jail population. Go to any courtroom and you'll see mostly minorities. Its not because minorites are violent, its because we are targeted. Its designed this way, they call it modern day slavery. I could drop some real science, but I'm not sure yall ready for all that. What I will do, is present my nikka Ron Paul. Yup, supposedly racist Ron Paul.
I know the nice stories of how he is racist, but I feel that is just what they want you to believe because he would actually make the changes that nobody is willing to make... including Obama who is nothing more than a puppet. Word to the NSA