Slystallion Higher Learning Retirement Roast


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Not to derail this deserved verbal lashing to the OP, and I shouldn't have to point this out but... an argument against X isn't one for Y. Even if you thought Clinton was hands down the worst person for the job, that in no way supports the notion that Donald Trump would be good for the job. Setting aside the abundant evidence that Clinton is just a better person than Trump, this position forgets the fact that she didn't run against him in the Republican primaries. But even in a race Clinton didn't take part in, millions supported this obvious conman and simpleton for the GOP where's your logical argument?

All I've heard for that are things like:
"B-b-but he's not a politician, he's a business man".

Okay... am I the only one that remembers, just eight years ago, how much emphasis the right put on Barack Obama's lack of political experience? These past two years revealed to me how quickly some will abandon their so called "principles".

but there you go again, you arent asking for a logical reason, you are asking me for a pro trump argument that you agree with, you are too emotional to accept any arguments as logical that you dont agree with

actually an argument against x is a reason for Y, in a two person race, that's like saying a touchdown for team x is not necessarily against team y in a football game

how exactly is hillary a better person? hillary is a known liar, a defender of child molesters, incompetent, arrogant, a wall street shill, war monger, political hack, racist and her and her husband were the architects of the prison industrial complex

there is a logical argument that 8 years is enough for a party to be in power, and switching parties is important in keeping a balance of power in DC

and if you don't agree with hillary's political views then its perfectly logical to vote for trump


All Star
May 28, 2012
but there you go again, you arent asking for a logical reason, you are asking me for a pro trump argument that you agree with, you are too emotional to accept any arguments as logical that you dont agree with

actually an argument against x is a reason for Y, in a two person race, that's like saying a touchdown for team x is not necessarily against team y in a football game

how exactly is hillary a better person? hillary is a known liar, a defender of child molesters, incompetent, arrogant, a wall street shill, war monger, political hack, racist and her and her husband were the architects of the prison industrial complex

there is a logical argument that 8 years is enough for a party to be in power, and switching parties is important in keeping a balance of power in DC

and if you don't agree with hillary's political views then its perfectly logical to vote for trump

How am I being emotional? Sounds like a way to deflect and avoid answering the question.

The general election wasn't a two person race. Multiple third party candidates were on the ballot, in addition to voters having the ability to cast write-ins, or not vote at all, so stop it with the shytty analogy. And I notice you are desperately trying to avoid this fact, but Hillary Clinton did not run against Donald Trump in any of the elections between February and June 2016. So even if you are conservative and generally vote Republican, you have not made an argument in support of why Trump over Cruz, or Kasich, or Rubio, etc. Do that, or shut the fukk up.

But really, the sad thing about these descriptors you use in regards to Clinton could absolutely be used to describe Trump, but you seem unable to acknowledge that. I'm not trying to defend Hillary, don't get me wrong, but Trump is a complete ignoramus in the political realm in ways Hillary isn't (and honestly, his business acumen is under question too). Trump just happens to have the luxury of never holding public office, but we can see the terrible decisions he's made over the years ... from the Trump University scandal, to his involvement with the USFL. His remarks on the Central Park Five, to accusals of sexual misconduct against him personally ... not just a spouse. And just look at how he behaves now as the leader of the free world. I mean, between his tweeting and his general lack of decorum on the world stage, are you actually proud to have that person as the representative of our nation? That HE is of the greatest mind and statesmanship that our society can produce? fukk that, I'm still waiting on a pro-Trump argument for him being POTUS, not an anti-Clinton one.


All Star
Jul 13, 2015
but there you go again, you arent asking for a logical reason, you are asking me for a pro trump argument that you agree with, you are too emotional to accept any arguments as logical that you dont agree with

actually an argument against x is a reason for Y, in a two person race, that's like saying a touchdown for team x is not necessarily against team y in a football game

how exactly is hillary a better person? hillary is a known liar, a defender of child molesters, incompetent, arrogant, a wall street shill, war monger, political hack, racist and her and her husband were the architects of the prison industrial complex

there is a logical argument that 8 years is enough for a party to be in power, and switching parties is important in keeping a balance of power in DC

and if you don't agree with hillary's political views then its perfectly logical to vote for trump
challenge for you: start paying attention to the people Trump is putting on the courts and in the agencies. You will change your mind about some of your working assumptions if you're honest about it. Guaranteed.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How am I being emotional? Sounds like a way to deflect and avoid answering the question.

The general election wasn't a two person race. Multiple third party candidates were on the ballot, in addition to voters having the ability to cast write-ins, or not vote at all, so stop it with the shytty analogy. And I notice you are desperately trying to avoid this fact, but Hillary Clinton did not run against Donald Trump in any of the elections between February and June 2016. So even if you are conservative and generally vote Republican, you have not made an argument in support of why Trump over Cruz, or Kasich, or Rubio, etc. Do that, or shut the fukk up.

But really, the sad thing about these descriptors you use in regards to Clinton could absolutely be used to describe Trump, but you seem unable to acknowledge that. I'm not trying to defend Hillary, don't get me wrong, but Trump is a complete ignoramus in the political realm in ways Hillary isn't (and honestly, his business acumen is under question too). Trump just happens to have the luxury of never holding public office, but we can see the terrible decisions he's made over the years ... from the Trump University scandal, to his involvement with the USFL. His remarks on the Central Park Five, to accusals of sexual misconduct against him personally ... not just a spouse. And just look at how he behaves now as the leader of the free world. I mean, between his tweeting and his general lack of decorum on the world stage, are you actually proud to have that person as the representative of our nation? That HE is of the greatest mind and statesmanship that our society can produce? fukk that, I'm still waiting on a pro-Trump argument for him being POTUS, not an anti-Clinton one.

Your whole post is emotional, you are not asking me for a logical pro trump argument, you are asking me to make a convincing argument that is acceptable to you

If a person has political disagreements with other candidates it’s perfectly logical to vote for trump, deal with it breh

That’s just facts and logic, I don’t have anything to assuage your feelings over the election

Going tit for tat about details of candidates is political not logical

Overall there is a cyclical nature to American politics that said the republican candidate was going to win in 2016, if people stuck to facts and logic they would have seen this

I predicted that Hillary was going to lose and people laughed but I stick to facts and logic

Just like I predicted that the Democrats would win the house in 2018 and people are laughing now, I’m just sticking to facts and logic
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
challenge for you: start paying attention to the people Trump is putting on the courts and in the agencies. You will change your mind about some of your working assumptions if you're honest about it. Guaranteed.

I’m fully aware of what trump is putting into the courts


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
And yet you flippantly say we need a change every 8 years as if that fukking means something :laff:

Change is coming alright :stopitslime:

There is an obvious pattern of the public getting fatigued by the party in power and that creates a cycle, that has nothing to do with my opinion it’s just facts

Ignoring facts is what led to a lot of people looking stupid and crying on election night

Yes change is coming, that’s my whole point


All Star
May 28, 2012
Your whole post is emotional, you are not asking me for a logical pro trump argument, you are asking me to make an a convincing argument that is acceptable to you

If a person has political disagreements with other candidates it’s perfectly logical to vote for trump, deal with it breh

That’s just facts and logic, I don’t have anything to assuage your feelings over the election

Going tit for tat about details of candidates is political not logical

Overall there is a cyclical nature to American politics that said the republican candidate was going to win in 2016, if people stuck to facts and logic they would have seen this

I predicted that Hillary was going to lose and people laughed but I stick to facts and logic

Just like I predicted that the Democrats would win the house in 2018 and people are laughing now, I’m just sticking to facts and logic


All you've done is solidify Hood Critic's original point: You're struggling to articulate a reasonable argument in defense of Donald Trump for POTUS. If you could, you wouldn't be juelz-ing by accusing others of not looking at this rationally, or focusing solely on Clinton's flaws (while conveniently ignoring Trumps).


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

All you've done is solidify Hood Critic's original point: You're struggling to articulate a reasonable argument in defense of Donald Trump for POTUS. If you could, you wouldn't be juelz-ing by accusing others of not looking at this rationally, or focusing solely on Clinton's flaws (while conveniently ignoring Trumps).

im not struggling to articulate a "reasonable argument in defense of Donald Trump for POTUS", again what you are really asking me for is a reason that you agree with and that assuages your emotions, i cant do that

stopping hillary clinton from becoming president is a perfectly logical reason to vote for trump, the fact that you dont agree with it or you do not find it reasonable doesnt mean its not logical
May 3, 2012
St louis
trump sending the klan
back to guatamala huh alberto?
only so long you can pose as
an italian.


Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
im not struggling to articulate a "reasonable argument in defense of Donald Trump for POTUS", again what you are really asking me for is a reason that you agree with and that assuages your emotions, i cant do that

stopping hillary clinton from becoming president is a perfectly logical reason to vote for trump, the fact that you dont agree with it or you do not find it reasonable doesnt mean its not logical
There has never been a less qualified candidate to hold any political office in this nations history. Trump is a eugenicist, a fasisct, a white supremacist, a petty, violent, and vindictive narcissist, a traitor, a member of organized Italian and Russian crime business, the son of a terrorist, a rapist, a pedophile, a warmongerer, and he’s openly obsessed with nuclear war which would mean the end of life as we know it for the entire planet as opposed to his just attempting to crash the economy and turn this nation into the white supremacist dictatorship he’s been working to turn it into since his first day on the job. A legit argument can be made that he’s the most dangerous politician to hold any political office since Berlin fell to the red army in 1945. Negged and ignored for flagrant stupidity :camby:
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